chapter six, the tourney
Alana sat fidgeting her rings on her fingers as she watched the tourney, the whole thing was boring watching as men ran at each other on horses with a lance.
Aegon looked at his wife's hands, as she twisted them around her fingers. Since her being here for a moon he noticed that she did it a lot when she was nervous. "Do you always twist your rings when you're nervous?" Aegon asked, holding his second cup of wine in hand.
Alana tore her gaze away from the tourney, and looked at Aegon. "Oh." She looked at her hands. "I didn't realize."
Aegon nodded, and looked back at the tourney. His Mother Queen Alicent was behind them with the King, watching the pair.
"So, you don't like tourneys and such?" Alana asked, bringing his attention back to her.
"No." He shook his head putting his wine down on a table between them "It's just men knocking other men off their horses and calling it entertainment."
Alana chuckled, "So, you'd be rather doing something else? Not being here one our wedding event?"
Aegon scoffed, "There are a lot more things i'd rather be doing instead of watching grown men fight another for useless entertainment." He leaned back into his chair even more, grabbing his wine sipping on it. "What about you?"
Alana looked back at her hands, twisting her rings "Yes, i'd maybe in the gardens with Helaena, or riding on my horse."
"Horse riding?" Aegon raised his eyebrow, putting his goblet of wine down.
Alana nodded, looking back up at him. "When I was in Winterfell, some days wouldn't be as cold as others and my brother and I would ride out together."
Aegon nodded, and looked at the redness around his nail from picking at it "I will admit, when I first talked to you I thought you'd talk..a bit more rougher.."
"Because i'm northerner?" Alana raised her eyebrows, as the royal family around them watched the tourney all having intense stares.
Aegon nodded and looked at her, "Yes..I thought you'd sound more rougher."
"Well, I suppose my mother taught me well." Alana smiled and nodded, looking back to the tourney.
Aegon nodded, "You even talk like a southerner, but you're still straight-forward like a northerner." He said, before looking back at the tourney as well.
After the tourney, Alana walked with Arra Norrey down the many stairs of the Red Keep. In truth, Alana was a bit annoyed that they decided to leave earlier than what she expected.
"Must you go so soon?" Alana asked, as Arra's maid carried her bag behind them.
"As much as I would like to stay, Mine and Cregan's place is in Winterfell." Arra smiled sadly, as guards pushed open the large doors revealing the courtyard where Cregan was helping putting the bags away.
"I know, but you must write more often. Especially with you going to have my niece or nephew." Alana smiled, as they walked down the few steps.
"I will, also at the tourney this morning Cregan and I decided to names." Arra smiled a hand on her slight bump on her stomach.
"Like what?"
"If it's a boy, then Rickon...If it's a girl, then Gilliane." Arra nodded, motioning her maid to put her bag in the carriage.
Alana smiled at the names chosen, both of her parents names. "Wonderful names."
Cregan came up to them, scratching his chin. "I'm done with the hot shit smelling place."
Alana laughed at his words, "If you come more often you'll get used to it." She said, but he wouldn't she knew that.
"The carriage is ready my lord." A servant, nodded at him before walking away.
Alana sighed, twisting her rings. "I will miss you both."
Arra smiled as Cregan opened the carriage door, "I do hope when we come see you next you'll be full with child." Arra said.
"...Perhaps." Alana nodded, watching as Arra disappeared into the carriage.
Alana walked up to Cregan and hugged him, "Send more letters big brother."
"Seven hells, i'll try." Cregan laughed, pulling away from the hug. "Send us letters as well." Cregan nodded at her, before also disappearing in the carriage.
Alana stepped back, watching as the carriage rode off, the horses hooves digging into the ground.
yet again, i was half asleep when i wrote this, don't judge on the mistakes!
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