Arshi, NK, Lavanya, Aman, Sheetal - 8 years old
Payash - 10 years old
Anjali and Shyam - 12 years old
"Nav!" Khushi nudged his elbow, trying to get his attention. She repeated the same movement twice and pouted when he ignored her every time she did it.
"Nav talk to me na.. See everyone has left the classroom for lunch break. And we're still here.." she looked around the empty classroom room, then her eyes traveled back to her friend seated beside her, writing something with a serious look on his book.
"Then go and have lunch with your NK.. Who stopped you?" he shrugged, his eyes still fixed on his book as he kept writing focusedly on his studies.
Khushi frowned staring at him, "Nav you've to stop mentioning NK's name everytime in our conversations when you're angry with me."
Arnav's fingers halted, still holding his pen in his firm grip as he raised his face to look at her, raising his eyebrows, "Oh so you know I'm angry with you!"
"Yes, I know!" she gulped, sitting straight now, she looked here and there, praying to not get scolded by him after he gets to know what she did, "DM raksha karna please," she muttered under her breath.
"So you must know why I'm angry with you too, right Khuhi?" he dropped the pen and crossed his arms, waiting for her answer.
Khushi nodded sideways with a crying face. Arnav raised his eyebrows again in "Oh-really?!" look.
Khushi sighed defeatedly, assuming her deeds, "Okay fine.. I took your hoodie without your permission," she looked up to him with big accusing eyes, "I thought we are like Amma-Babu ji and Ratna aunty-Aryan uncle. They take each other's belongings without asking for permission. But I forgot you're not sweet like Aryan uncle.. you are grumpy fellow!"
"Yes, I'm not sweet like Papa. Don't try to divert me from the main topic Nauntaki Titliya!" he glared at her.
Khushi looked down at her lap.
"I need that hoodie Khuhi.. I want to wear that for Saturday basketball match. Then I'll give it back to you," Arnav softened his tone, glancing at her.
Khushi had a mini heart attack resembling a deer caught in the headlights before she composed herself, turning her face sideways to face him again, faking a stern brave look, "I don't want. It's mine now. You can wear another hoodie. Is that the only hoodie you have? Nahi na!"
Arnav took a sharp breath, controlling his 'little angry kid' mood, "Dekho Khuhi," he forced a sweet smile on his face, "I'm a danger when I want to-"
"Fire ho kya? (Are you fire?)" Khushi asked challengingly.
He continued even after being cut by her, "A sweet person with whom deserves-"
"Center shock sour candy ho kya?" Khushi raised her eyebrows, trolling him for every dialogue he uttered in his praise.
Arnav gritted his teeth, "And a poison pit with whoever tries to make a fool of me."
"Snakewa ho kya?" Khushi giggled, forming a snake figure with her hands.
"Khuhi you better take me seriously now," Arnav frowned making Khushi stop laughing. She pouted and looked down at her lap again, fidgeting her fingers nervously, "I don't have your hoodie with me now."
"What do you mean you don't have it with you now? It was you who stole my hoodie from my room, right?" Arnav asked.
"I didn't steal your hoodie.. I took it from your room just like Amma take Babu ji's belongings and Ratna aunty does same with Aryan uncle," Khushi looked back at him, furrowing her brows cutely, not liking being accused of stealing by her Nav, "You only said to me we're like our parents. Did you forgot?"
"You're just using my past explanations for your convenience in order to escape my anger now," Arnav looked at her sternly, "Now answer my question without trying to divert me from the real problem Khuhi. Tell me, where did you keep my hoodie?"
Khushi turned her face away for few seconds, shutting her eyes tightly, she sent a quick prayer seeking protection from the Almighty before confessing what she did with the Laad Governor's hoodie. She turned her face back to him and confessed in supersonic speed, "I gifted it to my neighbor friend, Rocky."
