It's Always You // Jaemin
Today, I awoke, happily, for once, for it was my best friend Jaemin's birthday. I had made something very special for him the night before and I stayed up until 2:30 in the morning nearly just to complete it for him. It was a collage/timeline containing hundreds of tiny, small pictures of Jaemin and I throughout our friendship. I also wrote a long, poetic-confession-of-every-feeling I-have-towards-him card. I've had the hugest crush on Jaemin since the first month we became friends and 8 years later (now), I still haven't had the nerve to tell him a word hinting towards so. But hopefully my card won't ruin his birthday, let along what we have already.
I stepped out from the bus and slowly made my way into the performing arts hallway. I walked all the way down the long hall to Jaemin's locker, which was right next to mine convieniently enough. My collage was now wrapped in silver paper and a black bow placed on top, with the card slid inbetween the string. I held in down with a single piece of tape just to assure that it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.
I smiled widely, but it began to fade at the sight of Jinheyan (popular chick that bullies you) and Jaemin's lips locked together. My blood boiled inside my body, stirring up anger, heartbreak and jealousy all at once. A lump in my throat was rising up paused my breath. Once I finally caught it, I stopped in my tracks, arms crossed and began clapping. That made Jinheyan pull away, and for some reason, Jaemin looked pissed off.
"Wow, Jaemin. Just wow" was all I said before throwing the gift at his chest.
"Happy fucking birthday Jaemin".
With that, I began storming out of the building. He yelled my name, but I turned away and started running back outside. I grabbed my backpack, unzipped it and grabbed my black, slightly baggy blazer. I put it on and slid my hood over my head before I began walking back home in tears. I couldn't face Jaemin again, not today at least, screw school. My parents had already left for work long before I did for school, so no one would suspect much.
School would have just gotten out about eight minuetes ago, and still, I loed on my couch dwelling and replaying the same nightmare from this morning on the couch. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I rolled my eyes and shouted
"Go away!"
But when the knocking continued, I groaned loudly and shot up from my seat to officially tell them off. I oppened the door to reveal Jaemin with a rose in hand. He honestly looked the saddest I've ever seen him. My first instinct was to tell him off again, considering I was still slightly infuriated and annoyed with him.
"Go away Jaemin. You've already done enough tod-"
"Please, I-"
"How do you think I fe-"
"Y/N.." He took my hands in his.
"Please" he begged with painful, hurt eyes.
"Fine.." I finally agreed and snatched my hand away from his soft grip.
I honestly liked to hold his hand, but I'm supossed to still be mad at/with him, right?
Jaemin sat himself in a high-seat at the table located in the kitchen and began shuffling through his bag. Seconds later, he pulled out a familiar silver scroll.
My gift.
He stared at me for a while before unravelling the wrapping, and once he removed all the paper, he looked at the collage completley mesmorized. He ran his finger tips over the biggest and most recent photo of us, which I placed as the center piece. Behind the picture I glued a paper cut-out of a deep, red colored heart. I glanced at Jaemin and I saw a single tear make it's way from his waterline down his cheek. Honestly, I was not upset with him nearly as much as I was before seeing him like this. I placed my hand over his gently and he turned to look at me, mouth agape.
"Hey, the birthday boys not supossed to cry" I joke, which, luckily earned a small giggle from Jaemin. I rupped his back comfortingly with my other hand and he wrapped his free arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and sighed.
"This may not have been a good start for today, for either of us.. but I can tell you for sure that this gift is the best I've ever gotten" Jaemin said,sniffling after. I smiled slightly, and randomly felt a warm pair of lips against my cheek. An obvious blush crept onto my face, and it made Jaemin chuckle quietly.
"Thank you"
I nodded silently, still embarassed.
"I also wana apologize for what you had to see this morning.. I was just as disgusted as you were".
I didn't say a word.
"She kissed me.. Not the other way around".
There was a lift in my stomach suddenly, and I sighed in relief, finally releasing the lump in my throat. I still was looking down when Jaemin intertwined our fingers together. My eyes widened slightly and averted my eyes from our hands and stared endlessly into Jaemin's dark, beautiful eyes. I didn't notice it at first, but when I did, I realized our faces we're little to nothing apart. My eyes shifted frantically up and down from his eyes and lips.
"Jaemin.." I whispered.
"Yes?" he quietly replied.
"W-what's happening.." I asked nervously.
Both his lips and somehow his eyes smiled at mw genuinley.
"This" Jaemin ended any words by forcing his lips on mine. I gasped against the kiss once I knew what was happening. He tightened his grip on my waist just barely enough and pulled me on his lap. About a minuet later, he reluctantly pulled away, breaking from the kiss slowly.
"You're mine, otey?" he said. I couldn't help but giggle at his comment.
"BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!" Jaemin screamed like a child.
'Yes it is, Jaemin, yes it is' I thought to myself.
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