This TS is based on kidnap track of Ragini. Swara 's question to Sanskar hurt him thinking Swara suspect him and don't trust on him. Everything is same as in serial. After Uttara 's confession Sanskar told everything and also break their friendship. Swara is hurt missing Sanskar like hell.
In SwaSan 's Room!
Sanskar about to go outside but Swara hold his hand make him stop.
Sanskar : ( rudely side her hand) what you want Swara?
Swara : ( teary eyes) your forgiveness.
Sanskar : ( with hurt voice) for what Swara? You did absolutely correct. After all I don't deserve your trust then why you will trust on me? You did correct.
Swara : ( teary eyes) No Sanskar please don't say this. Sanskar I can't bear your ignorance please talk to me listen to me.
Sanskar : ( shouts) why I don't ignore you? Why I listen to you? And why the hell It's effect you? You should be happy that you got rid from me then why It's effecting you?
Swara : (in tears) Because I love you Sanskar. I love you. I can't live without you.
Sanskar become shocked listening her confession not believing on his ear what he listened just now. This words which he always dreamt to listen from Swara 's mouth. He is listening these words in reality then remembered her blame to him.
Sanskar : ( angry yet hurt by her blame) stop it Swara. How many times more you will hurt me? ( Swara looks at him being shocked yet hurt) You can't love me Swara. You can never love me then why you are lying?
Swara : ( in tears) I am not lying Sanskar. I really love you. ( trying to cup his face)
Sanskar : ( side her hand) no you can't love me. You are saying this because you are guilty for mistrusting me that's why you are saying this to show sympathy toward my one sided love for you but I don't want your sympathy ( hurt).
Swara looks at him with teary eyes listening his words.
Swara : ( astonished) what? You think i am doing sympathy for your love? ( Sanskar nod yes in tears) No Sanskar please don't say this. I agree I hurt you. But I really love you. My love for you is true. I took so much time to realize my feelings for you but I truly love you. My love is not sympathy. Don't insult my love naming it sympathy. ( tears are rolling from her eyes to cheek signifies how his this words hurt her heart).
Sanskar feels bad seeing her tears. Her eyes are showing deep love for him but he also can't erase her blame on him. It's stopping him to trust on her.
Sanskar : ( in tears) If you love me Swara then why you didn't trust me?
Swara : ( teary eyes) Do you want to know why I asked question to you over Ragini ' kidnapping?
Sanskar : ( cut her words) I know the damn reason Swara , because you don't trust me. ( hurt).
Swara : ( hold his hand) No! Its because I knew that you love me madly and deeply that in my love you can do anything. ( Sanskar become shocked listening her) I was worried for you because I knew you don't see anything when comes to me. You can do anything for my love. When Ragini tried to defame me that I am dating you and Laksh both. You we're very angry. I saw myself. I thought that may be because of me you did something wrong.
Sanskar become shocked listening her. He didn't expect Swara asked question to him for this reason.
Swara : ( cups his face) that's doesn't mean I don't trust you. I trust you but I also know that you can do anything for me. Your love compelled me to think like that. I am sorry Sanskar. I never wanted to suspect on you Sanskar. Please forgive my one mistake. I promise I will never repeat my mistake. Please Sanskar. I love you. I truly love you. ( tears are flowing from her eyes).
Sanskar move to turn unable to see her tears, tears escape from his eyes listening Swara 's words.
Swara : ( crying) Sanskar please give me a chance. All deserve second chance then why I can't? Please Sanskar don't do this to me. I love you Sanskar. I want to spend my whole life with you. Please forgive me. Give a chance to your heart. You still love me Sanskar. Please don't do this to us. Please don't separate me from you. I can't live without you..
Her words cut by Sanskar 's hug who hug her tightly unable to control more his feelings for her.
Sanskar : (teary eyes) I Love you too Swara. I can't live without you. ( Swara smile in tears listening his words hug him back).
Swara : (break hug in tears) I am sorry Sanskar...
Sanskar : ( put palm on her mouth) No just forget everything. I am happy finally I got my Swara. I can't express in words how much I am happy that you love me. My Swara love me. I just want your love Swara. I am sorry for ignoring you.
