Officer and Criminal
Branch is an Officer and Poppy a Criminal what will happen.
She was running and had to find a place to hide, she kept running as she heard footsteps of a couple of officers chasing her. She ran into the woods and found a spot as she blended into the ground using her hair.
''Where did she go?'' Asked Officer Delta.
''She can't be far.'' Officer Hickory replied catching up and they were inches from her as Poppy held her breath.
''Let's keep looking, she can't be that far.'' Delta replied.
''Hehe what a date.'' Hickory teased as Delta blushed.
''We'll talk later.'' She replied as they started running.
The girl came out and took a breath as she looked at her wrist to see she had the cuffs on as they were split in half so she could move her arms.
''Whew that was a close one.'' She whispered to herself as she looked around.
She was the known troll robber Poppy Pine, she had robbed stores and buildings with important things, jewelry and money however she was upset she and her now ex Creek had been robbing a museum when they were caught and he saved himself leaving her to take the fall and she was caught and was about to be taken to a secure prison until her trial but luckily for her the carriage holding her flipped over and she with the others got away and were on the run.
She smiles happy she outdid the cops and snuck back to the city and stayed in the shadows, she saw wanted posters up of her and her ex she frowns and stayed in an alleyway.
Not far away a handsome young blue troll named Branch was on patrol he loved his job. He started a few months ago but he left his mark in the force as he was great at catching criminals and had the respect of the other officers. He liked letting the city rest in peace, but little did he know that this night would be different.
He and his partner/brother John Dory were driving around the city watching for trouble.
''It's quiet tonight.'' Branch said looking out the window.
''It is, too bad we can't just cruise we have to be on the lookout for the 4 criminals that escaped.'' John Dory replied as he was drinking coffee.
''I know but...'' Branch paused looking out the window. ''John stop the car.''
John Dory pulled over and stopped. ''What is it?''
''I saw something in the alley.'' He answered as they got out and turned on their flashlights.
''Probably a homeless troll or an animal.'' John Dory answered.
Branch went into the alley as John Dory was at the front of the alley in case something tried to get by. Branch took a deep breath. ''Police come out.'' He called.
Nothing, he went farther in and to the garbage dumpster, before he could get close, he was kicked in the stomach as he went flying backwards as a figure ran past him as he stood up. John Dory saw black as he went flying back as well.
''John, you, ok?'' Asked Branch.
''Ahh my leg, it's one of the female escapees go get her I'll be fine.'' John Dory replied.
Branch took off on foot as he saw black and white jumpsuit take off as he chases. ''STOP POLICE!'' He shouted.
Poppy continued to run she has to get away, but she got a look at Branch and thought he was cute and hot; she blushes thinking of how he would feel on her but now she had to get him away from the lights.
Branch continued to chase her and only saw the backside of her as they jumped over fences and anything he thought she looked cute for a criminal. They came to an alleyway, and she couldn't get over the fence and was stuck, she heard footsteps and turned to see the handsome officer out of breath, and he frowns at her.
She watches him and he got a good look at her, and he froze she was beautiful; he couldn't believe she was a criminal? He looked at her hair that was down and her face dirty as her eyes were sparkling and looked like she had been crying, her lips were slightly parted as she pants, they looked soft and plump. 'Stop it Branch remember why your here.' He told himself.
''Alright turn around with your hands behind your back.'' He ordered. ''So, what were you doing?'' He asked.
Poppy bit her lip and saw when he froze and decided to use that to her advantage as she giggles. ''I was just out for a walk, officer.'' She replied innocently.
''Then why did you run and kick me?'' He asked coming over closer.
Her eyes fluttered softly making a shiver run up Branch's spine. ''I was scared officer I didn't know who you were.'' She replied sweetly pulling the charm as she flips back her hair. ''Besides I already have a pair of handcuffs.'' She winks showing them.
He smirks and feels himself thinking dirty thoughts. 'Damn that smile, why did it have to be a hot girl?' He asked himself.
Knowing she was a criminal he would play along making it easier to arrest her.
He came over to her as she stayed put and came over to him eyeing him up and down. ''So, what is a hot girl like you doing out here at night by herself?'' he asked flirtingly.
''As I said I fancied a walk and well you look like you need some fun, so I thought maybe you'd want to play tag.'' She explained smiling.
''Couldn't you have asked instead of kicking me?'' He asked enjoying this a bit too much.
''Well, I wanted to see if we were soulmates.'' She smiles playfully.
''Care to explain how you got those handcuffs on your wrist and the jumpsuit?'' He asked grinning.
''I was having rough sex and was playing the victim, so I decided to dress the part.'' She grinned.
It wasn't a full lie her and Creek were having sex before they decided to rob the store.
''I see and what is your name Ms.?'' He asked wiggling his eyebrows as he backs her to the wall and giving her a sly grin.
He was happy he took flirting and charming lessons from his older brother Spruce.
She moves over and leans in. ''I'm Poppy Pine, you know the one who robs museums and gets backstabbed by my ex.'' She replied with a frown and backs away.
Branch had heard of her and was surprised it was her and something told him she was forced into this, and this wasn't her doing it willingly. ''I'm Branch by the way. That couldn't be your partner was the one behind the robberies you just did the dirty work right?'' He asked smirking.
