*FIRST REQUEST* Bravo // Chenle (pt.1)
Hello everyone. I would like to thank my best friend boomingsystemuhuh or 'Christy' (sorry I leaked your real name, deal with it, no one reads my shit one shots anyway XD) This is a Chenle request:
Chenle sees you dancing/drawing in the school auditorium when you thought you were alone and he's like woah thats good so he starts slipping notes into your locker and asks for drawing tips and draws his progress on the back of his notes and you guys exchange notes and drawings for a while then one day hes like hEY LET'S MEET UP and you guys do at like a coffee shop or something and he asks you out hehe
I may or may not ruin this so watch out XD
Also any MONSTA X fans out there? Because I'm thinking of making a MONSTA X One Shot & Imagine book soon, but my stuff doesn't get more than 200 smth reads (so far at least
Anyways, now onto the first request
Your P.O.V:
After a long tiring day ending with P.E. I originally told myself I'd be going home to relax for once on a Friday, but instead I chose to stay, yet once again.
My exposure to other people my age is limited for personal reasons (parents on lockdown 24/7 mainly) so having a hobby is critical for someone like me to be able to have. I already grew bored out of my mind at home not doing much and not having friends at school doesn't help either, so I started to practice dance an drawing about 6 years ago (let's say your a sophmore (10th grader) in this, so you'd started in the 4th grade because most 4th grade students are 9 1/2-11) to fill the void.
Once I graduated middle school ans got into high school, I started going to the empty auditorium after school every day nearly to practice choreography and have a silent place to sketch for hours on end. They (they being school staff) only ever used it for school productions, which only happened 2-3 times a year for a few nights, or assemblies in school hours, mainly discussing the topics of "don't do drugs and don't bully online" kinda shit we get every year. So most of the time I had the place all to my self for as long as I needed without any distractions involved.
I slid my phone from out of my pocket and turned my bluetooth setting on along with speaker and went to my music playlist I downloaded. Today I guess I'll practice 'Good Boy' by GD X TAEYANG. I scrolled down the numerous titles until I found the MV icon with G-Dragon's beautiful face plastered next to the name. I clicked on it and waited for the video to load, and in the meantime I rolled my head back once or twice, sligtly stretching out my neck muscles.
I was panting and sweating heavier than a dog when I collaspwd on the floor. My body lifted (GET IT LIFTE- Lol) of the ground in suprise when I heard slmeone clapping slowly. I rose my weight up from the floor to see what or who was there, and it was none other than Chenle.
I blushed slightly when he walked towards the stage where I was dancing. I gulped and tried thinking of what I could say.
"Bravo, Y/N" Chenle complimented, still applauding and jumping like a school girl in excitement. I smiled slightly and laughed under my breath, even though internally I wanted to die.
"Thanks Chenl- what you know my name?!" I shrieked and almost immediatley covered my mouth after. He smirked, and I saw the confusion in Chenle's eyes under his risen brows. His face was so defined, clear and sharp. It was almlst like it was drawn out perfectly, and without a single flaw to erase.
'Yeah? I have four classes with you?" he reminded me, chucking slightly. I mentally slapped myself at the thought of forgetting all about the fact that I share over 3 hours of my day sitting beside Chenle in class.
"You seemed to know my name, so what's wrong with knowing yo- OH MY GOD DID YOU DRAW THAT?!" he changed the subject from awkward conversation to screaming about my skethbook. I giggled quietly and nodded my headnin response. Chenle struggled to climb up the stage for some reason and fell on me nearly twice accidentally. Once he got up next to me, he sat close beside myself comfortably as I shared my drawings with him. He was in complete awe at every page that turned, making me blush.
Is he really that impressed by my "talents"....?