"What?" Arnav looked at her in disbelief momentarily, trying to register what she just said, the moment realization dawned on him, he looked at her angrily, "Tum pagal ho kya Khuhi? (Are you mad Khuhi?).. DO I LOOK LIKE A DOG TO YOU THAT YOU GAVE MY HOODIE TO ROCKY?"
"YOU BARK LIKE ONE!" she glared at him for shouting at her.
Arnav sighed, relaxed his back in the chair, shaking his head in disbelief as he imagined the state of one of his favorite hoodie in the hands of that Rocky who devours everything he can get his hands on.
"Nav," Khushi softened her tone, trying to explain why she did that, "You know Rocky bichara is a trouble maker doggie, he bites every person that comes to visit Puja aunty, Prasad uncle and their son, Shyam bhaiya. That's why Puja aunty is kind of fed up of him and she keeps him mostly outside home, in their garage corner. One day, I was playing in my balcony and I saw that Rocky was feeling cold, he was trembling and crying too.."
"Bas bas.. Itna bichara bhi na bana do us Rocky ko (Don't make him look like a poor dog)," Arnav narrowed his eyes at her, crossing his arms as he listened to her over dramatic story with no choice as there was no way to get his hoodie back now. So why cry over the spilt milk!
"So I thought maybe I can help him by (she gulped, smiling sheepishly at him).. by gifting him your hoodie."
"And why didn't you give him your sweatshirt, your blanket or whatever warm thing you had to help Rocky?" he asked.
"Rocky male hai Nav.. he would get offended if I gave my or Jiji's belongings to him. Also Babu ji is elder to him, Babu ji's clothes wouldn't fit on him. So you're the only chotu like him," Khushi said weakly, trying her best to convince him, "He'll warm himself in your hoodie, because your hoodie is very different, it's warm, comfortable and colorless. Rocky is a very serious doggie like you (Arnav glared at her).. what I mean is that he's like you Nav.. not that you're dog like him. I thought he'll like your hoodie.."
"Thanks for successfully comparing me to your neighbor dog, Rocky by the way I shout, my height and age, my choice and personality," he furrowed his brows, leaning forward to resume his studies.
"I didn't mean to insult you.. Please understand, I can't see anyone suffer Nav.. I felt pity seeing Rocky alone in this winter season," Khushi said with a sad expression on her face.
Arnav melted like butter hearing her explanation, he knew his Khuhi is one kind hearted girl.
Sighing softly, he looked at her as he tried to explain calmly, "I understand Khuhi.. but your neighbor Rocky is one short tempered dog, he must have turned my hoodie into pieces of cloth to clean Puja aunty and Prasad uncle's car in the garage."
"No.. I've seen in TV that doggies also wear hoodies nowadays.." Khushi shook her head as she replied confidently to him.
"Their owners help them wear hoodies while Rocky doesn't let anyone touch him and you probably just threw my hoodie to his face!" Arnav hit her forehead lightly, muttering Sanki.
"He's a smart doggie.. He'll understand how to wear hoodie by himself," Khushi said confidently.
Arnav shook his head, "I have never seen such a stubborn girl like you in my 8 years life."
Khushi pouted, "I'm not being stubborn.. I know how Rocky is because I observed him closely. You know Nav.. I've decided when I grow up, I want to be a Veterinarian! And Rocky is my first animal patient.. I'm his choti doctor."
Arnav chuckled, "Choti doctor as a veterinarian you won't get to treat cute doggies and cats everytime. You'll have to treat other sick animals like Snakes!"
"You'll be my first patient in this case, you poisonous Snakewa!" she started hitting his arms making Arnav laugh at her.
"Let me study.. You're distracting me now," Arnav said as he turned serious again, trying to concentrate on his books now.
"Nav let's go and have lunch na.. you'll study later.. I'm hungry now," Khushi said as she started taking her tiffin out of her school bag.
"No.. I'm not hungry, you go!" he said nodding sideways.
