The first thing I did, I went to the animal shelter. I needed leverage over V or she wouldn't even stop to think about her approach. The guy at the counter was an acne ridden kid about sixteen with a really deep voice. I can only imagine what his voice cracks sound like! "Show me the biggest meanest dog you got." He raised his eyebrows but did look up. The face of the last guy that asked for that scarred his brain. He shuddered in memory of how much blood he had to clean up. I took notice of the shudder. "Show me the second meanest too, I'll decide." He looked semi-relieved. My aunt used to be a dog tamer and taught me a few tricks, so I think I can handle at least the second meanest dog. First, he lead me to a puppy and said, "This our second meanest dog, Spot." I couldn't believe he thought that adorable Dalmatian was mean. "Show me the meanest dog. After a long pause, he finally met my eyes and said "Are you absolutely certain." I nodded. he lead me up to this massive cage inside was a big, mean looking dog. It looked like a big German Shepard , but I'm sure it is also part Great Dane. As soon as I saw it I was tempted to just go get the puppy. I knew from my aunt that mean animals don't smell your fear, they smell you bravery. I walked right up to the cage and stared right into the big dog's eyes. He returned my gaze but in more of a glare. The dog started growling with his teeth out in a threatening way. I moved even closer to the cage,and didn't stop until I was pressed up against the cage. I was a little worried because my socks were through the bars. The big dog started sniffing my feet and then ate my sock happily as if it were a dog treat. I took off my other sock and feed in to him through the bars of the cage. He was jumping around, waving his tail like a puppy, and then he trotted over and licked my hand. I started laughing at the kid's face. The kid, who had watched the entire thing, had his eyes popping out of his head. "How much for both," I asked still smiling.
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