"Wow. Your amazing, Y/N. I wish I could do stuff like this, but.." his words paused abruptly and he began shuffling through his sweater pocket only to pull out a crumpled and slightly ripped piece of paper with a stick figure walking a dog drawn on the surface. Although the dogs head was a tiny bit- ok, it was really fucking retarded and lopsided as hell looking, but of course I wouldn't insult cute, little Chenle like th-
Wait, he only knows my name and complimented my art/dancing, why am I already calling him cute??? Aish, snap out of it, Y/N!!! >.<
"But... this is the best I can do" he said giving a weak, ingenuine smile.
"Well, I understand if you have a busy schedule or don't need nor want to, but if you'd like, I could definitely try and teach you a thing or two in both fields" I offered. His eyes lit up immediately and his sad smile molded back into a happy, silly one.
"I'd absolutely love that! Plus, we can get to know each other a little better through sharing our hobbies maybe!" Chenle squealed with excitement. I giggled at his tone.
"It'd be nice to have a friend once and while I suppose. Let's set a day we can chat. Wanna do coffee sometime?" I asked kindly. He hummed, and looked a little distracted looking at me, but cut it out once he noticed I was still talking to him.
"Oh yeah! Definitely, how bout tomorrow morning, is 8:00 AM too early?" Chenle requested cutely.
Usually I'd be like "dude thats too fucking early bye hoe" but I seem to really like this Chenle boy, so I'll give it a shot this time.
"That's almost too late for me" I said, and he frowned slightly, mouthing "oh". I scoffed.
"I'm kidding Chenle, I'm an early-bird anyway, 8:00 A.M. works great" I replied convincingly, earning a toothy smile from Chenle. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of arms being wrapped around my body. I sat stiff for a few moments, but hugged back so I didn't seem creeped out. I smiled to myself as hw held me in his warm embrace for about ten seconds.
"I'm sorry, I just love hugs and your hair smells good- wait huh? Sorry, I'll be quiet". I laughed out loud as quietly as I could and once my giggles ended, I sighed in exhaustion, letting my ribcage loosen it's tightness.
"It's okay, I do too, and thank you" I accepted his compliment, and once again that smile of his shot back at me. It was like his teeth shone even whiter than the purest of vanilla ice cream. I was enjoyable to stare at, but I shook my eyes from it to avoid scaring him off
"I should get going, my mom wants me home before 4:00 to help prepare dinner. Big family gathering tonight. But it was nice officially talking to you outside of a classroom. I look forward to tomorrow Y/N. I'll pick you up at 8:00 A.M, promise".
"Oooh, sounds fun, go home and help. As do I. Goodbye Chenle!" I waved goodbye as he stood up from the stage. I tried getting up, but almost fell backwards in the process. Chenle caught me mid fall and chuckled.
"Careful there" he teased with smiling eyes.
"Thanks.. Cya Chenle".
"Bye Y/- Oh i almost forgot!" He began digging in his pockets again and rolled out the same stick figure and dog picture and grabbed my hands
He placed in my left hand firmly and grabbed my other to enclose it between my palms
"You'll need this" he said before skipping off home.
I smiled slightly, ans once tbe auto. door closed, I unravelled the paper to see an arrow drawn next to the dog, telling me to flip it over. When I did, a phone number and name was visible.
'I'll text you at a quarter to 8:00 but you'll want this ♥ - Chenle'
My heart thumped inside of my chest at the thought of having coffee with chenle tomorrow.
What do I wear? Should I bring my art stuff? Does he have art supplies? Or are we going to practice dancing instead?
Too many questions to endure at once, so I grabbed my speaker, sketch book, shoved it in my backpack and sprinted off campus.
Once I got home, I slowed down when I had reached my street. I was looking down at the pavement on the sidewalk over grown with weeds and dandelions when someone shouted my name. I scanned the neighborhood and met eyes with..
"H-hi...?" I replied confused. He just laughed and unlocked his door and went inside.
Then it hit me:
Why did I never notice that Chenle lives across from me?
Omg yayyyyy!! Part two tomorrow Christy, I gotchu. Hope you liked it, because plently more is on the way within the next 2-5 days! :D
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