3rd POV
As Sebas opened the doors to the hall, (Y/N) stepped inside and saw the various devil attendees looking at him. After a few seconds of inspecting the heir, they turned away and continued on with their activities.
(Y/N) : "Good, the devils don't seem to know my identity, this makes things much easier" he said walking towards the center of the hall with his attendants by his side
Devils began speaking politics, which really annoyed the heir seeing as he was invited to a celebration, not a meeting of senate. Annoyed with the atmosphere, (Y/N) headed towards the backyard garden with a drink in his hand and Albedo at his side.
He looked up at the multicolored sky and sighed heavily.
Albedo : "Is everything alright my Lord?" she as he turned to face her
(Y/N) : "No, tell me Albedo, would you object to raising our future child in the human realm?" he asked surprising Albedo
Albedo : "If that is what-"
(Y/N) : "No Albedo, I want your honest answer" he said looking at her in a serious manner
Albedo : "If I am true to my words, then I would rather raise our child in the human realm" she answered making (Y/N) look back at the sky
(Y/N) : "I see" he said taking a sip of his drink and looking at it with confusion
(Y/N) : "I will never understand why my father likes his drinks shaken rather then stirred" he said
~Inside Gathering Hall~
Riser appeared in the center of the gathering hall in a show of flames. He looked at his guests with a smile and began speaking.
Riser : "Greetings renowned devils of the underworld, as you may know, Riser has recently conquered Rias Gremory in a rating game and speaking of which" he said snapping his fingers making Rias appear through a magic circle wearing a wedding dress
Rias was visibly depressed, tears rolled down her cheeks as her freedom was about to be taken from her.
Riser : "My such an exquisite dress, she is truly fitting to be the bride of Riser Phenex-"
Sirzechs : "I'm going to have to stop you right there Riser" he interrupted surprising the devils in the hall
Riser : "My Lord?" he questioned
Sirzechs : "You see, during the rating game, I was sincerely disappointed in your performance, Rias may have had lower numbers, but her strategies nearly brought you on your knees, I can't believe the disappointment your family must feel" he said making Riser growl
Riser : "It's the final result that counts my Lord" he replied
Sirzechs : "In the past, but seeing as you underestimated my younger sister and nearly got beat, I believe you deserve another chance" he said confusing the devils
Riser : "And what may Riser ask is this chance?" he asked as Sirzechs smiled
Sirzechs : "I have invited a special guest to this gathering both to witness his power and give you a chance at redemption, his name is (Y/N) Ooal Gown" he said making the devils murmur and whisper to each other
Riser : "Ooal Gown? Riser has never heard such a name" he said making Sirzechs chuckle
Sirzechs : "I'm aware, they were thought to be extinct during the Great War, but recently an heir has appeared and I wish to witness his power firsthand" he admitted as Riser smirked
Riser : "Very well, show Riser this Ooal Gown heir" he said making Sirzechs smile
(Y/N) and Albedo were walking around the garden discussing plans for their future child when Sebas suddenly appeared behind them.
Sebas : "My Lord, it seems we've been deceived" he informed
(Y/N) : "I'm well aware, my arrival was just a way for Ms. Rias to be freed from Riser" he admitted
(Y/N) : "However, this is the perfect opportunity for us, I'll show them the power of Nazarick and the Ooal Gown family!" he declared heading back towards the hall with Sebas and Albedo at his side
~Gathering Hall~
(Y/N) entered the halls again, but this time all eyes were on him. Sirzechs smiled at the heir and approached him.
Sirzechs : "Greetins (Y/N) Ooal Gown, I am Sirzechs Lucifer" he introduced
(Y/N) : "Seeing as you know my name, I'm to assume you received my father's letter?" he asked making Sirzech's eye twitch from the pranks
Sirzechs : "Yes, but for now I'd like it if you showed our fine guests the power of the Ooal Gown pillar" he said as (Y/N) chuckled
(Y/N) : "Although I hate fighting during a celebration, I suppose a simple match will not be a complete waste of time" he said taking off his coat and handing it over to Sebas who folded it neatly
(Y/N) : "Ah yes, this black haired beauty is my wife and future mother of my children Albedo, and to my right is my family's most loyal butler Sebas Tian" he introduced as the two bowed
Sirzechs : "It's nice to meet you, I will set up the arena" he said waving his hands through the air as a fighting stage appeared above the hall
Albedo : "Such weak magic, if it was constructed by you my Lord, it would without a doubt be perfect!" she praised as the heir nodded
(Y/N) and Riser were soon teleported within the arena. Riser removed his coat and smirked at Ooal Gown heir.
