After that long night, I finally woke up. I could barely see, just enough so I could see Mikan, who still asleep. She had her arms wrapped around me, which I didn't mind, so I just continued to lay where I was, in Mikan's warm grasp. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of her entire body, our bodies were pressed against each other's, but that didn't bother me. I probably relaxed in the same position for about 30 minutes, then I could feel Mikan staring to move. I opened my eyes when that happened, I saw Mikan starting to slowly open her eyes. I couldn't help but smile, I whispered to Mikan,
"How did you sleep...?"
Mikan answered,
"I-I slept fine..."
I replied with a smirk on my face,
"Well, I was able to sleep well knowing you were beside me..."
Mikan blushed to my comment, I saw a bunch of writing all over Mikan's face and I sighed,
"Well, looks like they weren't kidding..."
Mikan was confused for a second then realized what I meant,
"Y-You have marker all over your f-face...!"
I chuckled a bit,
"Yeah, go figure... So do you... And it looks like they got you good... Probably Hiyoko's doing..."
Mikan started freaking out, so I reached in for a hug,
"You'll be fine, it's okay. Even if it's permanent marker, that stuff can still wash off... So don't worry, I'll help you clean your face once we get back... I think it would be wise-
Usami appeared before us,
"I heard your entire conversation!"
I responded,
"It's kinda weird that you appear out of thin air and know everything that goes on. What are you, a Santa replica? I mean, come on, you know everything we say, you know where we are, and you come from nowhere! That's at least a little concerning, I'm just saying."
Usami had a bit of a sad expression on her face,
"Oh, okay then..."
Usami started to walk away, I told her,
"I wasn't saying you had to leave... I'm just pointing out how weird it is how you get around and know everything... It's just awfully suspicious... So, come back and tell us what you we gonna tell us."
Usami quickly changed from being sad, to energetic,
"Alrighty then! What I was going to tell you was, that the showers in this beach house are fixed. So if you want to use them, you can!"
I was a little surprised,
"Really!? Well, that saves us a lot of time, thanks Usami! *Smiles*"
Usami had a proud look,
"You're welcome! And I will now allow changing in the shower room! Now that there's a shower room, there's a reason to change... However, I can't allow boys and girls to change at the same time. Only people of the same gender can change at the same time."
I replied,
"Yeah, I'm not sure people would want to change at the same time... But, thanks again, for the heads up..."
Usami disappear again, Mikan and I walked into the shower room and closed the door, but Mikan looked a little hesitant,
I looked into Mikan's eyes with my blue eyes,
"Hmm... Let me guess, you're gonna ask who goes first, right...?"
Mikan nodded her head, I thought for a moment,
"Hmm... Well, the rest might wake up soon, and they'll probably want to shower as well... I mean, there is enough space for about six people... B-But, that would just be awkward..."
Mikan agreed,
We sat in awkward silence, I asked after about a minute of nothing,
"S-So... Do you want to go first...? I take forever in the shower anyways..."
Mikan didn't respond, she looked a little anxious, something was clearly bothering her,
"Umm, Mikan, are you alright...? It looks like something's troubling you a lot..."
Mikan started to crack,
"U-Uhhgggg... I-It's just that... I-I think the most e-efficient way to get our showers done would be..."
Mikan started to lose her composure, so I finished her sentence,
"Are you considering that we take a shower together...!?"
Mikan started crying, then she came over and started crying in my shoulder. I wasn't expecting her to do all of that so suddenly, but I comforted her. I put my arms around Mikan to hug her,
"And before you start to doubt yourself, I'm not mad, or angry at you; I'm not even disgusted with you. I'm just asking, so you can tell me the truth, I won't judge..."
Mikan replied in between sobs,
"*hic* O-Okay... *hic* I-I was *hic* th-thinking that... *hic* P-Please don't hate me..."
I rubbed Mikan's back,
"I don't hate you, I would never hate you, especially for telling the truth. But it wasn't that hard to admit to that, now was it...? However, you need to calm down first... Then we can think about other things later..."
Mikan nodded her head then continued to sob for a little bit. After a minute of just spacing out and thinking of Mikan, I noticed that she stopped crying and was calm. Now, we were locked in a warm soothing hug. It was so comforting, I felt like I could never let go of Mikan, then I told Mikan,
"Well, we should probably worry about how were gonna take our showers... I mean, unless you really wanna take a shower together... Then more power to you, because I don't really care which you do..."
Mikan thought for a bit then shyly replied,
"I-I think that it would still be more efficient to take a shower together... B-But I'm being too p-presumptuous!!! I-I-I-I'm so sorry!!!"
I replied in a firm tone,
"No, you're not being presumptuous, I even knew what you were thinking. So, if I thought that taking a shower together would be weird, I would've told you right then and there. So, there's no need to get worried..."
Mikan relaxed again and said,
"W-Well, I-I guess we'll take a shower together..."
I replied a little nervous,
"Y-Yeah... I guess, so... But, since we're still in our swimsuits, I think we should keep them on and just wash off our faces... Since that's all we need to worry about right now..."
Mikan replied,
Mikan and I both got into the shower with our swimming suits on. Once we were both in, I closed the door to the shower. Mikan turned on the water and we both started washing off the marker on our faces. I looked down and I could see plenty of black ink mixed in with the water. The ink on my face was coming off really well, but when I looked over at Mikan, the marker wasn't coming off her face. I walked over to Mikan and asked her,
"Do you need any help...? Because the marker's not coming off..."
