A/N: This is going to be a Renjun x Alternative/Intimidating! Reader because I don't see any of those.
Aight I'll let you read now
". . . Now get with a partner!" Your art teacher clapped her hands and you sighed, looking around. Your teacher had assigned your class a partner project. You would both make a paper mache statue that was at least one foot tall. You knew what you wanted to make a statue of. Moomin. But you highly doubted there was anyone in your class who wanted to do the same.
Sighing, you looked around once again. There wasn't anyone who wasn't already with a partner or wasn't crowded around the most popular artist of the school, Renjun. You saw that he was overwhelmed and you couldn't help but feel sorry for him. You could tell he was an introvert but no one seemed to respect that fact and they didn't leave him alone.
He noticed that you were the only person who wasn't limiting his oxygen supply at that moment so he sent you a look of desperation. You widened your eyes and looked around, not believing that he was looking at you. You pointed a finger at yourself to confirm that this was the case and he nodded his head. You sighed, blowing a raspberry.
You stood up and went up to the crowd. "Yah! Out of the way." You yelled. They all looked at you then went out of the way, grumbling.
This is one of the only times you'd be thankful for your intimidating aura. You grabbed the boys hand and dragged him to your desk, which was in the corner.
You plopped him down and he seemed surprised. "Th- thank you." You tried not to smile, but his cute snaggletooth grin got to you. "You're welcome. Honestly I wouldn't blame you for wanting to escape that. . . people and social interaction can be overwhelming at times." You sighed. His eyes lit up, "I know right! I always feel like I'm going to get an anxiety attack from all that pressure and stress." You giggled, nodding.
"I'm Y/n." You gave him your hand. He smiled, taking it, "Renjun." You smirked. "I know." He blushed and scratched his neck, "Yeah, probably, sorry." You smiled and shook your head.
"Anyway, the project. We should probably walk to one of our houses and plan it today? Maybe work on it if we have enough time." You said, resting your head on your hand. You didn't get an answer and you caught him staring at you.
You raised an eyebrow, "There something on my face?" You smiled jokingly. You had a fake lip piercing with a chain attached to it. The chain led to your shirt and you smiled at his face. "Oh, no! I'm sorry that was a bit rude, I've just never seen anyone like you before." You gave him an eye smile, "I'll take that as a compliment."
He smiled nervously. "Yeah, can we meet at your house today? My sister is cooking today and let me tell you her cooking doesn't smell good." He giggled. You nodded your head. "Do you have any idea what you want-"
You were cut off by the obnoxiously loud bell. You both lifted your heads from your hands and you looked each other for the last time. He looked at the ground. "See you in front of the track?" You nodded.
"See you there."
You were waiting in front of the track patiently. You had been a little worried, thinking he forgot or decided to ditch. But you finally saw a head of silver hair sprinting towards you. You smiled,
"Renjun!" You waved at him, seeing him wave back. He finally got to you and you both started walking.
"How long does it take to get to your house? My curfew for stuff like this is about five." He asked, adjusting his backpack straps. You fiddled with your grip and busied yourself by looking at the trees.
"Not that long. Like five minutes." You could see him nodding in your peripheral vision. "Do you have an idea for what you want to do?" You nodded,
"It sounds kinda stupid coming from me,"
"I was thinking of doing,"
"Moomin." You both stopped in your tracks and stared at each other. After a while of that, your blank faces turned into grins. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this, you like Moomin, too?" Renjun excitedly yelled. You giggled, excited yourself. "Yes oh my gosh! He's so cute!" He nodded, "And his chubbiness adds onto that!" You snorted. "Yes, oh my gosh it does!"
"So I guess that's settled." You laughed, finally calming down.
"Here we are!" You stood in front of your house, opening the door. "My rooms a mess at the moment and I am so not going to make it messier with paper mache." You wiped your shoes on the mat and Renjun copied you. "Your parents are fine with this, right?" He asked, concerned. "They're not here at the moment. Both of them are at work."
And so you guys worked on the statue everyday after school for a week and a half. It definitely was a memorable time. Renjun squealed when you popped the balloon and you laughed your ass off and couldn't calm down after that. His sister walked into you guys messily playing with the paste and she walked out immediately afterwards mumbling something inaudible. Your dog almost licked the mache but he ended up getting it all over his body. You apologized for the delay that would've cause but Renjun said it was fine and helped you wash him that day.
You two got closer as friends, too. You both liked Moomin and you both had a passion for art. You found out he liked to sing and you said you liked writing songs and playing guitar. You suggested making a song together one day, but you had a nagging feeling that he wouldn't care for you after the project.
Finally the day come for you to present your project and you both were incredibly proud of it.
A kid in the front snickered when they saw you holding it and placing it on the teachers desk, but a quick glare from you was enough to shut him up.
You guys didn't end up winning because it was too simple but you didn't care. It was adorable as hell and it was fun making. You got a good grade though, and you exchanged high fives.
You were kind of sad when you both headed back to your desks. You knew these types of friendships didn't last and that you probably would never get the chance to talk to him like you have in the past week. He merely spared you a last glance when the bell finally rang.
After school, you kicked the dead leaves off the pavement and headed to your locker. You opened it up to get your sketchbook, but then you saw a paper fall down softly. You blinked, not understanding what just happened. Then it finally hit you, it was a note!
You picked it up and the first thing you saw was a picture of Moomin and Snorkmaiden. The adorable sight made you smile, then you checked the backside. You were greeted by a phone number and a note,
'Let's meet again, you seem fun. Does the arcade this Saturday work? :)
You smiled and giggled to yourself, placing the note in your bag. And you whispered quietly,
"See you there."
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