Riser : "Riser will show you the might of a Phenex!" he said with confidence as (Y/N) sighed and rubbed his hands together
Sirzechs : "And Begin!" he said making Riser sprout his flaming wings and take to the sky
Riser : "PREPARE TO WITNESS THE POWER OF THE IMMORTAL SYMBOL OF POWER!" he roared chucking a cluster of fireballs at (Y/N) who simply negated each one
Riser was smart to fly, seeing as he didn't know the abilites of the Ooal Gown pillar, but he didn't know that simply entering a battle with one was already a death wish. (Y/N) raised up his hand and pointed his palm at Riser.
(Y/N) : "Black Hole!" he said making everything black and white as Riser was suddenly pulled into a black orb
His mouth opened to scream, but the pull of a black hole that size was able to cancel them out, so he died without anyone hearing his final words.
Ddraig : "Damn!" he said surprised
(Y/N) : "Pity the match couldn't last longer than a few seconds, but I have an heir to create, wasting my time here is no longer acceptable" he said warping back to the gathering hall and recovering his coat from Sebas
(Y/N) : "Goodbye, before i leave though I wanna say you all talk to much and the drinks are bad!" he declared now heading towards the exit
Sirzechs : "WAIT!" he called out making (Y/N) stop and face him
Sirzechs : "We should really discuss your return to the pillar-"
(Y/N) : "No need, I never wanted to return to the pillars" he said surprising Sirzechs
(Y/N) : "The devil king's have committed a heinous act to my family by forcefully seizing the city of Kuoh which belonged to my family before the war, you all had 3,000 years to apologize, but you never did, so I will leave you with this" he said
(Y/N) : "As of a few hours ago, I now control the Grigori as well as all the Fallen Angel leader Azazel" he said shocking the devils in the room
Random Devil : "LIES!"
Random Devil 2 : "HOW DARE YOU-"
Albedo : "SILENCE!" she shrieked making everyone tremble from the intensity of her voice
(Y/N) : "Thank you Albedo, but to help prove my claims..." he trailed off snapping his fingers as a black gate formed behind him and several armed Fallen Angels appeared through the gate
Azazel, Shemhazai and Baraqiel stepped out of the gate fully healed and armed to the teeth with Azazel's artificial sacred gears.
Sirzechs : "(Y/N) OOAL GOWN! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" he questioned angrily
(Y/N) : "This is to show you my strength, but my family's power is not the only thing you should fear" he said activating his balance breaker shocking the devils even more
Rias : "IT WAS YOU!" she shouted pointing her finger at the heir
(Y/N) : "Yes, I was the one who took that Issei boy and extracted the Red Dragon from him" he admitted
(Y/N) : "Before you bitch at me, think about the things you would've put that boy through, the rating game, living a life a secrecy and having him targeted by the White Dragon host, he would've lived a dangerous life and for what? Somebody else?" he asked
(Y/N) : "Father was right, nothing has changed here, you're all still the same selfish and idiotic people he remembers, except now, I'm not one to take shit from anyone" he declared making the devils seethe with anger
(Y/N) : "I don't work with them, they work for me, that being said my business here is finished, we're leaving" he said making the Fallen Angels leave through the portal, but he stayed behind
(Y/N) : "Also, I'm going to discuss trade with the Youkai faction and return Kuoh to its true owner, Sebas! Play my outro!" he said making Sebas summon a radio in his hand
The song Caribbean Queen by Billy Ocean was playing as (Y/N) left the gathering hall while holding Albedo's hand.
(Y/N) :"Father may have been odd, but he has great taste in music" he said as the two nodded and they returned to Nazarick
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