A Letter from Brody - Troublemaker
Dear Santa,
I'm going to be honest Santa I have been naughty this year and not just because I started college, but because.... well I really don't have a better reason except that the opposite of being naughty would be being nice. And everyone knows that I am not nice also I'm nearly certain that a majority of the reason people are nice is because they have to.
But I am Brody Casen and your elves probably told you about me. But I'm not as bad they say, even though I'm probably on the naughty list.
Yes I'll admit I have been ruder this year than last, which is not a surprise since my girlfriend Winnie isn't here at college to tell me to tone it down.
But it could have been worse as far as I know there were only a handful of times where my behaviour could have been termed 'rude'.
For instance that time I was harsh to my professor because I was going to drop his course anyways. Perhaps I was a bit out of line.
Or that one time in junior year when Tyler failed Chemistry and I threw him a 'Sucks to fail' party and we all dressed and talked like him the entire night. I really thought I had done him a solid with that one turns out he didn't like the theme as much as I did. But that was a long time ago so hopefully it doesn't count.
So you see Santa most of the times I was rude was just a matter of misunderstanding I really do think I'm a nice person deep, deep, down.
Which is why I am going to provide you with all the rare times I have been nice and in return you fulfil my wishes seem fair?
All right here goes.
I once helped this old lady cross the road, because she was eating skittles and Winnie loves skittles and I really missed her.
This other time some chick tripped in front of me and I waited till I was around the corner until I started laughing which to me seems a lot nicer than laughing in her face like I'd normally do.
There was also the time I went to an amazing restaurant and treated myself to a full course meal. I thought that was extremely nice of me.
I'm sure there were a lot of moments where I was undoubtedly nice, but the truth is all of my niceness is directed towards Winnie. I know people are supposed to divide it but I save it up so I can be super nice to her. And I'm sure it's a lot better to treat the person you care about nice than all the people you'll probably never see again.
So hopefully I have redeemed myself in your books big man and without further ado I give you my list.
So the first thing I want Santa is for you to make sure I never mess things up with her. I give you my permission to fly from the North Pole and trample me under your reindeers if I do.
The second thing is probably familiar since I've included it in most of my letters and that is that I'd love if my parent's could get back together. I mean I'm not naive enough to think that it'll happen right away but they have been close lately so it's a possibility right?
Third of all I know that Isaac and Tyler go to the same college but I hope they don't ever forget who is in charge and that Isaac and Tyler without Brody spells trash.
And I'd love to know if Winnie is on your nice or naughty list? I know which list of mine she's on.
Hey guys it's Faye (aggressively) hope you enjoyed this letter written for Coca- Cola as part of a holiday commissioned project for their #ShareACoke campaign. Make sure to follow their Wattpad account @Coca-Cola and look out for more letters from all your other favorite writers.
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