~Truth or Dare~ (NaruSasu)
A/n: Well, I am finally back to this book. Its been like what at least a year? I don't know but I didn't get much better. Anyways- for this chapter I am writing in a sort of highschool AU. I'm really tired so I might have a few (TBH probably more than a few) spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Feel free to point them out I am trying to get better. But yeah I have a really general idea of what I want in this chapter so I'm just going to like get started without planning anything and see what happens. (Lets be honest I never plan my stories anyway how is it any different.) I lowkey also wanna make it a really like clumsy and awkward smut scene like a first time.
Sasuke's P.O.V
Parties. I despise them but somehow I always get dragged into them.
I think it's completely ridiculous the things these people do at parties. In my mind parties are just an excuse for a bunch of thirsty and sexually confused teenagers to get completely shit faced and either make a few friends or get laid by the end of the night. Not to say I am in no way a thirsty sexually confused teenager because that is an absolute lie. At my age it is truly inevitable to not go to at least a few parties. Even if you go out of your way to make up an excuse to skip it.
Back to the thirsty sexually confused part. Teenagers are sneaky about this, they make up games just so they can make out with each other without judgement. The amount of games that involve lip locking or just inappropriate touching is an almost disgustingly high number. Twister, Seven Minutes in Heaven and spin the bottle. But my least favorite was Truth or Dare because no matter what happened that game seemed to be able to combine all the games.
And the worst one is oh so "conveniently" the one I was dragged into.
Everyone came into it knowing very well the consequences good or bad.
I sipped a cup full of some sort of alcoholic concoction and watched. Ino had a devious look to her as she took a cursory glance around the circle carefully deciding who she would pick. I rolled my eyes, it is not that serious. I looked at the door wondering if they would get mad if I left. Probably. I just don't feel that fit to be here since I'm a little tipsy and I don't want to do anything stupid. Ino stopped at Sakura, In a loud booming voice she asked the well known question, "Sakura! Truth or Dare...!". Sakura slumped down and pouted in an effort to look cute. Not many saw through it but I definitely did, she looked up seemingly in deep thought. "Dare...?" She said hesitantly.
Ino smirked, "I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven with Lee!" Many people giggled violently, my eyes darted to Naruto who was scowling of course angry that he wasn't the one Ino chose to go with Sakura. Lee jumped up quickly and blushed, "You're serious!?" He exclaimed in disbelief. "Go Billboard brow your oh so handsome man is waiting-" "You pig! I will remember this just you wait!" She grabbed Lee harshly and trudged to the closet. I feel bad for Lee and how they constantly pick on him and how just simply kissing him for 7 minutes is considered a 'punishment'. I take another long sip of my drink. "Lets just continue without her I don't want to listen to her yell at him for 7 minutes." Naruto spoke up from what I could see slightly jealous. Everyone agreed.
Kiba yelled "I want to be it!" And so he was. Kiba carefully looked around and stopped at me, shit. "Sasuke, Truth or Dare."Of course everyone quickly turned and watched me with giddy anticipation. It wasn't everyday the so called 'cool pretty emo boy' played Truth or Dare. I glared at him quickly then said truth without hesitation knowing that's the one that isn't as bad. Kiba looked up in thought and Naruto was on his knees cheering Kiba on in a hushed whisper obviously really excited for Kiba to embarrass me in front of everyone.
"Hmmm- okay I have one... Have you ever kissed someone?" Kiba asked. My eyes quickly darted to Naruto but then darted back as to not raise suspicion. "Yeah..." They probably don't remember and I desperately don't want them to. "Ooh! How many people?" He leaned in on his knees as a lot of people did even Naruto which surprised me. I almost felt hurt that he didn't remember. Keyword almost. I shifted uncomfortably, "Aren't you supposed to only ask one question? This is against the rules." Any excuse would work. "Blah blah rules smules nobody cares is the Truth or Dare police going to burst in? Just spill the beans!" Ino spoke up quickly. I did a small gulp but keeping my cool. "It only happened with one person and it wasn't really- well I mean- I didn't, like...." I stumbled on my words definitely not enjoying this harsh interrogation. I looked at Naruto right in his eyes almost instinctively and watched it click. Damn.