Swara put palm on his lips nod no in tears hug him. Sanskar hug her back. Both confessed their love again mutually.
( SwaSan told their decision to family. All family members become happy listening their decision. Laksh accepted his mistake to Ragini tell her that he only kidnap her asked forgiveness from her. Ragini forgive him and both united, now Ragini don't have problem with Swara. She had problem with her because of Laksh only but now Laksh accepted her. Now she doesn't have any problem with her).
Everything is good in SwaSan 's life. They tease each other, romance everything is bliss but they didn't take their relationship to next level.
In Temple ;
Sujata is sitting in front of a pandit. Who is wearing many mala.
Sujata : Vidhyapati ji now everything is good in my children 's life please bless them. (Feeling happy for SwaSan).
( Sujata believe in Vidhyapati who is famous Astrologer).
Vidhyapati : Everything is not as good It's seeing Sujata. Something is terribly wrong.
Sujata : what? (Shocked) what are you saying?
Vidhyapati : Time will tell everything. You go home and take care of your family.
Sujata not understanding anything nod yes go from there but his words are ringing in her ears.
After Sometime!
On Dining Table!
All are eating food. SwaSan are sitting with each other.
Suddenly Swara chock food finding Sanskar 's hand on her thighs under table. She looks at him who is looking at her in teasing way. Swara looks at him with widens eyes.
Sujata : ( worried) what happened Swara?
Swara : ( glare Sanskar) Nothing mom just food stuck in my throat. ( drink water while glaring Sanskar who giving her naughty smirk).
Swara : ( near his ear) Sanskar leave me. Have some shame we are sitting in front of whole family ( whisper slowly audible to him).
Sanskar : ( naughtily) so? I have whole right to love my wife and by the way no one can see us.
Swara glare him but Sanskar caressing her thighs sensually making Swara hard to control her moan. She trying to remove his hand but Sanskar hold her hand start caressing her thighs and hand sensually yet romantically.
Swara is looking everyone with horrified expression what if anyone see them like this. Sanskar enjoying her scared face start caressing more sensually making her hard to control her moan.
She clutch her saree in fist with other hand think something looks at him mischievously make him confused by her changed facial expressions suddenly shouts when Swara pinch his thighs. Sanskar glare Swara who is now laughing silently at him.
Sujata : ( irritatedly) now what happened to you? ( looks at Swara who is laughing silently understand the matter smile teasingly) You both can go to your room for completing your work. I will send food to your room itself.
Swara become highly embarrassed listening Sujata 's words. She glare Sanskar but in return he give naughty grin. Swara run from there for her room to hide her blush. Sanskar also go behind her while making an excuse. All laugh at them.
At Night!
In SwaSan 's Room;
SwaSan come inside room. Swara gets shocked yet mesmerized seeing scenario of room everything is decorated with flowers and candles giving romantic look. Swara lowers eyes in shyness get what is coming now.
Sanskar : ( romantically) today is our First night Mrs Maheshwari. ( kiss on her earlobe).
Swara feeling extreme shy she run near window feeling breathing heavily. Sanskar smile seeing his effect on her.
Swara standing near window, Sanskar come in room hug her from behind make her turn who is looking at down with shy face.
Sanskar : ( teasingly) I didn't knew my Bengali Mrs know to blush too. ( Swara blush hard hit his arm playfully turn to go but Sanskar hold her hand pull her closer) I love you Swara.
Swara : ( looks into his eyes deeply) I love you too Sanskar.
Sanskar bend down near her cups her face come closer to her. Swara close eyes feeling him coming close to her. Sanskar smile seeing his effect on her put his lips over her start kissing her lips lovingly. Swara respond him softly. Sanskar hold her through waist make their soft kiss into wild yet passionate one. Both are kissing each other passionately while kissing Sanskar open her blouse stripe make her eyes widened. He broke kiss looks at her naughtily. Swara lowers eyes in shyness. He make her turn side her hair to other side plant a soft kiss on her bare back make her shiver by his intense touch. He pick Swara in arm go toward bed looking at her intensely.
