[a cuspide corona]
As the sun set over New Rome, everyone within the city and the camp stood in the Forum. People watched from balconies, on the steps of shops and houses, from just about any vantage point that one could find. For most of the valley's inhabitants, they'd chosen to stand in the massive crowd at the foot of the newly restored Senate House, which had been decked out in banners of violet and gold, celebrating the coronation of a new praetor and a new dawn for halfbloods everywhere.
Tessa stood at the front of the crowd, alongside her friends. Members of the three task-forces, from Tessa's original one, to the Regiment's rogue force, to Madi and Ben's Greek defense squad stood in the crowd, eager to watch the ceremony. Tessa and many of her friends hadn't seen the Roman camp in eleven days, and while memories of the past few weeks surfaced as she stood in the refurbished city, she forced them aside. Today was a day of happiness, of rejoice, of rebirth. Even the shadows of the past can't compare to the dawn of the future.
Mark, standing beside Tessa, elbowed her to snag her attention. "How do you think he's feeling?" He glanced at her with an impish look.
Tessa fought a laugh. If she knew Kaden, he'd be cool and levelheaded on the outside, but a ball of nervous energy within. "Guess we'll find out."
"Five bucks says he trips on his toga," Dale chimed from behind them. The daughter of Demeter had braided her hair into a crown of its own atop her head, and similarly to the rest of the group, had dressed up for the occasion.
Reese snorted from Tessa's other side. "It's Kaden, of course he'll do something embarrassing."
Tessa grinned at the son of Apollo. Despite the tragedy of what had happened not even two weeks ago, he seemed to be recuperating. He smiled more, he seemed more like himself, and while Tessa understood that he'd never be the same, she knew that Reese was bound to be himself in no time.
"I don't know," Imogen drawled from Reese's other side. "Gray seems pretty chill."
A moment passed, before Tessa, Mark, Dale, and Reese burst into laughter. Imogen cracked a smile and rolled her eyes, but before she could continue with the camaraderie, the sound of a fanfare filled the air.
Tessa averted her gaze to the Senate House, and watched as the procession began. Various senators and Lares filed out of the immaculate building, taking their seats and stances along the pillars and walls outside. Following them was Luci, donning shimmering blue and gold robes and an intricate veil dotted with stars. The augur carried a violet and gold pillow, atop which sat a golden laurel wreath. And after Luci came Kaya, dressed in a flowing violet gown that was cinched closed with a golden belt. Her officer's cloak was draped across her shoulders, and as she reached the front of the platform, she stepped aside.
And then Kaden emerged from the open doors, a sheepish smile on his face as the crowd began to roar. Here was their hero, the son of Venus who had returned at long last to defend the city from the drakon of Orion's encampment. Like always, Kaden had dressed sharply for the occasion; a button-up and slacks were beneath the violet toga he wore, and Tessa could see from her spot in the crowd that he was beaming by the time he reached the front of the platform.
The ceremony began, and Tessa tried to follow along, but half of it was said in Latin by some of the senators and Lares. There was a moment of silence for the fallen of the two battles against the Regiment, including Alex Devan, former praetor. However, joy filled the ceremony, and somewhere in Elysium, Tessa knew that Alex would be proud of the son of Venus being coronated. She watched eagerly as Kaden had various blessings and medals bestowed upon him, and all the while she gripped the pendant of the necklace he had given her all those weeks ago, a symbol of how far they'd come.
"Do you solemnly swear to lead the legion at your command responsibly and efficiently, through victory and loss, for as long as you shall have this title?" One of the older senators boomed, reading from a large scroll that must have dated back to the old Roman Empire.
Kaden took a deep breath, his emerald eyes sparkling. "I solemnly swear to do so."
Tessa held her breath, failing to fight the massive smile on her face. She watched as the senator nodded to Luci, who proceeded to lift the laurel wreath off of the pillow. Kaya followed, her hands glowing in golden energy. Luci placed the laurel wreath atop Kaden's head, and with a quick incantation from Kaya, the toga around Kaden's body was manipulated to her whim, forming a cloak identical to her own.
"Legionnaires, veterans, citizens of New Rome, friends old and new," Luci began, her voice radiating across the entire Forum. "I present to you Kaden Thomas Gray, son of Venus and praetor the Twelfth Legion Fulminata!"
The masses responded with a resounding 'Ave!' before bursting into applause and cheers. Kaden and Kaya gripped hands in victory, standing before their people, and as the crowd raged on in celebration, Tessa caught Kaden's eye, smiling at him with all the love in her heart as she and their friends cheered at the top of their lungs.
Night settled atop the city, and finally, it was time to ring in the coronation with a traditional Roman party.
New Rome was illuminated in the darkness by magic, and all throughout the city streets, people lined the cobblestone paths, chatting and dining and laughing, ringing in the celebration. Music floated through the air, all the way to the Principia, where the legion was celebrating.
Tessa and her friends danced to the beat without a care in the world, singing along to the songs playing through the Principia. Lights flashed from disco balls and strobe lights, and confetti fell through the air. It was the happiest night of Tessa's life to date, and she realized as she walked out of the pulpit and to the sidelines of the room that this was her idea of a well-needed break.
She'd just grabbed a drink when a hand wrapped around hers, and the next thing she knew she was being carted out of the Principia. Before she could process an attack, she found herself staring into Kaden's glimmering eyes under the starlight.