"Abhi bhi naraz ho mujhse? (Are you still angry with me?)"
"Tumse koi khafa reh sakta hai kya? (Can anyone be angry with you?)" he said with an almost invisible smile on his face, his eyes fixed on his book.
Khushi smiled chirpily, "Now that you said that, you'll have to eat with me now."
"No Khuhi. I'm really not hungry. Tum jao before break time gets over," Arnav said.
Khushi pouted, nodding her head unwillingly. She took her tiffin and before leaving, she pecked his cheek smiling, "Thank you Nav!"
Arnav smiled to himself. He knew she was thanking him for not scolding her a lot after getting to know she gifted his hoodie to her neighbor dog, Rocky, her first animal patient.
After the lunch, Khushi came back to their desk, she took her seat beside Arnav happily. Then showed to him that she didn't finish her food in the tiffin and he can eat her food later in the next break time.
Lavanya approached their desk, she stood on the opposite side of the desk, facing Arnav, "Arnav can I borrow your pencil? Mine broke!"
Arnav nodded his head as he handed it to her. Lavanya smiled, "Thank you so much Arnav," then she went back to her desk.
Arnav looked at Khushi's side smirking, "See learn something from a well mannered girl like Lavanya.. she asked for permission before taking my belongings!"
"I don't need to ask permission," Khushi glared at him, "Our friendship is different than your friendship with Anya!"
Arnav smiled heartily, pinching her chubby cheeks to which she slapped his arm, looking away angry with him for praising Lavanya and mocking her.
Saturday Basketball Match
Khushi's family, Arnav-Akash-Anjali's family, Lavanya & Aman's family, Sheetal & NK's family and Shyam's family (invited by Khushi) took their respective seats in the middle stands of the basketball camp to watch their kids basketball match.
It's a team girls vs team boys match so all the kids were warming up before they start to play. Arnav took this opportunity to introduce the new addition in their close friends group to his Di and Akash bhai.
"Di.. Akash bhai.. meet Shyam bhai. He's Khuhi's neighbor friend. He recently moved to a new house, the one next to Khuhi's house," Arnav said as he stood beside Shyam, introducing him to Anjali and Akash, then he looked up at Shyam, "And Shyam bhai, she's my sister Anjali and he's my cousin brother, Akash."
"Hi," Shyam smiled at Anjali and Akash and both greeted him as well.
"Introduction ho gaya.. Now excuse us Di, we need to discuss our strategies to win the match!" Arnav smiled sarcastically to Anjali, gesturing her to leave him with his boys team now.
"Let's see who wins Chote!" Anjali giggled, purposely calling him chote to remind him about his height. She was already teasing him on the way to the basketball camp by asking how would he jump to throw the ball through the basket as he's short compared to her and Akash.
"Di stop teasing me!" Arnav fumed.
"Let her laugh Arnav.. I guess she forgot she isn't the tallest kid here anymore. I'm also here!" Shyam smirked, "And I've been training basketball for a long time now. So the victory is written on our name only!"
Arnav and Shyam high-five, laughing at Anjali.
Anjali raised her eyebrows as she crossed her arms, "It's not good to be overconfident. We'll talk when the game is over now!"
She walked away from there, trying her best to hide the irritation she felt when Shyam teased her. Now she was determined to make team girls win only to prove him wrong.
While on the other side, Khushi who was still new to the game rules was trying to understand everything Payal, Lavanya and Sheetal were explaining to her. When Anjali approached them, Khushi rushed to her, hugging her, "Di I don't think I'll be able to play this game.. there are so many rules, positions and strategies.. It's too much for me to understand in a short time.. I'm scared now.. I don't want you girls to lose this game because of me."
"Arey don't worry baccha. You'll be able to do it. We're here to help you," Anjali patted her head affectionately, then dropped a kiss on her head and asked her to listen to their strategies properly now.