He make her lay on bed lay on her. Swara feeling shy seeing him completely laying on her. Sanskar bend down near her neck start kissing her neck sensually.
Swara close eyes moan in pleasure It's making Sanskar wild. He touch her bosom over her saree press it sensually kissing Swara 's neck while touching her bosom and bare stomach playing with her navel. Swara is moaning in pleasure feeling his love in his touch
with close eyes suddenly feel some weirdness scrunch nose feel something burning smell. She open eyes but gets astonished seeing fire in room which spreading whole over curtains in a drastic manner. Swara aside Sanskar from her shouts being scared. Sanskar become confused open mouth to say something but gets shocked seeing scenario fire spreading whole over curtains.
Swara : (shouts being scared) Ahh Sanskar.... Fire....
Sanskar hold her hand try to get up from bed but his feet stop seeing fire spread over whole bed. Now they are in middle of fire. Sanskar hug Swara who is crying in fear. He call family members for help.
Family members come listening their screaming gets shocked seeing scenario through fire. Laksh immediately break door enter inside. Sujata crying seeing SwaSan in fire.
Sujata : (crying in fear) Please do something. Please save my both children.
Laksh, Aadarsh go in washroom for water come out with bucket of water fall water on fire in room which spreading whole over curtains and bed. Soon fire ends.
Sujata run toward them hug them crying badly in fear seeing them in fire. Sanskar hug her back caress her back to console her.
Sanskar : (trying to calm her) mom I am fine. You don't worry. We both are fine. ( his eyes widens seeing Swara faint in his arm scream loudly) Swara....... ( pat her cheeks worriedly seeing her faint) Swara.... Open your eyes. Get up Swara. ( to Laksh) Laksh call doctor fast.
All are looking worried seeing Swara faint. Laksh call Doctor.
In Guest Room!
Doctor : ( after giving her injection) There is no need of worry Mr Maheshwari. She faint due to stress and fear of fire incident. I inject her. She needs rest. She will be alright.
Sanskar sigh in relief listening this. caress Swara 's face kiss on her palm who is laying with pale face feeling bad seeing her in this condition.
Doctor go from there.
Sujata : how you both can be so careless that you didn't came to know that room is burning? By the way how It's happened?
Sanskar : I also don't know mom how this happened may be because of air force curtains comes in contact of candles. ( feeling guilty for arranging this much candles which caused this much mess).
Sujata : ( confused) candles? Sanskar I can understand with air force curtains comes in contact of candles but how fire spread whole over bed when bed is in long distance from curtains and the way It's spread whole over bed is weird. ( not understanding how It's spread whole over bed).
Sanskar also drawn in thoughts notice her words their bed was far from curtains then how fire come in contact of bed and the way is more weird.
Ram : (to calm her) Sujata leave it. The thing which is most important is this that SwaSan are safe and we wants this only right? So calm down. ( Sujata not convinced but for sake him nod yes).
Durga : ( to Sanskar) till your room don't get repairs. You both manage in guest room. ( Sanskar nod yes).
All go from room leaving SwaSan. Sujata turn and see SwaSan feeling something weirdness but shrugged off her thoughts and go from there.
Sanskar looking at Swara with teary eyes seeing her like this. He take her palm peck on it, a long tears escape from his eyes which fall on her hand. Her hand move feeling his tears over her hand.
Swara open eyes see Sanskar who is looking at her with teary eyes immediately hug her seeing her awake.
Sanskar : ( while hugging) Thank God you are fine. You know how much I got scared seeing you faint in my arm.
Swara : ( faint voice) I am fine Sanskar. You tell me are you fine. You didn't got hurt anywhere? (checking his arm and hand worriedly).
Sanskar : ( smile seeing her care for him) I am absolutely fine Swara, till your love is with me nothing with happen to me.
Swara : ( smile hold his hand) No till we are together nothing can happen to us. We are each other's strength. ( Sanskar smile listening her but drawn in thoughts seeing him lost Swara asked) what happened Sanskar? Where are you lost?