He gasped and started laughing, "Are you kidding me! Pshhh! The pretty boy Sasuke has only kissed one person and it was me!?" He laughed and fell onto his back. "Dude I don't even count that one. It was just an accident! It was in middle school!" Everyone finally remembered it and as I suspected they laughed. Usually I can handle being laughed at but for some reason it felt crushing. I shifted onto my knees feeling the well known feeling of anxiety coursing through my veins turning my limbs into jelly and heating my face up. I breathed deeply, "Sasuke that kiss wasn't even real!" He sat up quickly still laughing. That did it I snapped. My eyes shot open and my face flushed tomato red my brain not thinking properly I shouted "It was real to me!" Immediately after I regret it. Everyone went silent, My face which was once red was now ghostly pale my eyes darted on the different faces. All silent all star struck at my sudden outburst then to Naruto's face. Pure confusion, I don't blame him I am confused myself.
I felt disgusting, I felt like my world is crumbling. I darted to my feet doing the first thing that came to my mind. Run.
I grabbed my jacket and quickly opened the door and slammed it shut the cold air attacking my skin. I started towards my house wishing I road my bike here instead of walked. Why did I say that! I don't even think I really felt that way. I slid my hands onto my face wiping the tears that were forming. I cant believe I snapped at him like that. My cool collected nature just slipping away from me so easily. The walk to my house seeming was infinite, what normally feels like a 20 minute walk felt like hours to me my head was racing and the last person I wanted to see was Naruto.
But that's just the person I saw. After walking for what seems like hours I hear a car and I look behind me. His car quickly veers towards me. I kept walking, he rolled down his window. "Sasuke..." I stopped abruptly and turned to him seeing his dumb expression. "Please do the both of us a favor and kindly fuck off." I retorted rather furiously. His expression changed quickly to a frustrated frown. "I will but not after you explain to me what the hell that was!?" He snapped back. The anger boiling in my veins, "What Naruto? What do you want to hear? Do you need me to tell you how I've got a big fat gay crush on you!? And how I thought about that kiss every night for months after it happened! Because there you go! Are you happy now!?" I yelled rather loudly. He looked shocked but shook it off. "Sasuke can we talk about it... Somewhere else...?" He gestured to the unfamiliar neighborhood around us. "No asshat!" I started walking away. "Sasuke I don't know where you are going but you've been going to opposite direction of your house for actual miles! So please can you just get in the car so we can talk about it!?"
I looked around me, I looked down at my phone and cursed in disbelief. I furiously went to the passenger door and flung myself inside and slammed the door. "Don't get any ideas shithead, just take me home." He smiled content he won, and then started driving. The drive was awkward and for the most part painfully silent. He slowed down and turned into an empty parking lot to what looks like a park. "Naruto I don't know what the fuck you are thinking but this isn't my house so before I pound your face in you better take me to my house." I scowled at him. "No way Sasuke... I cant just listen to all you have said back there and never talk about it again...!" He exclaimed.
"Why do you even bother you like Sakura!" I quickly stated. He turned to me and shrugged "That's a debatable topic- and this whole conversation isn't about her I'm trying to talk to you so please talk to me!"
I shook my head, "What the hell do you want to know?" I growled. He gave a small content smile, "How long have you liked me?" I shrugged "I don't know ! Ever since the kiss!" He turned towards me slightly hesitantly "Can we do it again?" I quickly answered, "Listen Naruto I don't want to answer these awkward ass questions unless you actuall- what a second what was that last question?" I gulped.
"Oh- well I mean ... If - I want to try again if that's all right with you?" He questioned again looking me in the eyes. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes, "If this is some stupid dare please stop." I wiped my face quickly not wishing to cry in front of him. He waved his hands around, "Sasuke if you don't stop doubting everything I swear to god... can I?" I nodded frantically.
"Okay.. don't be disappointed though because I'm not some sort of kissing god myself..."