Khushi stood with Payal, Sheetal and Lavanya while Anjali, being the leader of their team was explaining the basics of the game to them.
Arnav, who was discussing with his team, stopped for a moment to look at Khushi with her girls team, she was standing far from him, on the other half-court.
Khushi glanced at his side, when she felt someone's gaze on her, she looked at him sadly.
"I wish I didn't had to play against you Kiwi!" he thought.
"I wish you played with me Nav. I would have understood this game better if you were the one explaining it to me, my newspaper ki dukaan!" she thought, pouting sadly.
"So Mr. Raizada kis ki side ho aaj? Team girls or Team boys?" Ratna asked her husband teasingly.
"I've my three daughters (Anjali, Khushi and Payal) in team girls, so obviously I'm team girls," Aryan said without any doubt.
"Arey wah.. but I'm team boys, mera Chotu Raizada is there," Ratna said, looking adorably at her little Arnav who discussing with his team with his serious cute face. She smiled brightly watching her baby boy who's growing up so fast now.
"Hello hi bye bye. I'm definitely team Akash! My Akash bitwa will definitely win this game," Mami said excitedly, after overhearing Aryan-Ratna's conversation.
Mama shook his head in disbelief, "It's not only your son who will win this game. It's his team who will win the game, you need to give credit to every player of the team Manorama ji!"
"Hello hi bye bye.. He'll ishcore the highest points in the gamewa. Just wait and watch!" Manorama replied, narrowing her eyes at Mama, while munching her popcorns.
"Shashi bhai sahab, which team are you rooting for today?" Ratna asked smilingly.
"No doubt my girls team!" Shashi smiled.
"And Garima you?" Ratna asked gigging. She knew Garima is a peace maker person, she doesn't like to see the kids playing against each other as she'll feel bad for the team that will lose, no matter if it's team boys or girls. They're all like her own kids.
"Arey yaar.. don't make me choose one team Ratna. I'm rooting for everyone to win. I'll just enjoy the game," Garima shook her head, smiling.
"I knew it you would answer something like this," Ratna giggled, she continued enquiring Shyam, Aman-Lavanya, Sheetal-NK's parents about the team they're rooting for. Nani, Buaji and Prakash brothers were discussing the possibilities of the teams to win as they're analysing each player's strength and weakness. And like this, everyone engaged themselves in the conversations before the game started.
After few minutes, the players were ready to turn the basketball court into a battlefield today. Prakash brothers who were the referees approached them to initiate the game.
Arnav, Akash, Shyam, NK and Aman took their positions and Anjali gestured the Khushi, Lavanya, Payal and Sheetal to follow suit. Khushi was confused where to go and Arnav silently helped her by discreetly eyeing at the position she had to take. She followed his gaze and went running to her position.
When the game started, Khushi was a bit startled and confused on how to play, she started forgetting important rules resulting her in breaking many rules to which Prakash brothers pointed out and with a heavy heart they had to warn her not to repeat it again as she would be out of the game if she continues breaking the rules.
The game was getting interesting and the players were aggressively attacking and defending as both teams were determined to win. The girls team considered Khushi as their weak player, so in the competitive spirit, they were avoiding passing the ball to her or involve her in situations that required strong players to score in the basket. Khushi was running here and there, trying to help them or call them to pass the ball to her.
Arnav was trying to help her while playing for his team making the boys scold him for helping their opponent. He was noticing how she was trying to help her team win, feeling pity of her, he was letting her snatch the ball from him to give her a chance to play. Other times, he would shout at Anjali, Payal or Lavanya to pass the ball to Khushi to let her learn the game and got scolded by his team for worrying about Khushi instead of his own game.
Lavanya threw the ball to Anjali but it accidentally hit Khushi's head who was distracted now, looking up at the middle stands to her parents with a crying expression as she wasn't able to play the game well. Shashi and Garima immediately got up from their seats when they saw the ball hit Khushi's head.
