Becoming Friends
Authors note : sorry if there are slow updates these things take a while , I'm all about Navia though , comments down below what you think is gonna happen next .
Please follow and read my new friends stories their name is galaxydeviant They are great at writing give support and love .
Juvia's POV :
Today was a normal day except today I felt like I needed to take a job to relax and also train people may think that I'm a weak little fairy but I'm secretly the ranked #1 on the ten wizard saints I called myself Oceana after the water dragon that cared for me before Acnologia killed her ...
The magic that I know so far is , Water make magic , water dragon slayer magic ( 1st gen ) , water god slayer , water demon slayer , water angel slayer , transformation magic , Celestial magic , Requip magic and I'm also a master swords women. Not to brag but I'm strong .
Although the guild only know about my Water make magic that I use regularly , only Jellal and Gajeel know my secret life .
Why? You may ask because Gajeel is my actual cousin and Jellal is my older brother so that makes me Juvia Fernandez ( I have the same eye tattoo as him ) but no-one can see it because I cover it with consoler magic that makes it so it is still there but not visible to anyone unless I remove it .
Anyway as I walk into the guild I decide to ignore Gray-Sama because I needed a job , as I walked up to the request board and a certain job peeks my interest 'defeat a town of monsters' so why not as I reached to grab the request my hand touched another's reaching for the same request ...
Natsu's POV :
I went to grab a monster request cause I started to feel fired up but as I grabbed it my hand touched a pale un chipped hand of Juvia Lockser .
This may be a secret but I've always had a major crush on her she is has , pale silky skin , her long wavy blue hair , ocean blue eyes that twinkle in the moonlight , funny and generous , she's clumsy and strong .
I just don't get what she see's in ice princess , I'm so much better for her than him ...
As juvia's hand made contact with mine I could feel my face heat up as she looked over at me and did her adorable smile .
No-One's POV :
Juvia realised Natsu and her both wanted the same request but before she could say anything .
"Hey Since we both want the same request we could go together" said Natsu as he flashed his signature grin at the water mage .
" sure Natsu-Sama , Juvia would love to accompany Natsu-Sama on this mission"
Juvia said as both of the fairy tail mages blushed a deep red until a familiar blue tomcat came into the fray .
" Hey guys whatcha doing , c'mon Natsu have you chosen a good job yet"
Asked Happy in an excited tone .
" Hell yea i got a monster slaying job for you , me and Juvia" grinned Natsu at The blue exceed whom had a confused expression.
" Juvia ? Why I thought we were bringing Lushie" asked Happy .
" yea but we always bring Luce and I thought that maybe this time Juvia could come , I'm sure Luce won't mind" Spoke Natsu as he grinned juvia's way making the two mages turn scarlet red .
" So when do you guys want to leave on the job request?" Asked Juvia politely waiting for Natsu and Happy's response.
" How about now cool with you guys ?" Asked the fire dragon slayer.
" Sounds like a plan" Juvia excitedly declared .
" AYE SIR !!!" Screached happy , the blue Catmander ( cat salamander )
As that was settled the team went over to mirajane to tell her about the job request that they were leaving on .
" Hey Mira , we're going on a job !!" Screamed Natsu at the calm barmaiden .
" oh of course and uh what is your team name?" Asked Mira kindly as she could to stop herself from fangirling about the new ship .
" We are team ..... Naviamander !!! Yea team Naviamander , it means Navia is the Na for Natsu and the Via for Juvia and the Mander for happy as the Catmander" Natsu explained as he and Juvia turned redder than Erza's hair realising that Navia was their ship name .
And then off the team Naviamander went to defeat the town of monsters ....
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