Sanskar : (guilty) I am sorry It was happened because of me. I shouldn't arrange this much candles see whole room come in contact of fire because of my stupidity. If something happened to you then I wouldn't forgive myself.
Swara : ( hug him) Sanskar I am fine please don't blame yourself like this. You are not at fault. ( Sanskar smile) But I am feeling bad because our special moment ruined in this all.
Sanskar : (break hug with smile cups her face) Swara if you are with me then we can make many special moments. We have whole life for this. I am happy that my Swara is safe. (Swara smile at him Sanskar kiss on her forehead lovingly).
Suddenly wind start falling in creepy manner. Window are shuttering due to stress of air, curtains are moving here and there creating a creepy voice. Air sound is making Swara scare. She hug Sanskar in fear. Sanskar looks at her realized she is fearing assure her through eyes get up from bed close windows but window are not closing. Air force making window shuttering badly. He hold window with force close it cover window with curtains
He come toward Swara make her lay on bed also lay with her take her in his embrace caress her back. Soon both drift into sleep.
But a Red eyes seen through window which is peeping inside seeing SwaSan a blood line fall on window soon It's disappear from there .
In SwaSan 's Room ( Guest Room).
Sanskar is combing hair in front of mirror but comb fall from his hand seeing Swara screaming while holding her head and arm. Sanskar immediately run toward her worriedly.
Sanskar : (patting her cheeks) Swara what happened? Why you are screaming? What happened? ( trying to calm her but she is only screaming holding her head, arm).
Sujata who coming toward their room become shocked listening screaming of Swara immediately enter inside room become shocked and worried seeing Swara screaming holding her head, arm sometime hand. Sanskar is trying to calm her but unable.
Sujata go toward them shocked seeing Swara 's condition.
Sanskar : (see Sujata) mom don't know what happened to her? She is screaming holding her head and arms. I think we should visit doctor.
( calling doctor but Sujata give water of glass to him, Sanskar take water sprinkle over her face, after 3, 4 time, Swara become calm seeing her calm both sigh in relief).
Swara open eyes see Sanskar who is looking at her with teary.
Sanskar : (cups her face) what had happened to you? Why you were screaming?
Swara : May be I was seeing any nightmare so I got scared. ( herself not understanding anything of her condition).
Sanskar : May be because of last night incident Swara become scared that's why she is getting nightmare. ( guilty) all happened because of me.
Swara : Sanskar don't blame yourself again and again. You are not at fault and I am fine ( give a light smile to assure him her well being).
Sujata is noticing some weirdness in Swara.
Sujata : ( to Sanskar to calm him seeing him still worried) Sanskar relax Swara is fine she is getting nightmare as last night incident was drastic. But don't worry she will overcome we are with her. ( Sanskar nod yes while understanding) Now go to your office. Today is your important meeting.
Sanskar : (deny) No mom how I can go leaving Swara alone. No I will stay with Swara.
Swara : (hold his hand) Sanskar I am fine and here everyone is for me. You go office today is your important meeting of your dream project.
Sanskar about to say something but Sujata interrupted him.
Sujata : Yes Sanskar Swara is saying correct. She is not alone here. I will take care of your Swara so you go without any worry.
Sanskar nod yes unwillingly go after pecking Swara 's head.
Sujata made Swara eat her breakfast by her hand lovingly. Swara smile seeing her love for her.
Sujata : ( asked being worried ) Swara beta what exactly happened to you in morning? ( Swara looks down, she put hand on her) you can tell me. I am your mother right? You can share with me.
Swara : Mom actually I was feeling as if someone is pulling my head, arm and legs. I was trying to free it but unable. (Said feeling confused) May be I was seeing any nightmare.
Sujata become shocked listening her words. She caress her face make her lay on bed start going but turn find some weirdness in Swara. Her eyes is reddish. She is sweating. She looks and find Ac is on not understanding why she is sweating in AC.
She go from there in chain of her thoughts.
In Noon!
In SwaSan 's Room!
Ragini come with tray of food ( Sujata sent her as she was busy in something).
Ragini : ( call Swara who is sleeping) Swara get up. It's your food time.