Khushi yelped in pain, shutting her eyes tightly as her hands instinctively reached to her head.
Arnav's little world stopped the moment he heard his Khuhi, his best friend in pain.
Lavanya looked at her apologetically, as she shouted guiltily, "Sorry Khushi!"
Although her eyes moistened on its own, she smiled weakly at Lavanya, "It's okay. No need to say sorry Anya."
Arnav dangerously glared at Lavanya as he moved towards Khushi, taking her in his arms, he patted her head gently, "Tum theek ho Kiwi?"
Khushi nodded her head, hiding her face on the crook of his neck, sobbing silently. "Shh..stop crying," he felt bad seeing her crying in his arms he knew she wasn't crying because she got hit by the ball she was just trying to mask her feelings as she was hurt that everyone was avoiding her in the game.
Garima and Shashi wanted to go down to the court to take Khushi and console her, but the moment they saw Arnav taking care of her, they stopped and stood there watching the scene.
Team boys and girls tried to approach Khushi to console her, but Arnav shook his head negatively, gesturing them to carry on with the game. He took Khushi with him to another mini basketball half-court beside the main basketball court where everyone was playing.
"Garima.. Shashi don't worry.. Arnav is with Khushi, he'll handle her.. let them play for sometime then see how her mood will change after spending time with her best friend," Aryan said, calling worried Shashi-Garima to sit back with them and watch the match.
Shashi and Garima nodded their heads, sitting back with Aryan and Ratna.
Mami nudged Ratna with an astonished look on her face, "Hello hi bye bye.. did you see how your Chote Angry Raizada was glaringwa at the poor girl Lavanya? Ye ladka is very much protective of Khushi."
"Haan.. I saw that.. What to do with this boy, when it comes to Khushi, he possesses three personalities: Pyaara, Possessive and Protective," Ratna whispered to Mami, "I'll talk to him once they finish playing. He should understand that Lavanya didn't throw the ball to harm his Khushi."
Mami agreed to her, then looked at Ratna curiously asking, "Hello hi bye bye.. Did you ever thought that if he continues to be like this then in future Khushi will have a hard time with her boyfriend? Or he might not even allow her to date?"
"Manorama don't you think you should shut your mouth now and enjoy the game. It's too early to think about these things, they're little innocent kids now," Nani looked at her Mami sternly. Mami gulped in response.
"Ma is right.. It's too early to talk about these things. I'm sure when they grow up, they'll understand what they have to do about their lives and respect each other's choices," Ratna said.
"Hello hi bye bye.. Correctwa!" Mami faked a smile, sat straight and concentrated on the game as her sasuma was keeping a watch on her now.
Arnav and Khushi were playing their own basketball game in the other mini court, he was patiently teaching her how to dribble, shoot, pass and defense skills. In their game, no one had to win, they're just shooting the ball through the basket and counting their scores, so Khushi wasn't feeling the pressure to win the game, she was much relaxed with Arnav, learning the techniques and skills patiently with him.
Everytime she or Arnav would score, she would be squealing and jumping around happily grabbing attention of her parents and Buaji who relaxed seeing their little Sanka Devi happy now.
When the Team girls vs Team boys match ended, Prakash brothers announced Team girls the winner of the basketball match. Team girls squealed in happiness, hugging each other. Team boys approached them to shake hands with the girls and congratulate them for their victory.
Anjali smirked at Shyam when he came to congratulate her. Shyam smiled defeatedly at her, extending his hand for a handshake to which she reciprocated. "Well played.. I'm impressed!" he said. "Thank you," she smiled genuinely at last.
Their families came to the court to congratulate the Team girls and console Team boys for losing this time. Mami was fuming staring at the Team girls celebrating their victory with their families, "Hello hi bye bye.. this is cheating!"
