chapter eleven, name day.
It had been a few days since Aegon and Alana conversation with another. It was now Alana's name day, in truth Alana was beginning to get tired of all these feasts.
Cregan, had written her a letter that he would not be able to attend her name day, as Arra Norrey's pregnancy symptoms were beginning to worsen. Alana understood but was deeply saddened by the news, no family would be there for her.
Alana sat at the feast, as lords and ladies came up to the table to congratulate her. The King was not there, as he did not feel well enough to join. The Queen and Hand sat together talking amongst each other. Aemond sat in his chair next to the Hand, drinking a goblet of wine. Helaena stood next the dance floor, watching the lords and ladies dance. Aegon sat next to Alana, watching his family.
Aegon breathed a sigh of relief when the last lord and lady left that came up to congratulate. He stood up, his chair scraping against the stone floor. "I need some air." He spoke, before leaving the table walking out of the Great Hall.
Alana watched Aegon leave the room, a sudden guilt crept onto her. Had she done something wrong? She looked at the other royal family members at the table and saw Aemond staring at her. He didn't seem drunk, but kept sipping his wine.
Alana and Aemond kept eye contact, his stare made Alana uneasy. His stare was like he could read every thought in her mind. Alana looked away and got up from her chair, going to look for Aegon, despite it being her name day.
She stepped out of the Great Hall. Her heels sounded off the stone grounds. The Hall was dimly lit besides for a few torches on the walls. As she walked away, the sounds of laughter and music slowly fading away.
She stepped out to the Godswood, she doubted that Aegon would be here, but he was, and he was staring at the Large tree. Being back here suddenly felt like being back at Winterfell when she'd come to the Godswood to read a book to try and feel somewhat closer to her Mother.
She stepped towards him, standing next to him. He didn't tear his gaze away from the tree though.
Alana didn't know really what to say to him, "In Winterfell, when my mother died. I used to sit in the Godswood for hours and hours reading. I felt it as a way to get closer to my mother despite her not being here anymore."
Aegon tore his gaze away from the tree and looked at Alana, his violet eyes meeting her brown eyed ones "When my mother would yell at me for hours and hours, I snuck out of the castle, and went to the sept. She told me when I was a boy, that she'd go to the sept to find it a way to be closer to her mother. I figured that it would help as well. It didn't really help, but I could find some peace."
They were both quiet for a while before Aegon spoke again, "Did it help? Being in the Godswood in Winterfell?"
"It did. My brother would sometimes go with me." Alana smiled, remembering the memory.
"Ah, The Wolf of the North, sitting in the Godswood while you read. Who would have thought." Aegon chuckled, looking back at the tree.
"I doubt he even listened to what I was reading." Alana laughed, shaking her head.
Aegon smiled, "I doubt he would want to listen about fairytales and what not."
"I would actually like to tell you that I was reading about The Histories of Beyond the Wall." Alana looked at him, who looked back at her.
"The Histories of Beyond the Wall? Like the Nights Watch, and Wildings." Aegon raised his eyebrows.
Alana nodded her head, leaning on her foot. "There is a much more complicated history of Beyond the Wall than just Wildings."
"Such as?" Aegon tilted his head.
"That is a conversation for another time, and not on my name day" Alana spoke, shrugging her shoulders.
Aegon raised his hands in surrender, "Fair Enough."
"I'm suprised no one has come looking for us yet." Alana spoke looking back at the Godswood.
"They are probably too drunk and enjoying themselves." Aegon nodded, looking towards the Godswood as well.
Alana smiled before looked back towards Aegon. "We should go back to the feast, before they actually notice we're gone."
Aegon sighed before nodding looking away from the Godswood. "I suppose..."
Alana nodded before turning her heel away from
the Godswood. "Wait." Aegon grabbed her arm. "After the feast, and everyone has gone to sleep. I'm going to show you somewhere."
"And go where?" Alana looked back at him.
"To Flea bottom, your name day seemed boring than you probably would have liked" Aegon spoke which made Alana's eyes go wide. "Do you trust me?"
"Perhaps I shouldn't..but I do." Alana nodded.
hopefully this chap is good..i do feel like a lot was talked about in his chapter. but i do like how this chapter was written
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