Once again if i see hate comments I MUTE and MOVE
go hate on the sasukarin chapter or something idc.
: :
can we all just,, take a moment to appreciate karin and all her wonderful moments.
1. First of all, this woman is FINE
I like to appreciate beauty when I see it and HOT DAMN
Even though I hated her long ago, I was lowkey attracted to her ngl
Like her eyesss! Her hair!! DEM LEGS!
I– *screams*
She's a fictional character but she can get it
2. Remember that time she was being interrogated and jailed by the shitty Konoha?
Y'all were thinking she was just a crazy fangirl but NOPE, she was using it as her plan to sneak out
We stan a crafty queen.
3. Her bite marks
Y'all do realise that the bite marks leave PERMANENT marks on her body right?
Like someone once asked me how someone biting you against your will is meant to be traumatizing and i was like
Anyways she's not a medical ninja but we stan a queen who saved Sasuke multiple times by letting him bite her skin.
Also when other people bite her it isn't sexualised, when Sasuke bites her it's sexualised.
You know what that means ey
They do be freaky frreakeh in the bedroom
She also has a right to refuse not letting someone's mouth near her skin like damn y'all on her case for denying Tsunade but like she doesn't give a flying fuck about Tsunade so why would you expect her to just be like
"teeheeHEE, hEre, eat my sKIN"
4. I just like to take a moment to appreciate the time she was on Kakashi's back
She was so soft and sad and though I hated Konoha for jailing her, Kakashi carrying her on his back and her feeling Naruto's warm chakra was a really nice moment.
5. When Karin was bouta die and we saw a side to her that we never knew
i CRIED. it was then REALIZATION just HIT ME that I've been a bitch to this wonderful character for no reason 😭
6. SakuKarin
As a friendship or as a relationship idc I ship it.
It's just sad that they never got more interaction moments.
(Idgaf about Boruto. Fuck Boruto)
7. This woman is STRONG
She can also detect lies btw.
She's not a frontlines fighter, so you don't expect her to be like Sakura or Hinata or whatever. She's a sidelines fighter, the one who gives you all the ammo you need to take your enemy down.
I'm just saying that without Karin, Sasuke would've never been able to find and kill Danzou.
Her strength lies in her mind, though when Sasuke was dying she unlocked her chains fully (a great example of Karin BEING STRONG because of Sasuke instead of weak ).
8. This moment gets to me always
Sasuke unlocking his amaterasu to save Karin is still one of my fave moments i–
(A good example of Sasuke gaining strength from Karin instead of weakness).
Anyways it doesn't matter if you ship them or not Sasuke cared for her
9. When she first met Sasuke
i wrote a poem about it (in my Genjutsu Poetry book check it out uwu) bc till this day her love for Sasuke still just gets to me i
10. She got some screentime in boruto
Don't get me wrong I'm never watching Boruto like never I'll never put myself in that horrid position.
But i just wanna spill some tea.
I find it funny how because Karin isn't a "threat" to the almighty sasusaku ship now sasusaku shippers suddenly LOVE her.
Anyways as usual she hot as hell in Boruto like I need to know her skincare routine bc DAMN she ain't age a DAY
oh wait she's an uzumaki lmaooo nvm.
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