Truth or Dare? (A lot of ships)
Ships- Sasuke x Naruto, Hinata x Sakura, Garra x Lee, Kakashi x Iruka & Shirley x Kiba (because I needed them to be with someone)
Age- Different for most everyone, they are all around 16 or older though
Type- Fluff
This is super unrealistic because they are all going to be just chilling & not fighting anyone but oh well, it's fanfiction.
⚠️- People being flustered, flirting, kissing, someone being embarrassed, beans being touch starved, implied things, long af oneshot
Kakashi, Iruka, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Garra, Temari, Shikamaru, Sabaku, Kiba, Lee, Hinata, and Ino were all sitting in a circle ready to play truth or dare all together.
Naruto and Kiba convinced Iruka and Kakashi to join them because they were trying to get the two together.
"Alright, who is going first?" Kiba asked with a grin.
"ME! ME!" Naruto exclaimed bouncing in excitement.
"Okay...I will start out nice, hug and/or cuddle with Sasuke." Kiba replied making both boys blush.
"Whyyyyy? I don't want to hug him!" Naruto whined, his mood dropping (all acting of course).
"Because you two's sexual tension is killing us all and because I can't force you two to do much so I'm making you hug." Kiba answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Both boys blushes darkened at Kiba's statement.
"Thats not true." Naruto grumbled as he moved over to hug Sasuke.
Once their arms were wrapped around each other Naruto melted into the embrace.
Now thinking about it, not having parents to grow up with and most everyone being scared of you in the village led to him almost never getting any affection.
Naruto cuddled up to Sasuke's chest as his head nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
Sasuke, along with most everyone else, was shocked by his actions but found it adorable.
Sasuke wrapped his arms properly around Naruto and pulled him closer.
Ino and Sakura pouted, muttering something about how they should be in Naruto's spot but stayed mostly quiet.
Hinata didn't seem to mind surprising Kiba, he thought she would be upset and he would have to apologize to her.
"Sorry to break up your moment but Naruto has to ask someone the question now." Sabaku said as he smiled slightly at the two cuddling boys.
"Truth or dare Bushy Brows?" Naruto asked, his voice muffled by Sasuke's shoulder.
"Dare." Lee answered after a minute of thinking.
"I dare you to let the girls give you a makeover." He answered making all of the girls brighten, their jealousy of Naruto pushed aside for now.
"Um okay but what is wrong with my look now?" Lee asked suddenly self cautious.
"You look like a little Guy Sensei, you should look more like your own person and not a copy." Sakura replied as she, Ino, Hinata, and Tamari all pulled Lee away from the rest of the group.
*10 minutes later*
While everyone waited for the girls to finnish up with Lee's makeover, Naruto had moved so he was now sitting on Sasuke's lap and everyone else talked amongst themselves.
"DONE!" Sakura yelled with a large smile before she grabbed one of Lee's hands, Ino grabbing the other.
"Allow me to introduce the new and improved Rock Lee!" Tamari said as she moved her fan from infront of Lee, revealing his new look.
His eyebrows were shaved so they looked "normal" instead of bushy while his hair was no longer a bowl cut. Instead it was swooped to one side and curled.
(Lee's hair looks like his^)
"Wow Lee! You look great!" Naruto said as he turned around so his back was now pressed against Sasuke's chest.
"Don't move like that again." Sasuke groaned lowly as he put his head on Naruto's shoulder.
"Okay? Sorry?" Naruto replied not knowing why him turning around was such a bad thing.
Everyone gave Lee a compliment exsept for Garra who was to busy blushing and looking away to notice the Lee was looking hopeful at him.
Tamari nudged Garra's shoulder making him look at her.
"How do you think Lee looks?" She asked making Lee perk up slightly.
Garra glanced over at Lee only to find him already looking at him.
He blushed and turned back to his sister "He looks good." He mumbled quietly making Tamari grin and give Lee a thumbs up.
"Lee, it's your turn to ask someone." Kiba reminded making Lee nod.
"Truth or dare Sakura-chan?" Lee asked instantly getting the answer.
"Truth." She replied making everyone start to say how lame it was.
"What a drag." Shikamaru sighed as he moved over to pet Akemaru, Kiba's dog and best friend.
"Is it true that you have a crush on one of the other girls?" Lee asked shocking everyone that he of all people would ask that question.
