#1 Sweet Nightmares the first. (Uchiha Naruto)
If you have checked out my profile, you might've seen that there is a fanfic titled Sweet Nightmares.
And why, YES! This is the very first version of it!
If I'm correct, there's three versions of Sweet Nightmares in total.
The second version of Sweet Nightmares is completely different from this.
The third version of Sweet Nightmare (published and completed) is a mixture of both.
Anyways, I'll show the start of it.
Naruto froze as strands of Kaguya's hair was pierced through his chest, seemingly right through his chakra points.
A bone grew out of the rabbit demon's hand.
Sasuke's eyes widened. "No..."
Before Naruto could react, Kaguya pierced the bone through his chest.
Using his remaining chakra and strength to look over to his best friend, he gave a small weak smile.
"I-I'm sorry....s-suke...I deserve this...a-anyways..."
That was all he heard before the Uzumaki faded into ashes, scattered away by the wind.
He fell.
He fell, and he fell.
Into an endless hole of purple rings.
Is this a Genjutsu?
Is he going to hell?
He chuckled.
Yeah, that's probably it.
But my plan was- as the story goes on, I will insert flashbacks so that the readers will understand WHATS GOING ON.
*rereads paragraph*
So, Naruto wakes up coughing out blood on a bed after that, and memories flood into his mind. Then he saw THE Obito Uchiha right next to him.
Yes, THE Obito Uchiha who was SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD at that time.
"Naruto..." A hand grabbed my shoulder. I flinched as I looked up at the man. "Are you okay?"
"W-What..." I stammered. How....Why...what...who... I have so many questions going on in my head. But the only thing I managed to say out... "O-Obito?"
"Yes, it's me," he frowned. "You spat out blood in your sleep."
"O-Oh," I could only blink.
"Zetsu did a checkup on you..." Obito said. My anger rose at the name. "He said nothing's wrong."
I couldn't respond. Out of anger...sadness....confusion....and all negative emotions I could possibly feel.
I just died by Kaguya's attack.
What the fuck am I doing here?
Is this a Genjutsu?
But why the hell would Kaguya place a genjutsu on me?
She could've just finished me off.
Or...this isn't a genjutsu.
My eyes watered.
"Naruto...?" Obito asked, concern clearly shown in his eyes.
"O-Obito-nii!!!" I cried as I hugged him tightly.
"N-Naruto...?" Obito said in a confused tone. Seeing that I won't stop crying for sometime, he sighed with a small smiled and hugged back, giving me soothing pats on the back.
Okay you must be very confused.
Okay lemme stop-
okay here's the next paragraph where things get.....idk.
anyways, read it.
or if ur lazy just walk away and leave this book alone.
---(naruto fell asleep again)
I woke up in a sewer, my eyes still seemingly puffy and red.
In front of me stood the Kyuubi no Kitsune.
Who was now staring at me.
With different emotions in his eyes.
"Kurama," I spoke.
"Kit," He responded.
"You're...not going to like what I say," Kurama looked away. "I know I'm being selfish. But I know you'd want to do this too."
"..." I looked down. "Timetravel?"
"...Yeah," He answered.
"How?" I asked.
"I forcefully pushed the last bit of chakra into your eyes for your rinnengan. I used it to cast a time travelling jutsu," Kurama answered.
"No wonder I didn't quite have enough chakra to hold Kaguya's attack a little longer..." I muttered.
"I know...you wanted to talk to Sasuke. But hey...you can talk to him now, can't you?" Kurama smiled nervously.
"...I guess," I said and looked away.
"...Are you...mad at me?" Kurama asked quietly.
"No," I answered.
"But....I made this decision without your consent....aren't you at least a bit angry at me?"
"Even if I am, what could I do now?" I scoffed with a small chuckle. "Besides, it was our only choice, wasn't it?"
There was a comfortable silence.
"When are we at?" I looked at Kurama.
"Uh....You're probably setting off to Konoha tomorrow," Kurama answered.
"I see," I nodded.
"And kit..." Kurama sighed.
I looked up at him. "What is it?"
"Actually....when you timetravelled...."
My eyes widened at his next sentence.
i dont care if ur gon adopt this book or not- i'm telling you what kurama said.
Naruto's body was weakened after the jutsu and he will eventually die.