Arnav and Khushi also came back to the main court. They were informed that team girls won the basketball match. Arshi congratulated the girls. Lavanya took this opportunity to apologize to Khushi again. Khushi assured her that it wasn't Lavanya's fault and she was fine now.
Then Lavanya went to Arnav to say sorry to him as well, before she could say anything, Arnav himself spoke, "It wasn't your fault.. It's just the moment I saw my Kiwi in pain.. I lost my temper."
"Khushi is so lucky to have a friend like you. I also wish to be your best friend like Khushi is to you," Lavanya said smiling.
Arnav faked a smile, thinking to himself, "If Khuhi heard what you just said, she would have pulled my hair and made me bald today."
Meanwhile, Khushi was asking Anjali how many points they scored to win the game to which Anjali replied 35.
Khushi gasped hearing that, she quickly made some calculations with her fingers and when realization dawned upon her, she went running towards Arnav shouting his name happily and gaining everyone's attention in the court, "Nav.. Nav.. Nav.. We won! Teams girls scored 35 points and we scored 43 together. Team Arshi won!"
Reaching near Arnav, she threw herself on his arms, hugging him tightly. Arnav circled his arms around her waist, smiling lightly.
The elders smiled affectionately staring at them. Shashi and Garima were grateful to Arnav that he managed to restore the confidence in Khushi that she can play and win a basketball game like her friends too.
But Team girls didn't agree to this self declared victory of Team Arshi. Teams boys used this opportunity to cover up for their loss, they started supporting Team Arshi to tease Team girls.
"Enough you all.. Team girls won this basketball match, so we'll celebrate their victory now," Aryan spoke aloud in order to stop their silly fights, "And we'll do another separate celebration for Team Arshi later," he added after seeing how Arnav and Khushi's face fell seeing him declare Team girls as the winners.
Arnav and Khushi smiled widely, they ran to hug Aryan, "Yaay!!"
While hugging his Dad, Arnav looked at Anjali teasingly, "Di I won! We scored more than you!"
"You didn't.." Anjali frowned.
"I did.. Admit it!"
"Stop it both of you.. Don't start to fight again," Ratna chided both for initiating a fight that their father managed to put an end to it by making everyone satisfied with the results.
"Khushi.." NK approached Khushi who was walking out of the court with Arnav, heading towards the washroom.
Khushi stopped on her way, turning back to him.
"Congrats.. I'm happy for you!" NK smiled sweetly, shaking hands with her.
"Thank you NK! You're so sweet.. You're happy for me even though your team lost the game," Khushi smiled brightly.
What she didn't notice was a jealous Arnav rolling his eyes at the sweeter than jalebi conversation.
When she came back to him, he reminded her: Everyone was happy for you, he's not the only one.
"I know!"
"Toh you didn't need to say that he is happy for you even though their lost the game."
"Nav can I go and change my clothes? Then we will continue this conversation!" Khushi spoke sweetly but he understood the sarcasm laced in her tone.
"Yes please! I'll also go and change my clothes quickly to celebrate Lavanya's victory with her," Arnav replied in the same tone.
Khushi glared at him and walked away from there.
"Come fast.. I'll be waiting for You!" he shouted with a slight frown adorning his forehead as he watched her disappearing figure.
Gupta house..
After spending a day together, Arnav joined Khushi and Payal on their way back home because Khushi asked for a jalebi celebration to her mother for their victory. And he asked his parents permission to spend the weekend in Khushi's house.
They were walking towards the gate when Rocky started growling, staring at them through the gate of his house.
"Look Rocky is there," Khushi pointed to him excitedly, she started running towards the gate to watch him closely and Rocky started barking and jumping seeing her.
Khushi got scared, she immediately took steps back in fear. Arnav rushed to her, patting her back gently to calm her down.
Buaji shouted at them, "Hayree NK.. Come inside home you two.. Don't go near Rocky.. he bites everyone."
"We're coming Buaji!" Arnav replied.
