The month of August showed great promise to those in Riverdale-or at least, that's what they wanted to think. After the ordeal of Jason Blossom's death, the town became eerie and silent. Residents wouldn't stay out late anymore, the streets were usually empty once the clock struck past ten.
People didn't look at each other like the way they used to. Instead of smiles, faces were painted with shallow expressions. The town had lost it's gleeful touch, but could you blame them? For all they knew, there was a killer walking amongst them.
"Are you sure? I clearly remember Kit Kat having a hyphen in-between it."
"I'm positive."
Roman twists her lips, leaning against a set of lockers as Jughead pulls a textbook out of his, and later, another journal. She scoffs, mostly at the same pattern it displays, only this journal looks more clean and less damaged, so she knows it's a new one. Still, it seemed as if last week he had just started writing in another one-how weird. Roman couldn't even finish one essay in a month.
"But, you do agree that the Mandela Effect exists, don't you?" She folds her arms over her chest, noticing the way Jughead's lips curve into a half-hearted smile. He shuts his locker, dipping the book and journal underneath his arm.
"Yes, Roman, on some levels I agree with you." The girl isn't sure why, but it feels satisfying that there's someone who won't bash her out for her simple opinions. She opens her mouth to deepen the conversation, only to have Jughead interrupt her.
"But, no matter what you say, I will never believe that there was a dash between Kit and Kat."
"How do I kindly decline this offer?" She holds the small sign-up sheet out in front of her, narrowing her eyes at it. Roman can almost feel the Principal becoming more, and more, irritated with her.
Lowering the paper, the student is welcomed with that pissy face. Something inside of her screams to keep her mouth shut, no more witty remarks.
"Roman, you and Jughead Jones are the only two students in the Photography Club."
You don't say.
"If you don't find five more people willing to join, we'll have to cancel it."
"Wow, suddenly I have lost the ability to- wait, what?" Her eyes widen, nails digging into the now crinkled paper. The Principal's expression doesn't change a bit, he doesn't appear to care as much as Roman does.
"You heard me. The school has a budget, Williams, we can't have all the clubs up and running. Especially if that club has two participants."
"Shouldn't Jughead's intellect count as two instead of one?"
"Ms. Williams,"
"Alright, alright. I understand..." Roman sighs, shoulders sagging as she furrows her brow. The Photography Club seemed to be the only place where she felt at ease, as cheesy and pitiful it sounded. She highly disliked the majority of her classmates. The kids were boring and...sort of annoying. Pictures didn't do that, photographs wouldn't do that. Everything was just still in that place-in that club.
And so it was settled in her mind, she would save the Photography Club. Not just because she wanted to, but because if she didn't, Jughead would never let her hear the end of it. Besides, maybe she could make some new friends, ones who didn't follow the footsteps of their peers.
The teenager sucked in a breath, straightening herself as a smile took it's place on her lips.
"I'll get to it, as soon as I get a new copy of this." She waves the sheet lightly in the air.
Roman swears at the stapler for the millionth time, not sure as to why she hadn't just grabbed a couple thumbtacks. God, she could be a dumbass sometimes.
"Hey Roman-" The voice comes out of nowhere, and she squeaks before thrashing the stapler into the bulletin board. Her head steers to the figures behind her, terrified one second, to slightly relieved the next.
"Josie-and The Pussycats," She nods her head to the other two, "Aren't you three just sly as...?"
"Sure." Roman shrugs, turning back to her work, one down, three more to go. She notices her hands trembling as she presses down a new staple into the paper.
As much as The Pussycats are good at singing, they still scare the shit out of Roman. The way they're here one second and gone the next, it just doesn't seem right. She's got her theories, some that she needs to discuss with the school board.
"Trying to save your precious club?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Well, seeing that you're hanging a sign-up sheet for the Photography Club-"
"That was a rhetorical question." Roman nutters under her breath, surprised the feline even heard the comment.
A moment of silence flies by, and the girl wonders if the trio has vanished, as usual. Yet, when she turns to face them, they're all still there, eyes narrowed in unison, more intimidating than ever. Roman wished that she could just shut the hell up.
"We know you don't like us, Roman Williams," The girl who typically stands on Josie's right hisses.
"And we know you think we have something up our sleeves-"
"But trust us, girl, we know things that you won't believe."
The band stays in their position for a few more seconds, before they part, in unison. Roman's lips are sealed shut, as she is too appalled to speak. She knew Josie and The Pussycats were weird, but this was just bizarre.
"See you around, Williams." Josie turns back around, one last time, her movements as graceful as a cat. A wicked smile dashes across her glossed lips before it disappears, like the trinity.
this is a mess, kind of like me!!
well here it is folks, i hope u like it so far :') i tried to let you guys see what goes on in a day of roman's life ??? she's kind of unusual herself, lesbe honest
and idk about you but ?? i just really like the idea of her and juggie being best friends. they're just two dorks let them be!
also,, the timing might be a little confusing but let's just say this is the first day of their sophomore year (lmao as if they really are sophomores you're not fooling anyone cw) !!
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