He leaned in towards me slowly, my eyes fluttered shut my stomachs doing flips. As soon as our lips connected I felt a shiver down my spine. He reached a hand up to cup my face. He moved his lips with mine, since both of us were inexperienced It was a mess. But it doesn't mean it wasn't good. Teeth clanking and noses bumping together it slowly gained heat. I reached for him, on the way pushing the arm rest away getting closer. I felt something warm on my lips. I realized it was his tongue and instinctively opened my mouth. I never knew why people where so crazy about kissing until now. It felt like there were fireworks in my stomach. Adrenaline was running through me. He pulled me further onto him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our tongues connected. We parted for breath our lips redder than usual and panting relentlessly. He looked to the side partially dazed. "Shit is that what kissing usually feels like...?" He breathed out.
I shook my head partially out of breath, "Im not sure... but lets keep going." I pulled him closer though in that motion accidentally headbutting him. "Ow fuck!" He rubbed his head. I winced "Sorry... I just fucking can't get enough of you." before I could realize what I said he smirked and looked at me. "What was that?" He slid his hands down to my waist. My face felt warm, as I opened my mouth to say some sort of insult he suddenly clamped it shut. He kissed the opposite side of his hand "Say no more.." then trailed kisses down onto my neck removing his hand from my mouth.
I let out a tiny sound as he bit down on the side of my neck. He sucked on it leaving what I am sure would be a big hickey. I gave him a light slap on his head. "You asshat everyone will see that!" He looked at me. "Then so be it." He brought his lips to mine kissing me hungrily. He started on my shirt buttons. He slid my shirt down my arms then off me completely. He ran his hands down the side of my torso causing me to shiver. Goosebumps forming all over my body. I pushed him away lightly. "W-wait, are you trying to go all the way.." I asked. He looked confused "I thought that's what we were doing...?" I rolled my eyes, "Car sex definitely isn't ideal but you could have told my that from the begging." I quickly reached down to his crotch and roughly rubbed my hand against it. He let out a low moan and shut his eyes tight. I smiled at him as he looked back at me. "S-shit Sasuke where did all that come from..."
He connected our lips again but rougher and more passionately though separating when he hastily pulled his shirt off. He reached down and fumbled with the button on my pants then attempted to pull them off with a struggle I laughed into the kiss at his attempts then got them off myself. He pushed me lightly against the dash but still a little too hard because the horn honked making us both flinch. I let out a brief laugh just like him and continued. He kissed me again and reached a hand into my boxers and stroking me messily. I flinched and broke the kiss for air and lightly cursing into his ear. He continued and I grew impatient by the minute. I wanted more of him. I reached down and slid his pants down to his ankles thinking that's good enough I pulled his boxers down with great impatience and his member quickly popped up slightly surprising me, not really expecting him to have a slightly bigger one.
I grabbed it not really knowing what to do because I have never done this sort of thing. I placed a kiss on it and looked up towards him. I started slowly on the top looking up at him to see his reaction I ran my tongue up and down on it. He tasted like salt but it was a distinct taste that I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of my mind. I bobbed my head going further down each time. My brain feels like it's short circuiting as I just move not really knowing what I am doing. Soon I reached the bottom with slight difficulty, I picked up the pace as he reached a hand down to grab my hair. His head tilted back I continued. He made reassuring grunts as I went at a faster pace. Soon he shifted around as I knew he was close, I went faster and further down though on the bridge of gagging I continued. He grabbed my hair harshly pulling me off as the sticky substance spilled on my face and into my eye. I was slightly shocked. He fumbled around the car, "Ah I am so sorry Sasuke!" He breathed out his voice slightly hoarse. He quickly got some tissue and wiped it off my face. I shook my head. "Its fine..." I reached a hand down and stroked him again and his member easily popped back up again. I looked around his car and in the glove compartment and pulled out the easily recognizable bottle. "Seriously...In your car... what do you just get sex every day?" I laughed and his face turned red. "Well... definitely not but ... you never know okay!" I rolled my eyes yet again. "Plus it's coming in handy today at least."