Tessa beamed at him, "Hey."
Kaden returned the smile. "Hey," He leant forward and captured her lips in a slow kiss, and Tessa felt the world disappear from around them at the motion. He pulled away after a moment, still radiating happiness. "Enjoying the party?"
"It's great," Tessa nodded. "But I've been wanting to see you since the coronation."
Kaden tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, caressing her face delicately. "The feeling's mutual," he muttered.
Tessa leant into his touch for a moment before slipping her hand in his. Together, they walked over to one of the benches in the Principia's courtyard. "So how does it feel?" She asked him.
Kaden shrugged. "I don't feel any different if that's what you mean, but...it feels great." His eyes locked on a point in the distance, a melancholy smile on his face. "I'd been dreaming of today since I was a kid, and to have it finally happen is just...incredible."
Tessa smiled, taking in the sight of her boyfriend so happy beside her. "I'm proud of you, Kaden," She squeezed his hand. "So immensely proud."
Kaden turned to her, a wide grin on his face. He pulled her in for another kiss, and Tessa smiled into it. He pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers. "This moment is perfect," He sighed.
"Agreed," Tessa laughed under her breath, pulling away to smile at him. She saw him bite his lip, and narrowed her eyes. "Kaden..." She started slowly.
"There's something I need to ask you, and you totally can say no if you want to." Kaden started quickly, taking a deep breath. He clasped his hands in hers, and Tessa's heart began to pound in her chest. "So...we're both seventeen. I'm turning eighteen in August and you will be in September, and this fall, had we been normal mortal teenagers, we'd be expected to go to college."
Tessa arched an eyebrow. "Go on," She said.
"Well...there's a college here in New Rome. It's an outstanding school, with some of the best minds from throughout time and both camps serving as teachers and professors. I know that after today, you'll have to go back to Camp Half-Blood, and I'm going to be leading New Rome, but in the fall...we can both go to college here. Together." Kaden bit his lip, gauging her eyes.
Tessa's heart flipped. She grinned, leaning forward to kiss him happily. "That would be perfect," She decided.
Kaden sighed in relief. "Thank the gods," he glanced up at the sky and Tessa laughed. They kissed again, until the sound of laughter and footsteps split them apart.
"Oy, lovebirds!" Imogen called, walking down the steps of the Principia. Her hand was linked in Reese's, and following them were Dale, Mark, and Sophia. All of them were smiling and laughing, and Tessa felt a knot within her disappear—her friends deserved the happiness they were feeling, at the very least.
"Says the girl who leaves mysterious marks around Reese's neck," Tessa called back, a laugh laced in her voice.
"Like you haven't left any on Gray," Imogen retorted as the group stopped before them.
"Ugh, please, before I vomit," Mark held up a hand to halt the conversation, causing the group to laugh.
Tessa and Kaden stood up, forming a circle with their friends. They both wrapped an arm around each other, and Tessa felt part of the universe just fall into place; she didn't need an alternate universe to know that being with Kaden and her friends was where she was meant to be.
"You guys are missing the party," Sophia noted, her pale blue eyes glinting in the moonlight. The daughter of Athena looked significantly relieved nowadays, considering Alexia was slowly recuperating from the energy it took to make it seem like she'd died at Vinny's hand during the battle. But the two girls were together and happy, and Tessa couldn't be happier for her friend.
Kaden shrugged. "There'll always be more parties."
"But not Roman parties," Dale countered. "And you guys know what you're doing, if I have to admit it."
Imogen and Kaden locked eyes before addressing the group. "We know," They chorused.
Tessa laughed, running her free hand through her hair. "The praetor had some business he wanted to discuss with me, don't worry."
Reese arched a suspicious eyebrow. "Business?"
"College," Kaden chimed. "In New Rome this fall. And I'm inviting you all as well."
Mark made a face. "I don't know, Kaden, I've gone a few years without the classroom environment, and frankly, I don't miss it."
Kaden laughed, Tessa's heart fluttering at the sound. "Just look at a brochure will you, Akagi?"
Mark made a considerate sound, reaching up to stroke his chin in thought. "I suppose," He heaved a dramatic sigh.
Tessa grinned, and as the group decided to head back to the party to rejoin their other friends, she found herself looking up at the stars. An entire night sky glittering with stars rested above them, a myriad of indigo and violet and white, and as Tessa walked, she couldn't stop herself from thinking.
Even if other universes were awaiting, she had a good feeling that she and her friends were still together, laughing and talking and dancing the night away. Not even time and space could bend a bond so strong, no matter what was written in the stars above them all.
Dust settled along the floor of the ruined pavilion of portals, collecting over the rusting blood stains and debris. A soft breeze blew through the dead grass surrounding the pavilion, and at the head of the space, stood the platform atop which Orion once set his throne.
And with a burst of light as if a new universe had ignited, the pockets between the pillars and arches shimmered into existence once more. Blasts and hisses and a constant resonation of the portals' energy hummed through the air, and from one portal, a figure stepped through.
He was tall, lean, with defined muscles. His light brown hair tousled softly in the breeze, and his eyes glimmered with a constant glint of mischief. The boy donned typical clothing; jeans, a white t-shirt underneath a leather jacket, and sneakers, but it was the sword that hung at his side that put him off as something else.
He eyed the pavilion around him, and with a growing smile, Matthew Baines stepped off of the platform and towards the abandoned convention center at the end of the path.
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