~Yuri's Reality~
I walked into the club room, clutching my book to my chest. I looked around the room and saw Monika talking with Sayori.
'Where's Natsuki?' I wondered quietly.
I shrugged a bit then sat at a desk. I took out my poem and re read it. After that I opened my book and read a page or two before Sayori walked over to me.
"Hi Yuri! What are you reading today?" She asked me.
I shifted a bit before looking at her,
"Portrait of Makrov.." I answered quietly.
"Oooo that sounds interesting!"
"It is..." I nodded.
She smiled and walked off to a seat of her own and took out a book that seemed to be written in verse. I looked back at my book and fiddled with my hair a bit. I got another two pages read before I heard Natsuki walk in.
"Hello Natsuki!" Monika smiled.
"Hiiii~!" Sayori waved at her.
"Hello Otaku..."
"You say it like it's a bad thing to be one Yuri!"
I shrugged with a tiny smile and continued reading my book. But when I heard Natsuki grabbing a book from her manga stash I couldn't stop looking at her. No I couldn't stop looking at her so called book. I huffed a bit and stood up, then walked over to her.
"I just..need to ask..." I started.
"What do you want Yuri?"
"...why do you even read these?" I asked, picking up one of the 'books' and started flipping through the many pages of anime characters.
"Because...The writing has finesse!" She pouted, snatching the 'book' out of my hands.
I tilted my head and looked down at it.
"Are you..sure?"
"Yes I'm sure! know I should ask you why you read such dark and spooky looking books Yuri!" She half shouted.
"Jeez calm down.." I sighed.
"Well since you didn't answer..." she walked off to her stash again.
I watched her pull out a few 'books' then walk back over.
"Here..borrow these. I think you might actually like them!" She smiled up at me and shoved them into my hands..
I looked at the cover..DeathNote.
I flipped through a few pages then looked down at Natsuki.
Her cute eyes were pleading for me to read them. I looked at her for a little longer before sighing.
"I'll read one of the books. If I don't like it don't expect me to read the others.."
Her eyes lit up as I told her that.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She clapped.
I laughed under my breath.
She cleared her throat. "Ahem...anyways....what I meant was..thanks for accepting, Yuri.." she said.
I laughed once more, "ahaha..yeah you're welcome.."
She turned me around and started to try and push me.
"Wh-What do you want?"
"What are you doing exactly..?"
" you to you can read..the..manga..!" She huffed and eventually pouted in defeat.
"Jeez you could've just asked..." I walked back over to my seat and started to read.
"So..Natsuki talked you into reading one of her mangas?" Monika asked me.
"Y-Yeah.." I sighed.
"Orrrr...was it just that...well I don't know...maybe that her?" She asked with a smug
"What?!" I whisper shouted.
"Of course not."
Monika laughed a bit then looked over at Natsuki, who was trying to secretly watch me read. I blushed when she looked back at me. The expression she had made me uncomfortable.
"S-Stop that!"
"Stop whaaat~?" She asked as she slowly rested her head in her hands.
I huffed. Do I like Natsuki like that..? Surely Monika isn't right...Is she?! I looked over at Natsuki..she's so cute when she's focused on reading....GAH! Stop..I.Do.NOT.Like.Natsuki!
"E-Excuse me for a moment.." I giggled and walked out of the room.
I rushed over to the water fountain and waited for everyone to leave. I slid my pocket knife out of my sleeve and used my hip to press the button, causing the water to flow. I rolled up my sleeve and placed the knife to my skin.
I cut my flesh open. I laughed and sucked air through my teeth. I put my arm under the water and watched the blood drip down and mix with the water at the drain.
'If they found out...' I thought shuddering.
I stared down until the blood was barely coming down. I carefully raised my arm and tapped it dry. I closed the blade and rolled my sleeve back down, then carefully slid the knife back into my sleeve.
I took a deep breath before walking back to the club room. Natsuki was still reading and it looked like Monika was writing rhymes on the chalkboard. Sayori simply watched her, swinging her legs back and forth like a child. I walked over to where Natsuki sat and opened up the manga she gave me. I tried to read it didn't make sense.
"Hm?" She didn't lift her head from her book.
"How...How do I read this..?"
"Look at the words so your brain processes it.."
"No I mean it doesn't make sense," I told her coldly.
She sighed and placed a bookmark in her manga. read it like this. She showed me, reading a page or two for me.
"D-Do you get it now?" She asked, a faint blush spread across her face.
"Y-Yeah..." I fiddled with my hair shyly.
"Good.." she huffed as she went back to her manga.
**time skip**
I laid down on my bed, fiddling with a knife and looking down at the manga Natsuki let me borrow. I sighed and hid the knife, then picked up the manga. I read for about an hour before getting to the last few pages. I walked downstairs to get a late night snack. I walked back to my room and sat down at my table. I played a bit of music and picked up my pen. ...What should I write..?
I looked down at the small drawings in the corner of the page. I played around with my pen and then got an idea. I started writing quietly humming along with the music.
Ghost under the light
The tendrils of my hair illuminate beneath the amber glow.
It must be this one.
The last remaining streetlight to have withstood the test of time.
the last yet to be replaced by the sickening blue-green of the future.
I bathe. Calm; breathing air of the present but living in the past.
The light flickers.
I flicker back.
I read over my poem...perfect. I smiled slightly and twirled my hair as I listened to one more song before I'd go back to reading the manga. I'd finish up the first book and then go to bed. It was fairly late after all..
The song finished and I clicked out of it. I looked down at the online chess page on the computer. I sighed and clicked onto it, played two times, and started reading the manga again. I finally finished it. I...I actually kinda liked it. Sighing, I looked at the time.
I need to go to bed. I shook my head and changed into pajamas. I tossed myself onto my bed and drifted to sleep.
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