"I... well I-" Sakura stuttered, her face going as red as Garra's hair.
"I'll take that as a yes." Lee said with a smile. He thought Sakura and Hinata would make a cute couple but didn't want to say that and sound weird.
"Truth or dare Kakashi sensei?" Sakura asked trying to get the attention off of herself (for once in her life).
"Hmm...I guess I'll pick dare." Kakashi replied as he bookmarked the page in his book and looked up at the group.
"I dare you to take off all of your masks so we can see your face!" She replied instantly making everyone but Kakashi excited. None of them had ever seen his face before so this was going to be intresting.
"Great thinking Sakura!" Naruto said with a large grin.
"I know." She replied with a smirk getting a small glare from Sasuke.
"Come on Kakashi, a dare is a dare." Iruka said with a smile of his own, he too was quite curious as to what Kakashi's face looked like without the mask.
With a sigh and a small nod Kakashi pulled down his mask, and then his second one as well.
Everyone froze. "Dang Kakashi, your hot." Sakura stated making everyone laugh but agree.
"Iruka sensei? Are you okay?" Naruto asked as he saw how much Iruka was blushing.
"Yes Naruto, I'm fine." Iruka replied with a small smile, appreciating Naruto's consern.
Kakashi looked over at Iruka with a small smile, "Are you sure your okay there Ruka? You seem really red." He asked as he placed the back of his hand to Iruka's forehead.
Iruka blushed more at the nickname and movement.
"Y-yeah I'm okay." Iruka replied before lifting his hand to Kakashi's headband.
In one swift movement Iruka had pulled off the headband making Kakashi's full face exposed.
His eyes widened at how Kakashi looked.
"Why the Hell do you wear a mask? Your hot." Iruka asked instantly putting a hand over his mouth.
Kakashi smirked at the compliment. "Thanks, you aren't too bad yourself." He replied avoiding the question as to why he wore a mask all of the time.
Naruto looked over at Kiba who looked back at him, each giving the other a thumbs up. (A/n: I know that Kiba probably wouldn't care about Kakashi and Iruka getting together but let's just pretend that he does.)
"Kakshai sensei! You need to ask someone truth or dare!" Sakura said not being able to read the room.
"Truth or dare Iruka?" He asked not bothering to look away from the blushing male.
"Truth, I don't trust you with a dare." Iruka replied honstly.
"Is it true that you want us to leave these kids be and go get some Ramen with me?" Kakashi asked making Iruka's eyes widen slightly.
"Did you just ask me out on a date with a truth?" He asked making Kakashi chuckle.
"Maybe" Kakashi answered looking amused.
"Then yes that's true." Iruka said with a smile.
"Well goodbye everyone, Iruka and I are very busy all of a sudden. Have a good day." Kakashi said before quickly putting his headband and mask back on before grabbing Iruka's hand and running the two off.
"We did it!" Naruto cheered while doing a happy dance before Sasuke grabbed his hips stilling his movements.
"Stop wiggling so much." He said confusing Naruto again but he let it go.
"Now to get my other ships together." Kiba said to himself before saying "Because Iruka left before he could ask anyone, I will ask the next person." Aloud so everyone could hear.
The group moved so there wasn't a gap in their circle anymore before Kiba asked Ino "Truth or dare?".
"Truth." Ino replied not trusting Kiba with a dare.
"Is it true that you have liked Sasuke since the first day you met him?" Kiba asked trying to start up some tea.
"No, I liked him about three days into knowing him not instantly." Ino replied as Naruto cuddled closer to Sasuke.
"I swear if you don't stop moving." He muttered quietly so only Naruto could hear him.
"Sorry." Naruto giggled before going back to listening to the rest of the group.
"Garra, truth or dare?" Ino asked wanting to get her own ship together.
"Dare." Garra replied in his deep monotone voice.
" I dare you to get a dare from Tamari." Ino replied thinking that he would have chosen truth. She didn't want to risk getting hurt by giving him a dare he didn't like.
"Great!" Tamari said with a smile of her own. "I dare you to hold Lee's hand for the rest of the game." She said as Garra glared at her.
Before he could disagree however, he felt a hand lace with his own and looked over.
Lee had moved next to him and put their hands together while looking away, blushing brightly.
"Truth or dare Hinata?" Garra asked with a dark blush of his own.
