Billionaire and Thief
Poppy lives a luxurious life while Branch is a thief and their paths cross...
Inside a cozy little troll cave den sat a bunch of male trolls.
''We finally got a haul.'' Tresillo said chuckling.
''Yeah, that bank was so stupid.'' Trollex said shaking his head.
''Yep! We've robbed so many places the only one we can't get into is the Bloom Mansion.'' Hickory smiles smugly.
''I hear Mr. Blooms daughter is a beauty but stuck up.'' Trollex replied.
''Yeah, her dad left her all that money and stuff and she doesn't even use it.'' Hickory replied watching the tv.
''True, say where is Branch?'' Asked Hickory.
''He out saying he has some stuff to do.'' Tresillo replied coming in covered in lipsticks.
''Someone had a fun evening.'' Hickory teased.
''It was wonderful.'' He winks.
They didn't really care, Branch was a lone toll and they saw him as the leader of the group, he usually went out by himself. He was the best thief around, able to steal pretty much everything.
Late that evening in a big fancy mansion a young beautiful pink troll was in her nightgown in her room on her bed as her close friend/maid Suki.
''I'm telling you; this party is going to be the biggest party ever!'' Poppy exclaimed happily.
''Oh, I'm sure me and Guy Diamond have been working hard on this track for that.'' DJ said as she finished brushing Poppy's hair.
''Thanks, Suki.'' Poppy smiled and hugged her friend.
''You're welcome. Need anything else?'' She asked.
''Nope all good thanks, oh and you might try seducing Guy with this.'' Poppy threw her a nightgown.
''Seriously? You know this won't stay on my body.'' The red troll giggled.
''I know, but still give him something to gawk at.'' Poppy winks with a smirk
''Good night, Poppy.'' JD said as she left to go to her and Guy's room.
Poppy smiled and went out to her balcony taking in the air.
Meanwhile a dark figure was outside the mansion and saw the pink troll staring at the sky. He stayed in the shadows, and he had seen the maid and servant with the other staff had gone to bed it was perfect.
He snuck over to the wall and started climbing a tree that had a branch that reached the rooftop and he jumped on it landing quietly. He slid down slowly and made it to a balcony and peeked in door window and saw the room was dark, but it looked like a small office, and he knew he was in the right room, he used a pick to unlock the door and it opened with a click as he went in.
Poppy had decided to go to the library where the fire was in the fireplace and heard something. She put the book down and grabbed a flashlight to look around while holding a bat and went to where she heard the noise.
'Perfect.' Thought Branch as he went and saw the diamond in a safe see-though box, and he tried to get it open when a light shined on him.
''Hold it right there.'' Poppy replied in a stern voice holding a bat.
Branch turned around as his hood fell off revealing his face.
''W-Wait y-your one of the thief's.'' She gasped as she held the bat up.
''That I am and your Poppy Bloom the billionaire.'' He taunted eyeing her sexy body showing her curves though the gown.
She was aware and folded her arms over his chest. ''So what exactly are you after?'' She asked annoyed but she was taken by this handsome troll especially his eyes.
''Well, I came for the most valuable thing in here.'' He said.
''Too bad that Diamond if off limits, and I will do whatever it takes to keep it safety locked in there.'' She growls going closer ro him with the bat up and swining it as he back up and moved away from her.
She smirked at the case where the Diamond was. ''Now I'm going to go easy on you, so go and don't come back.'' She demanded frowning.
Branch smirked and felt himself turned on by this and he had forgotten about the diamond and was focused on the beauty in front of him.
''Really? You know I've heard a lot about you, being a very beautiful troll and they weren't exaggerating.'' He flirted.
Funny, I heard you were the best thief in the city but here you are caught troll handed.'' She replied walking over.
''I am and came here to get the most valuable thing in here.'' He flirted moving closer.
She back up guarding the diamond. ''You won't get away with it.'' She said gulping.
Branch chuckled a deep voice, eyelids half closed moving closer backing Poppy up until she hit the wall.
''Who said I was after the jewel?'' He asked leaning in his arm on the wall behind her.
''I-Isn't t-that w-w-why your here?'' She asked getting lost in his eyes and his handsome body.