Buaji followed Garima, Shashi and Payal, walking inside home after a long day. She was having a terrible headache after spending the day with the noisy kids.
Arnav walked near the barking Rocky, he placed his index finger on his lips intimidatingly staring at the dog, "Chup (Shut up).. Sit down!"
Surprisingly, Rocky obeyed Arnav's words and sat down quietly.
Khushi gasped with wide eyes, approaching them, "Nav he listened to you!"
"Hmm," Arnav was surprised too, he knew Khushi has a neighbor dog friend who never allows strangers except his owner touch him, he bites everyone. That's what Khushi told him and whenever he used to visit Khushi in her house, Garima and Shashi adviced them not to go near Rocky. That's why he only used to look at the dog, but never interacted this closely with Rocky.
He looked around the garden side of the house and spotted his hoodie laid carelessly there, shaking his head, he called Rocky and pointed to his hoodie, "Rocky.. Rocky.. Go and bring that hoodie.. Go fast!"
Rocky went running and came back with the hoodie in his mouth.
Khushi watched the scene in excitement, she started clapping her hands enthusiastically.
"Good boy!" Arnav smiled at Rocky. Rocky barked, wagging his tail.
Shyam came towards them, opening the gate carefully to not let Rocky reach Arnav and Khushi. He walked out of the house, looking at them curiously, "What are you both doing here?"
"Shyam bhai.. We were playing with Rocky.." Khushi replied smilingly.
"Don't you know he can bite you Khushi? Did you forgot what I told you before not to come near him?" Shyam asked worriedly for them as they seemed not to understand that Rocky can be dangerous for them.
"I know Shyam bhai.. but he liked Nav.. he listened to Nav," Khushi replied, she nudged Arnav to demonstrate Shyam how Rocky obeyed his words.
Arnav called Rocky and asked him to sit down again, to which Rocky complied making Shyam astonished.
"See Shyam bhaiya.. he liked Nav!" Khushi giggled happily, "Nav.. I told you he's like you. Rocky seems to be an introvert like you, he chooses people he wants to be friends with. He's not friendly with everyone."
Arnav glared at her for comparing him to Rocky again. Khushi understood his gaze, she smiled sheepishly, "I meant.. he's like you.. you're not like him!"
"Khushi is right. Rocky seems to like you Arnav.. Come inside, play with him for sometime.. let's see how he reacts," Shyam invited them inside, he opened the gate and quickly lifted Rocky in his arms. Rocky barked happily when he saw Arshi following them to the garden side.
Khushi was clutching Arnav's shirt from behind, following him scared of Rocky as he anytime he could change his mind and bite them.
Shyam gestured Arnav to try and caress Rocky gently to see how he reacts. Arnav obeyed him and started caressing Rocky with care and slowly. Rocky was calm and didn't make any attempt to hurt Arnav.
So Shyam carefully left him on the ground and asked Khushi to stand with him. Khushi ran towards Shyam, hiding behind him. And Rocky went running towards Arnav, licking his feet and circling around him.
Khushi peeked to see Rocky playing with Arnav happily. She smiled looking up at Shyam, "He didn't bite Nav."
"Yes!" Shyam nodded his head smiling.
Rocky ran to take the hoodie again with his mouth and came near Khushi making her gasp in fear. She immediately escaped from there and ran to Arnav again screaming in fear.
Rocky followed her making Arnav shout at him to stop and sit quietly. Then he turned to Khushi who was almost in tears now, "Calm down Kiwi.. Calm down.. Don't shout.. He'll get agitated then."
Khushi pouted, a sob escaped her mouth, "He wants to attack me!"
"He doesn't. He is showing you the hoodie you gifted him.. See," Arnav pointed to the hoodie in Rocky's mouth.
"Sachi?" Khushi asked unsure with moist eyes.
Arnav nodded. He sat on his knees near Rocky taking his hoodie out of his mouth, then he looked at Khushi calling her softly, "Come here.. Sit with me."
