Bad Girl // Taeil (pt. 2)
Your P.O.V:
Because of the hissy fit Taeil caused in the halls yesterday in front of everyone including teachers, we had to serve a week's worth of detention. I gagged at the thought of having to be in the same room that Taeil stood in for a week. This is NOT going to go well.
After school, I rolled my eyes and groaned as I made my way to detention. When I reached the classroom where our punishment would be held, the door swung open, making my hair go flying in every direction.
"Welcome" he said with a devious smirk. I rolled my eyes and pushed passed him, shoving my shoulder blade into his. He grabbed his shoulder in pain, realizing my leather jacket had spikes on the shoulder pads. I kinda felt bad for some reason and stopped in my tracks, and turned to see him holding his arm. I frowned slightly at the sight.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry.." I apologized, but he let go of his shoulder and bursted out laughing. I rose my eyebrow in confusion.
"What's so funny asshole?" I asked coldly. He continued laughing.
"Y-you we're worried about me?! Haha!!!" he yelled, slamming his hands down on the desk nearest to the door. I rolled my eyes and shoved him slightly.
"I heard that!" he shouted as I sat at the opposite side of the room. I looked to the other people in here and-
Oh no,
Its all 14 of Taeil's buddies.
Taeyong, Haechan, Yuta, Doyoung, WinWin, Jisung, Mark, Johnny, Jaemin, Jeno, Chenle, Hansol, Jaehyun, and Renjun all sat in a huge circle with Taeil in the middle. They we're showing pictures to each other and going "whoa" and "damn" repetitively. I heard Taeyong whistle.
"Taeil's on Y/N's Instagram page again!" Jisung announced in a high sing-song voice. Taeil got pissed quickly and slaped the back of his head. He just laughed alojg with Chenle and Mark while the others gawked at.. supposedly my instagram page? And this isnt the first time?
Shit, I go to school with no make up on so people won't recognize me feom my social media and go apeshit, but somehow Taeil knew my real name and knew damn it was me in those photos. I look nothing like I do in real life than I do in any of the pictures posted on my wall. I slapped my forehead.
I remembered about two weeks aho I got a follow request from someone named "LIEAT_127".
I should've known it was Taeil's name spelled backwards and the second half of his band is '127' but oblivious me thought it was some sasaeng name lie Leah but spelled it weirdly or something
Stupid me never thought to wonder.
"Ok, its 5:00, you all can go, oh and NCT?" Mr. Yamamoto told us as we all rushed to stand up and leave. They all stopped, including me.
"Hmm?" Taeyong hummed.
"No. More. Vandalism."
They ran out laughing, but when I headcounted the idiots, there was only 14. And Taeil was missing.
I turned my head in confusion, and shook it when I stepped out once NCT was out of the halls. When I walked through, the lights flickered creepily, making me gulp in nervousness. All of a sudden, someone slammed my back against the lockers, their hands firmly pinning me down.
"Help!" my scream was muffled my a hand covering my mouth, not letting a word escape louder than an indistinguishable whisper.
"Don't you fucking touch my girlfriend asshole!!!" a familliar voice yelled at the attacker.
Fucking Taeil.
Wait- Taeil?
The attacker immediatley backed off, knowing who Taeil was obviously.
"I'm sorry, I didn't k-know" he apologized shakily.
"JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! NOW!" Taeil's voice rose even louder, making him scatter away. He turned to look at me, now crying from almost being sexually assaulted.
That's twice today.
"Y/N? Y/N are you okay?" he said soothingly, stroking my hair.
"Don't touch me, jerk" I replied slapping his hand away reluctantly.
"Jerk? I just saved your ass from being raped nearly and you have the nerve to call me a jerk? You owe me!" he demanded.
"I don't owe you shit, Taeil! And I'm not your girlfriend! What the fuck was that about!?" I screamed quietly.
"Oh you will be" he said seductively.
"Fucking pig" I said before storming off, heading towards the doors.
"Y/N, wait!" he yelled after me, but I tried to ignore him. I felt him snatch my wrist and my body flew against his as he pulled me back to him. Without hesitation, he pushed his lips to mine roughly. I immediately tried struggling to get free from his grip, but it was no.use. He bit my lip, and I tried as best I could not to let him in, but when he bit harder, I gasped in shock, stupidly allowing him in. Eventually I gave up and kissed back, and almost immediatley when I did, he pulled away, shocked.
"Holy shit.. y-you kissed back.." Taeil stated, dumbfounded.
"Holy shit, you kissed me at all" I said laughing slightly.
"I'm sorry I'm such a douche to you, I just don't know how to not walk past you and not pull you to the side and kiss you. I've liked you for so damn long that I forgot how stupid I was being so rude to you.. I- I fell for you.." he explained. My mouth was left agape in an "o" shape at his words.
"Are you fucking with me Taeil?" I asked
"Nah, but if you wanna, my parents aren't in town, so the place is empty" he joked.
"Perve" I teased him. I felt his hand brush against mine accidentally, and he hid it away slightly out of embarrassment. I smiled.
"It's okay" I reassured him.
"To fuck or hold your hand...?" he wondered out loud stupidly, knowing I was talking about the hand.
"The hand goddamn it Taeil!" I shouted as I began to blush.
"I was kidding! Damn!" He said in surrender. He slowly intertwined our fingers together.
"Aww, I didn't know bad girls blushed" he teased..
"Oh shut up" I told him. He only giggled. His grip tightened slightly on my hand and he rose it to his face.
"I'm so sorry for treating you like a piece of trash. But now, if you let me-" he paused and kissed the top of my hand, making me smile slightly.
"I'll treat my bad girl like a queen" he finished.
"Sure, jerk" I agreed. "Just kidding, I love you Taeil" I said
"Love you too Y/N".
Yayyy!!! I resolved an ending for this one. How'd you all like it? Vote, comment and stay tuned:
Next is Mark Lee, my UB NCT bias ♥♥♥
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