Poppy was trying not get too turned on, but he was very handsome and strong wondered what his lips would taste like, and how his body would feel on hers.
''Maybe, I think I came for something else.'' He said as he leans in and lifts her face.
She couldn't help but blush and loved being this close, both leaned in, and he pressed his lips to hers.
She was taken by this and kissed back, his lips were soft and perfect, and his kiss was full of passion, and he knew what he was doing.
She didn't realize her hands went through his vest and played with his chest fingering it as she felt the rest of his body and he cupped her face, and his free hand went to her waist pulling her closer as they continued making out, finally they pulled away to breath.
''Follow me.'' She all but dragged him with her.
What was she thinking bringing a random troll who was the best thief in the city into her room, but he was too tempting.
Once in the room, she pulls him against her as she takes off his cape and vest and he lifted her up by her legs and walked to her bed and rolled up her nightgown and started kissing up her legs as she moans and pulls on his hair causing him to groan, as he came up to hers and she pulls off her nightgown.
''I want you up here first.'' She replied.
He smirked and ripped of his pants, as both lay there naked and he eyed er body feeling happy and knowing this was the treasure he wanted, and he was getting hard and he leans in and kisses her lips before pulling away teasingly, then covers her mouth with his as his hands roamed up her curves and she fit perfectly against him.
He pulled off her lips as he kisses all over her body and fondles her breasts and gave both a slow long lick which got her shivering and arching her back as she wrapped her arms around his back.
Soon Branch kissed all the way down her body and came to her pussy that was wet and ready and he gave it a lick as she whimpers and grips the sheets.
He then kisses back up and he pushes himself into her as she moans and kisses him passionately and roughly with a hint of desperation. She never had a guy be so bold as this troll to kiss her and take her to bed most wanted her to make the move, or it was to get something out of her.
Branch never believed he was making love with the rich billionaire troll, she was beautiful, and he gently thrusted into her, watching and panting as her body was rubbing against his, the friction was over the top.
I take her hands lacing our fingers together and placing them over her head, her moans and whimpers turn me on, and I move to kiss her neck, it was soft, and she smelled like vanilla, everything was forgotten the only thing he wanted was her and to listen to her beautiful sexy voice.
Poppy had her hands all over his body, she had never seen or felt a troll who was well build and strong. The pine smell he had was driving her wild very different from the male perfumes. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they continue to make sweet, passionate love.
''I-I'm close.'' She whimpers.
He kissed her again, his tongue slipping in her mouth as hers plays with his and she orgasmed whimpering and came all over him.
Branch pulled out and Poppy not wanting him to be unfinished, started sucking on his cock and he lost it and moaning a deep moan and pushing her head down slightly.
After a bit he came inside of her mouth as she swallowed, and she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down on her as they hold each other as they close their eyes and fell asleep.
The next morning Poppy woke up and looked to see the male troll was gone! She sat up and saw everything was in place and no sign of him. She wondered if it was all a dream but the smell of pine next to her convinced her it was real. She got up naked and put on a robe running into the study and saw the diamond still there.
She went back to her room and sighed. She had fun and she wished he would have stayed or caught his name.
There was a knock at the door. ''Poppy time to get up, we got a party to set up.'' Dj said coming in.
That was right the party! She got up and got dressed and throughout the day she was busy setting stuff up for the party but kept thinking of the mystery troll.
Later that evening it was crowded at the mansion, trolls of all kinds were there as Poppy threw a fun, dance party. She moved around making sure everyone was having fun and there was enough stuff for the party and went to the corner to sit and catch her breath, she was still thinking of the thief.
She felt a tap on her shoulder and saw a troll wearing a beautiful mask and held out his hand. She smiles and takes it as she stood up and they danced in the crowd, she was curious who it was probably another suitor that wanted her. The troll pun her around and pulls herself against him his eyes looked familiar.
''I see we meet again.'' He said.
She removed the mask and her eyes widened and she smiled brightly. ''I-It's you.''
He chuckled. ''Yep, it's me Branch.'' He replied.
She smiles as they go to the balcony, and they kiss each other.
''I missed you.'' She replied.
''I missed you too and I knew I had to see you again.'' He said dipping her and kisses her on the lips under the stars.
Enjoy! This is for branchifur_13
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