Swara open eyes listening her voice get up sit on bed. Ragini sit on bed forward plate to her. Swara uncovered plate
her face changed in frown seeing food. she angrily push plate on floor make it broke into pieces. Ragini become shocked seeing this.
Swara : ( angrily shouts) what kind of food is this? You brought Rajma Rice for me. I hate it. ( said dangerously).
Ragini : (become little scared seeing her but compose) what are you saying Swara? Rajma is your favorite. Chachi ji made this for you specially.
Sujata come in room listening broken sound and shouting of Swara. She find Ragini is standing little far from Swara. Food is shattered everywhere. Swara is looking dangerously.
Sujata : what happened beta? Why you throw food like this?
Swara : ( dangerously shouts) then why the hell she brought Rajma for me. I hate it.
Sujata : ( confused yet scared seeing her behavior) Swara beta what are you speaking? Rajma is your favorite. You love it.
Swara : (shouts) I hate it why you are not understanding. ( hold glass of water throw on floor, Ragini become scared seeing this run from room, Sujata looking at her with widened eyes as Swara is very calm girl this aggression is completely opposite to her nature
with the intensity water 's some drop fall on her face, she feel something spark close eyes, open eyes, see food on floor, food plate and glass is shatter in pieces) How this happened?
Sujata : ( become more shocked listening her words) what? You don't know how this happened? ( Swara nod no with clueless face) You take rest beta. ( make Swara lay on bed) actually It's fall from my hand. I am coming with another food plate. ( not understanding what is happening with Swara but don't want to stress her go from there).
Next Day!
In Temple of house!
Sujata completed Aarti give prashad to everyone come to Swara who is looking lost she sigh Swara to forward her hand. Swara forward hand. Sujata about to put prashad on her hand but her eyes widens seeing Diya which come in contact of God 's idol 's clothes. Sanskar see it go in kitchen bring water put it on it.
Sujata : ( suspicious) what is happening? I gave everyone prashad but when I came to give to Swara suddenly this happened? Something is wrong.
Everyone doesn't put any attention to this matter and go to their respective work. Sanskar go to office bidding bye to Swara.
In Night!
In SujRam 's Room!
Sujata is in thoughts of mis happening in home.
Sujata : ( worried) What is happening in my home. I am not getting any positive vibes from anything. God please always maintain your blessing on my family and my children.
She about to close eyes for sleeping but shocked seeing Swara outside going somewhere through window get up from bed being worried seeing her awake and going. She go behind her find she is going on terrace. She call her but she didn't listen her walking. Sujata follow her calling her but she is not listening.
Sujata come on terrace but gets shocked seeing scenario. Swara is walking on edge of wall of terrace with lost face, wind are flowing in creepy manner.
Sujata : ( worriedly calling Swara) Swara..... Come down. What are you doing? ( but Swara not listening just walking aimlessly) Sanskar.. Sanskar .. ( shouting Sanskar 's name seeing Swara).
Sanskar who is sleeping in room open eyes listening screaming of Sujata. He become shocked while not finding Swara beside him get up follow the voice come on terrace become shocked seeing Swara who is walking on edge of wall of terrace.
Sanskar : ( scream loudly worriedly) Swara...... What are you doing? Come down (but Swara seems become deaf stand on a place forward one leg down) Swara... No.... Come down Swara... ( worried seeing her).
All family members comes listening voice gets shocked seeing Swara.
Swara forward her second leg
but before it Sanskar pull her through arm pick her in arm find Swara faint in his arm.
In SwaSan 's Room!
Swara is laying unconsciously, Doctor checking her. Swara open eyes seeing Swara awake Sanskar immediately hug her in tears.
Sanskar : ( kissing her whole face in tears) What were you doing? If something happened to you then how would I live? ( with anger seeing her act).
Swara : ( not understanding anything) what happened Sanskar? What I did?
Sanskar become shocked listening her reply. Specially Sujata who see this 2nd time.
Sanskar : (shocked) what you don't know? You don't know some time before you were about to jump from terrace. ( Swara become shocked listening him).