*sniff sniff*
I like bad endings.
*sniff sniff*
so, next paragraph.
Obito glanced over at me again. I sighed. "What is it, Obito?"
"Are you sure you're in a good condition to go? I mean, you did just cough out blood yesterday," he frowned.
"Yes I am, Obito, plus, I need this as experience and practice," I made a handsign and sealed my bad into a seal on my arm. "It'd be safer to check up on him myself too..."
"...I guess. You are the one who gives out orders to him, after all," Obito nodded. "I'll come visit if I can."
"Got it," I sighed. "I'll be going."
Ignoring Obito's worried glance, I disappeared in a flash.
I appeared in a forest, earning a shrilling scream from the one next to me. I sighed. "Idiot...."
"H-Hey!!!! Don't just appear like that and scare me!!!" He pointed an accusing finger at me.
"Get used to it..." I gave him a disappointed look. "...Naruto."
Out of 10, how confused are you now????
mm nextpart-
"Blah, blah, blah, whatever," He huffed.
"Apartment," I informed him in a nonchalant tone.
"Kay, kay, kay. Follow me," he said.
"Wait," I stopped him.
"What?" He asked, annoyed.
"I should put on a henge," I said before transforming into A boy with brunette hair. "Let's go."
I rummaged through the kitchen cabinet, searching for food.
"Where's the ramen? I thought you spared some for me," I said, standing on my toes.
"Oh...uh..." He scratched the back on his head sheepishly. "I finished all of them this morning."
"Tsk, you only need one cup of them, don't you?" I glared at him.
"But the wrapping looked so nice and it smells so nice and it tastes so nice!!!!!" He pouted.
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Go out and buy some for me."
"Eh!?!?!? Why me???? You have feet and hands to walk and buy stuff, don't you!?" Naruto huffed.
"Yeah, but if my personality changed suddenly, don't you think people will suspect y- I mean, us?" I asked.
"Just go. Be back quick."
"Pshhhh, whatever, you're just lazy," He pouted.
I watched as he slammed the door close and ran off. A smirk appeared on my face before I pulled three cups of instant ramen out from the cabinet.
"OIII!!!" Naruto screamed in my ear, making me jump. "I brought the ramen!!! Heat it up yourself."
"...Put them on the table," I ordered.
"Kay, kay," Naruto answered and carefullt placed the cups of ramen on the table.
"Naruto..." I muttered as I walked up towards him.
"Yeah?" he hummed, turning back to look at me.
"Your job here is done."
"You idiot..." I sighed and held a kunai in my hand. His eyes widened as I stabbed him right through his heart.
and boom naruto died.
jk that was a blood clone.
So, that's all I wrote.
Then I discontinued it.
Anyways, (i couldnt find the paragraph where obito explains everything to naruto i probably deleted it) in here, Minato is an Uchiha and Naruto has both Uzumaki and Uchiha blood in him, WHICH IS WHY HE COULD AWAKEN THE RINNENGAN.
Madara knew about Namikazes being Uchihas which is how Obito knew Naruto is an Uchiha too if THAT MADE SENSE-
So Obito for that reason kidnapped Naruto when he was young and trained him to be stronger ye-
Obito was going to betray Madara right ye-
So his plan was originally to take Naruto's eyes and do everything himself. But then he grew close the the boy and wanted to protect him, so he instead killed himself and gave Naruto his eyes-
But if you think it's a good idea you can just inform me in the comments that you wanna adopt this story.
I'll tell you when I approve of it :D
There's really no need for me to share you the drafts since its only one chapter but if you want it tell me.
SO basically how to adopt-
Go to the comments and type
I would like to adopt this, please send me the drafts/I don't need the drafts, im a big boy and i can type them out myself.
basiacally you just tell me that you wanna adopt this and say if you want the drafts or not.
Anyways, next storyy-
(If you want to adopt a story, comment:
I would like to adopt this story.
I will send you my email, please send me the drafts. / I do not need the drafts.
If you do not need the drafts, we don't need to use dm or email. You just start writing the story on your own.
Please inform me if you want to keep the story title. (You cannot keep the title Sweet Nightmares because it has already been used)
If you'd like the cover picture too, please tell me. I will send you through discord or email.)
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