9: Shame
Edmund awoke. The minute he awoke he realized how warm he was opposed to witch's cold castle and sleigh.
"He is waking, sire." He heard a gentle voice say, slightly trembling.
"Peace, Kellia. He is a mere boy. He's only ten. Although that doesn't excuse anything he is. Do take in the fact he isn't more than a baby."
Edmund knew they were talking about him, and although he didn't like being called a baby he was too tired to care.
"But after all he did... with... with.. Her..." Kellia trailed off.
Edmund was glad they couldn't see the tears in his eyes.
"Kellia, go out and tell your future High King his brother is safe. Then help the queens ready themselves for the day."
"Yes, Aslan." With the sound of rushing leaves Kellia left. Edmund listened in silence.
"Child, you cannot hide from the world forever." Edmund took a deep breath. Still not open in his eyes. He laid on his side and faced the voice.
"I know. I just... I just... I was so selfish, sir." He said. He heard Aslan move closer.
"That is correct." Aslan said, not judgemental or angry, more sad than anything.
"And I don't deserve to be called king."
"That is also correct."
"Edmund. Look at me."
"I can't." Edmund squeezed his eyes shut tighter.
"Can't? Or won't?" Aslan asked gently. Edmund sighed.
"Won't." He whispered. Aslan moved closer and now was so close Edmund could feel Aslan's breath.
"Child, you worry. What do you worry about?"
"You already know." He whimpered. Aslan touched noses with him.
"Yes. I do. But Edmund, I love when you talk to me."
"Y-you do?"
"Yes. Speak to me."
"I-I don't know what people will think of me. I don't even want to think of it. I-I feel so bad. But it all just replays in met." Edmund mumbled.
"Edmund Pevensie. Just look at me. You will see the truth. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. Keep your eyes on me and it doesn't matter what anyone else will say as long as I am your main focus." Aslan rumbled. Edmund almost opened his eyes but then didn't.
"I have done too much wrong."
"Look at me, Dear One." Aslan said. That time it was nearly a command.
Edmund opened his eyes and squinted against the bright light. When his eyesight finally focused he blinked and saw Aslan sitting beside his cot. Looking at him with such love he felt tears in eyes.
"Edmund come walk with me..."
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