I pop open the bottle and begin to squeeze it onto my fingers. He stops me and grabs it. "After that wonderful blowjob I got let me try and repay you..." He squirted it onto a few fingers and then reached down. He started with his middle finger as I shifted uncomfortably. "Its weird..." He continued and soon added a second one and made a scissor motion. "Its really tight..." He said and I shushed him. "Ew please don't say stuff like that" I shuffled around the fingers starting to feel nice. He added a third one which felt incredible after a bit. I leaned into him and buried my face into his shirt biting the fabric holding my voice back but inevitably making small sounds every once in awhile.
"Naruto... nn hurry up fuck..." I said slightly muffled since my face was buried into his shirt. He pulled his fingers out quickly I can tell slightly shocked from the reaction. "You sure your good?" He asked with concern in his voice. I pulled my head away and looked at him with an expression I knew must've been shamefully lewd, but I couldn't give a fuck in the moment. "If you ask me if i'm good to go one more time ill punch you." Naruto smirked "Kinky." I rolled my eyes.
I squatted over him alligning myself onto him. I slowly pushed down onto him. Naruto pressed his head onto the seat and grunted my name his hands finding there way to my hips. A burning pain filled my entire lower half it was a dull pain. Realizing his member was a lot bigger than the fingers I pushed myself down completely tears sliding down my face. "Ah- Sasuke are you okay?" He grabbed my face and wiped the tears. "Its .. fine I just - it hurts a bit... but i'm glad you are feeling good." I replied. He brought our faces closer and kissed me softly.
After a few moments the pain dulled down and after a bit more it was mostly gone and the only thing left was the gnawing lust. I pulled myself up then down experimenting on different spots. I went all the way up then slammed down and I let out a throaty moan throwing my head back and repeating that motion. Naruto let out a frustrated groan, "It feels like your going this slow on purpose!"
He quickly pushed the seat down and flipped our positions and connected our lips. He suddenly, without warning, thrusted inside me. The pleasure spread almost to my whole body as my choked moans escaped my mouth. He grabbed my hips and roughly pushed my ass into his hips every thrust. I felt out of control my breathing was eratic in short pants. Every place he touched felt like I was on fire. I truly believed I was melting up for a bit. He quickened his pace and brought his head down roughly sucking on my torso. At this point I felt like I lost it I was moaning his name shamelessly and relentlessly. His grunts mixing in with the sound. Even his sweat felt erotic on my skin.
He adjusted my hips bringing them a bit higher for a reason unknown but as soon as he thrusted I knew why. My whole body twitched and I pressed my head on the seat back arching into him. I grabbed the sides of the seats as hard as I could. The friction on the spot making me let out a long moan painting heavily. He thrusted in again hitting it as hard as he could abusing the spot he's seemingly pin pointed. I opened my mouth shutting my eyes tightly clenching around him while nearing the edge. I held my breath to only take a shuddering breath in before releasing the pent up liquid while screaming his name. My body clenched around him so not long after he came inside.
He shuddered and sloppily thrusted until he was done.
He leaned catching his breath. He finally pulled out the sensation making us both shiver as he collapsed next to me though not that comfortably because there is limited space in the car. We both panted heavily next to each other. My heart was in a state of disbelief and my brain felt completely shut down. I turned my body towards him, I looked him in the eyes as he turned towards me. I fought off sleeping knowing we have to get home.
I brought a hand up and touched his face. I brought my lips to his again for a small peck. "I think I love you." He spoke up with a hoarse voice. I slapped his shoulder making him flinch. "You better love me after the shit we just did!" He let out a breathy laugh and then smiled contently. "Then I guess the conclusion is that I do love you."
I smiled my stomach fluttering yet again. "I love you too."
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
"But I ain't helping you clean this car afterwards" I added. He scoweled then landed another small kiss on my lips.
A/n: lol it's done I guess, I'm cringing a lot while reading it though Bc my plot leadup is piss poor lol but who cares YALL are probably here for smut right. And the smut wasn't even that good lol but whatever I'm sorry it's so long haha it like 3551 words right now so sorry again PLEASE CORRECT ME IF YOU SEE A GRAMMAR ERROR OR IF A WORD IS WRONG I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT so yep tell me if you liked it
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