Doctor : ( asked to Swara) Mrs Maheshwari do you have problem of walking in sleep ( Swara nod no) Any Kind of problem happen in your life? I know its personal but for me It's important to know for better treatment.
Sanskar : ( remember whatever happened in their life from his entry into Swara 's life. His revenge, then Ragini 's obsession, their fake marriage, Ragini 's drama, then their forced marriage, another drama of kidnap) Yes doctor many things happened in our life in these days.
Doctor : hmm so It's clear Mrs Maheshwari is stressed by everything and got a problem of walking in sleep.
Sanskar : (become worried) what? Stress? Then please treat my Swara. ( worried for Swara).
Doctor : I am prescribing medicines
She needs proper care and rest for cure. Give medicines on time and take care of her. ( Sanskar nod take prescription from him).
In SujRam 's Room!
Sujata laying on bed remembering Vidhyapati 's words.
" everything is not as good It's seeing Sujata. Something is terribly wrong ".
Sujata : ( worried) something is wrong. I think I should call Vidhyapati ji. He only can tell us what is happening in our life.
In Morning!
In hall!
Sujata make Vidhayapati sit on sofa. Vidhyapati sit looking at whole house diagnosis close eyes murmuring something.
Sujata : (joint hand) Vidhyapati ji you were right Nothing is going good in my home. Everything is wrong. I told you every mess which happened in these days. My daughter in law is behaving very weird. I am worried for her. ( give kundli of SwaSan) this is kundli of my son and my daughter in law.
Vidhyapati : ( nod) I already told Sujata ji that something very wrong gonna happen but you didn't put attention. (Hold kundli read it diagnosis both kundli again and again)
There is nothing right in your home.
Kisi buri Nazar ka Saya hai aapke ghar par.
Sujata become shocked listening him.
Vidhyapati : ( while counting something sensing everything) some evil 's power is empowering your house. ( he stop seeing Swara who come with tray of tea while covering her head serve him but he shows his hand to her make her confused).
Sujata : ( to Swara calmly) Swara you go . I will manage. You shouldn't stress yourself. Go. ( Swara nod yes go from there).
Vidhyapati : Who is she?
Sujata : My daughter in law Swara wife of my son Sanskar.
Vidhyapati : something is wrong with her terribly wrong. ( close eyes open eyes with a jerk looks here there finding a negative vibes).
Sujata your daughter in law is normal girl. Us par kisi buri Nazar ka saya hai. Vo ab Normal nhi hai kisi buri aatma ka parvesh ho chuka hai usme jo sara ghar tabah kar degi.
Sujata become shocked listening him. She become worried listening him.
Vidhyapati : ( hold Sanskar 's kundli check something) Is Before your daughter in law . Some other girl was in your son 's life whom he about to marry?
Sujata become shocked listening him remember Kavita and Sanskar 's relation. Sanskar wanted to marry her. They both went in temple marriage but Kavita died before their marriage.
Sujata : (scared) Yes But that girl..
Vidhyapati : Died before marriage on marriage day itself in her bridal dress. ( complete her, Sujata become shocked and nod yes) That girl 's sprit is in your home which troubling your son and her wife. Because her desire of marrying your son remained unfulfilled. She died before marriage.
Her spirit came back to take your son with her. She came to take Sanskar with her. That's why she enter in your daughter in law 's body. She wants to kill both of them. She wants to kill your daughter in law who took her place and wants to kill your son to take his soul with her.
Sujata become highly scared and worried listening him.
Sujata : (shocked) how it can?
Vidhyapati : If you have any doubt on me then take this ( give lemon to her) just put it under your daughter in law 's pillow if it come normal then your daughter in law is fine if It's come Red then It's will be prove that.
Kisi buri Nazar ka saya hai us par.
To be continued!
This TS is full of mystery and thrill. If you want It's second part tomorrow.
Vote and comments on this part. Vote target 200 + comments 150+.
I will post next part tomorrow itself for next update complete target..
Comments about this part...
Buri Nazar ka Saya likegi ek nayi Khauf ki Kahani 😈
Lovely_Rhythm Thank you dear for this Amazing cover ✨
With Love ❤️
Sanyayaa ❤
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