Khushi frowned slightly, "Nav are you my friend or not? Do you want me to land in the hospital when I haven't had my jalebis yet? Rocky will bite me... he doesn't like me."
"Shut up Khuhi.. Come and sit here now!" he said strictly, glaring at her.
Instead of Khushi, it was Rocky who sat straight and bowed his head intimidated by Arnav's tone.
"See, even Rocky listens to me.. but you are so stubborn!" Arnav complained.
Khushi pouted, she sat on her knees trembling beside Arnav, clutching his arm.
"Rocky.. do you know this Sanka Devi?" Arnav asked, patting Rocky's head. Rocky barked in response, holding the hoodie in between his teeth, trying to snatch it from Arnav.
Arnav smiled. He looked at Khushi, "See he didn't destroy the hoodie you gifted him. He kept it safely with him. And he's trying to thank you for the gift but you're getting scared of him."
Khushi smiled a little, "Really?" she looked at Rocky, "Won't he bite me now?"
"I don't think so!" Arnav replied, shaking his head. He lifted Rocky and brought him near Khushi's face. Rocky started licking her cheeks, making Khushi giggled as she was feeling ticklish. She looked away giggling, "Stop it Rocky.."
Shyam watched them play with Rocky for sometime, once he was assured Rocky won't try to hurt them, he went inside home to inform his parents that Rocky finally started making new friends.
"Let's help him wear this hoodie now," Khushi said.
Arnav agreed to her as they started dressing Rocky with the black and white hoodie and then left him to play on his garden. Rocky was running and jumping around the garden happily while Arshi kept watching his antics with wide smiles on their faces.
"By the way, Rocky is indeed like me.. because he is fond of a Sanka Devi Doctor like you!" Arnav said, pinching her chubby cheeks.
He was taken aback by her response to his words. She pecked his cheek giggling, melting his coconut like heart.
"Nav!" she called him, "I think Rocky is hungry now. Should I give him my jalebis to eat? He might like it."
"Noo.. Just because I called you a doctor, don't come up with your Sanki ideas," his robot like mind immediately scolded his coconut like heart for melting for this Kiwi girl and join her in her crazy adventures.
Khushi pouted sadly.
"Khuhi don't make this face to me.. Dogs don't eat jalebis. Rocky is like me right? So I don't like jalebis, he might not like it as well. We'll ask Shyam bhai to give him something else to eat," Arnav said as he got up, "Let's go to your house now. It's getting late."
Khushi nodded her head satisfied with his explanation, "That's why he's a center shock candy like you. I'm stuck with two sour creatures who don't like sweets."
"We're khatta meetha friends (sour and sweet), hain na Rocky?" Arnav asked to Rocky who came running to them while he helped Khushi stand on her feet.
Rocky barked agreeing with Arnav. Khushi chuckled, "Yes yes.. my two khatta buddies!"
They went to call Shyam to stay with Rocky and give him something to eat. Bidding goodbye to Shyam and Rocky, they walked together towards the gate. While standing outside the gate, they waved at Rocky again. Rocky came running to them and started barking.
"Bye bye khatta buddy," Khushi waved at Rocky smiling, "We'll come to play with you tomorrow. Don't trouble Shyam bhai, Puja aunty and Prasad uncle okay?"
"Bye Rocky!" Arnav said, patting Rocky's head, before he left to Gupta house with Khushi. Rocky went back to Shyam.
On their way to the main door of Gupta house, Khushi pinched Arnav's cheek like he does with her smiling at him, "My favorite Khattu buddy!"
Arnav frowned staring at her, hiding the smile threatening to appear on his lips, "Khuhi I'm ASR.. don't do these things to me. It doesn't suit my personality."
Finally.. it's here. Hope you all enjoyed the Khatta Meetha buddies update.
ArshiTulip_Notes thank you for telling me about center shock candy ❤😉.
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