''Yeah, I did... what the hell I'm going to be locked up anyway, not that you'll believe me, but I got involved with my now ex Creek and he needed help, and I was tired of playing miss goody, goody because guys never found it attractive. So, I joined him, and I would have gotten away with it too, but I was stuck, and he left me without so much as looking back.'' She sighed shrugging and turned away from him so he wouldn't see her cry.
Branch wasn't one to let stories like that get to him, but this one seemed genuine. This Creek let her take the fall and left her. It wasn't right and he hated to admit it, but he was starting to like this girl.
Poppy went over and let him place the cuffs on her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugs him, Branch gulps feeling how close they were and could feel her breath.
She looks at him as they stare into each other's eyes.
He couldn't help but look at her body, the way it was pressed against his and she kisses him on the lips as her hands stroked the back of his neck, they felt sparks as they kissed and he wraps his arms around her waist, her lips were soft and as he backs her to the wall, he heard a moan from her but he lost it when she licked his lips. He opens his mouth as their tongue melted together. His hands having a mind of their own as they feel her body and she pushes her pelvis against his crotch that was getting hard, and they heard sirens as she pulls away slowly.
''I guess it's time.'' She sighed looking down as she took her hands from his neck, she didn't want it to end.
Branch knew he was stupid but he uncuffed her. ''Here we don't have much time.'' He cuffed himself as he helps her over the fence, she looks at him with a smile. ''Thanks.'' She left.
He saw John Dory and Guy Diamond who was also on call who got out and came over. ''You ok Bro?'' John asked.
''N-No I'm not! She outsmarted me, one minute I have her cornered and cuffed then she kisses me and turned the tables cuffing me instead!'' He protested.
Guy had a bewildered look on his face and raised an eyebrow. ''Really and how did that happen?''
''You've seen her, she a beautiful girl and I'm a guy.'' Branch replied sheepishly as he saw his brother grin and Guy smirk.
Later after reporting the report Branch went home. His brother went to his girlfriend's place, so it was only Branch. He didn't live in the best area but when he got to the apartment complex, he saw a hooded figure with bare knees to its face shivering. It wasn't uncommon for trolls to be out there. ''Get locked out?'' He asked.
''You could say that.'' The voice said as Branch jumped back and saw it was Poppy who looks at him with a smile.
''W-What are you doing here?'' He whispered.
''I heard where you lived and came here officer Brranch.'' She rolled the r.
He looked around and motioned for her to follow him and she did as they went inside and up to his place. ''You shouldn't be here.''
''I know... but after what you did for me how could I not- I've fallen for you, and you were the first one to believe me and not call me a liar and well I do need a place to stay and since we know each other I thought maybe I could pay to stay here.'' She replied sheepishly as they went into his place, and he closed the blinds.
''I heard of Creek, he's been on the wanted posters for a while and it's not a surprise.'' He said turning to face her taking off his suit jacket and was in his tank top.
''Plus, I wanted to pick up where we left off.'' She said blushing feeling her body ache for him.
Branch gulps getting that feeling again and his crotch tightened a bit as he goes over and pulls her in for a kiss. The female troll moans as they continue making out and he knew this was wrong, but he didn't care he knew she wasn't a criminal.
She moans and places her hands around his shoulders as her fingernails ran into his back. He moans as he pulls off his shirt and pulls off her hoodie to see she was naked, and he bit her lip.
''I had to get out of that jumpsuit.'' She replies smiling innocently at him.
He takes off his pants and boxers and lifts her up as he walks with her to his room.
She moas softly as he lays her on the bed, as her head hits the pillow and kisses her heatedly his hands on the side of her head, she french kisses him as her hands went over his muscular body and to his cock as she feels I in her hand.
''Mmm I want that in me.'' She begs breathlessly.
He smirked and kissed her as the tip of their tongues met and he pushes into her warm, inviting pussy and closes his eyes pulling off her lips and moving his her neck listening to her moaning. He kisses down her chest and all over her breasts, and then kisses her thigh as she moans feeling his tongue lick her body inch by inch, she arches her back enjoying it.
''BRANCH!'' She screams out.
He continued on kissing her, as his hands pinch and pull on her nipples and he was close as he kept pounding into her. This was the best sex he ever had in life and she came all over, as Branch came inside of her and falls on her after the load.
She looked at him with a blush. ''I never thought I'd be doing it with a cop, that was fun...'' She smiles.
''Yes, it was fun.'' He smiles.
''So, do you make it a habit of having sex with female criminals?'' She joked.
''No, but I don't think your evil. Just misguided and I should turn you in.''
''Yes, you should.''
''I could get into trouble having you here not to mention lose my job.''
''Yes, I know.'' She said quietly.
''I will let you stay here but in return you need to tell me all about Creek, and where he goes.. because once I find out where he is and what he is robbing then I can clear you and we can start dating for real if you want.'' He laced their fingers together looking into her eyes.
''You mean it?'' She asked shocked.
''Yes, if you want to be here with me.'' He smiles.
Months later after working together the two were able to capture Creek and get him arrested, Poppy was cleared, and they were dating and all was well.
Enjoy! This is a request forBroppyfover. I don't own trolls
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