"O-oh um... dare I guess." She replied softly as she looked down at the grass.
"I dare you to see if Sakara likes you and if you like her back then to date." Garra said knowing to not beat around the bush when you wanted to get a couple together.
Hinata and Sakura's eyes widened as blushes took over both of their faces.
"S-Sakura...d-do you like me?" Hinata asked as she glanced over at Sakura.
"Do you like me?" Was her reply making Hinata's blush darken.
"M-maybe." Hinata replied getting a smile from Sakura.
"I like you too." She said before pulling Hinata into a hug.
"Would you be my grilfriend?" Sakura asked getting a nod and smile from Hinata back.
"I thought Sakura liked you?" Naruto whispered to Sasuke sounding and looking confused yet happy for the two.
"I thought so too but I'm glad she wont be on my back anymore." Sasuke replied as he pulled Naruto back so he was now fully leaning against Sasuke's chest.
"Truth or dare Kiba?" Hinata asked as she hugged Sakura back.
"Dare!" Kiba replied without a second thought.
"I dare you to...*Sakura whispered something into her ear getting a nod in return* let your dog instincts come out and go to whoever you like most. Platonicly or romantically." She said with a smile as Kiba shrugged and did as he was told.
His eyes glazed over as he moved over to Shikamaru.
Akemaru, who was in Shikamaru's lap, moved off of his lap and onto Naruto's.
Kiba nudged Shikamaru's arm with his head as he sat down next to him.
Shikamaru looked up at the rest of the group looking confused.
"Try petting his head." Sabaku said with a shrug making Shikamaru nod.
He raised his hand and ran it through Kiba's crazy hair, Kiba instantly leaning into the touch.
Kiba hummed in content as he moved so his head was laying in Shikamaru's lap, his face facing the sky with his eyes shut.
When Shikamaru stopped running his hands through his hair Kiba opened his eyes and let out a small, quiet whine.
"You need to ask someone truth or dare." Shikamaru explained with a dark blush when he heard Kiba's whine.
"Oh... Truth or dare Sasuke?" Kiba asked coming out of his heightened dog mode (a/n:idk what to really call it, sorry) but made no effort to move from his position.
"Truth." Sasuke replied knowing that Kiba would probably make him alow Naruto to give him a lap dance or something stupid like that if he had chosen dare.
"Is it true that you would date Naruro?" Kiba asked as Shikamaru subconsciously started to play with his hair again.
"Do Garra and Lee have tension between them?" Sasuke replied with an eyeroll.
"What does that have to do with the question?" Naruto asked being the oblivious boy he is.
"It means yes, I mean have you seen those two." Sasuke said while pointing at the two who were still holding hands, Garra now leaning on Lee's side.
"Oh." Naruto said while looking at the two before it clicked in his brain.
"WAIT! YOU WOULD DATE ME?!" Naruto asked, his eyes shining with hope.
"Not it you keep yelling in my ear like that." Sasuke replied with a smile to show that he was joking.
"Oh sorry." Naruto chuckled nervously.
"Its fine." Sasuke replied. "Oh my Hokage will you please get together already!" Kiba yelled making both boys blush.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" Naruto asked getting a chuckle from Sasuke.
"Yes you can." He replied getting a large grin and a hug in return.
"Its getting late guys, this should probably be the last round." Tamari stated having everyone agree.
"Truth or dare Lee?" Sasuke asked confusing the boy.
"But I have already went? Shikamaru has not yet." Lee stated, his face showing his confusion.
"I know, but they will get together on their own, you two need help." Sasuke replied making Lee and Garra blush.
"Now truth or dare?" He asked again, this time Lee answering.
"Dare." Lee knew that either way he would end up either confessing that he liked Garra or would be dared to go out with him so this way would probably be the quickest.
"I dare you to ask Garra out if you actually like him." Sasuke said, confirming Lee's thoughts.
"Garra, would you be my boyfriend? It's perfectly fine if you say n-" Lee was cut off by Garra pecking his cheek.
"I'll be your boyfriend, stop worring so much." He said with a dark blush, Lee's blush growing as well.
"Okay, everyone off to bed now." Tamari said as everyone stood up.
"Yes mom." Naruto teased making the others laugh.
They all ended up going back to their houses, well exsept for Sasuke, he spent the night with Naruto...
2,456 Words! Idk how to end this so I'm just gonna leave it there 😅
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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