Mikan walked a little closer to me, then slipped on some water, causing her to fall on her back. She ended up with her legs spread out, and exposing a little bit. I instinctively started running to help Mikan, but that was my undoing. I ended up fall too, right on top of her, my face ended up in her chest, I got my face away immediately. But before my face was out of her cleavage,
"AHAHAHA!!! Now this I can't forget! I can't believe I just saw that!!! This is SOOOO Yuri!!!"
I recognized that voice and sure enough when I looked to check to see who it was, it was Ibuki...
{Great, just my luck...}
Ibuki started laughing, then ran to the shower stall and opened it, she joined us. I was very uncomfortable with Ibuki being in the shower with us, but she didn't care,
"Ibuki wants to join in the fun as well! You were playing motorboat with Mikan weren't you! You're a lot more dirty than you look, Astrid! What a player! Not only do you play the trumpet well, you you sure do play Mikan well! You're title should've been the Ultimate Mikan Player!"
I started to get angry and I was embarrassed,
"Look, I swear it's not what it seems! I keep telling you guys that, but you never listen...!"
Ibuki playfully replied,
"It just happened to be a coincidence that Ibuki has ran into you guys getting down and dirty how many times now? About five times now...!? I dunno... That's pretty strange if you ask me... But, you guys can continue your little fiasco, because Ibuki likes it a lot! *Starts grinning*"
I replied with irritation in my voice,
"*Sighs* Look, right now we're trying to get the ink off of our faces, Mikan happened to trip, then I fell as well. So please, if you know what's good for you should leave and let us be... And to NOT tell the others..."
Ibuki continued her grin,
"I see, you guys want some privacy so you can do your dirty business... Well, Ibuki could never pass the opportunity to see two girls making out or something! So, Ibuki can't leave!"
I was still irritated,
"*Sighs* Fine... But, don't expect anything to happen between us... We're not like that..."
Ibuki started laughing,
"Rooooooger that!"
I got up off of Mikan and helped Mikan back up, then I said to her,
"Hey, I think they used permanent marker on your face... It'll take time to get off, but it'll come off... *Turns towards Ibuki* Did you guys use permanent marker on Mikan or anyone else...?"
Ibuki replied,
"Hiyoko wanted to use the permanent on Mikan, I didn't really care what she did! All I know is that I made you into a really cute looking cat Astrid! And Mikan I put cute blush on her! You two were so adorable when you were asleep, I took sooooo many photos of you two! I nearly squealed at your guy's cuteness levels!"
I replied a little weirded out,
"Well, anyway that answers my question... So Mikan, I'm gonna help you wash off that marker on your face, because not only is it bad to leave ink on your skin, but the writing on your face is pretty embarrassing..."
Mikan replied timidly,
Ibuki a little disappointed,
"Aww... You guys aren't gonna do anything dirty together..."
I responded in a mocking tone,
"I told you that we're not like that..."
I walked in front of Mikan,
"Okay, so I'm gonna try to scrub all of the marker off. It would be hard for you to see where the marker is anyway, so just be prepared... If I'm being a little too rough, just let me know..."
Ibuki laughed and shouted,
"That's what she said, RED!"
I immediately said on instinct,
Mikan was confused, but Ibuki said,
"HA! You have to have an orgasm!"
I looked at Ibuki,
"No, that's just mean... Don't tell her to do that..."
Ibuki replied,
"But, that's the rules of the game, even you knew that! Otherwise you wouldn't have said a color!"
I flinched to that a little, Ibuki kept pressuring Mikan,
"Orgasm! Orgasm! Orgasm!"
I yelled at Ibuki,
"I won't let you make Mikan have an orgasm! That's just too cruel!"
But right on cue, Mikan did what Ibuki kept pressuring her to do. Mikan had an orgasm, I was shocked that Mikan actually went through with it. Ibuki got off on it,
"AHAHAHAHA! Ibuki wants to hear MORE!!! MORE!!!"
Mikan did it again and again. I begged,
"Please stop... Both of you, Ibuki stop pressuring Mikan, and Mikan please don't orgasm, I don't want to hear that..."
Ibuki was disappointed,
"Aww... You're no fun..."
Mikan nodded her head, then I grabbed a nearby washcloth and started to scrub her face gently. I didn't want to hurt her, so it took a little bit before the ink started to fade. After about 30 minutes of scrubbing I finally cleared all of the ink off,
"There, all done!"
Mikan smiled, but it only lasted for less than a second, I didn't know what was going on. Everything happened too quickly for me to remember exactly, but the next second later my lips were presses against Mikan's. This kiss that happened, was clearly not started by me, or Mikan. Rather, it was Ibuki who pushed out heads together and forced us to kiss. I was actually enjoying the kiss, but I couldn't let Ibuki get away with this! Ibuki's strength was too much though, so Mikan and I were stuck in a kiss until Ibuki decided to let us go...
{Well, I guess it could be worse...}
After waiting about 5 minutes, Ibuki finally stopped holding our heads together,
"You two are no fun... You weren't even passionate..."
I replied in an irritated tone,
"Well, duh! We were literally just forced to kiss! You can't expect us to be into a kiss that both of us had no consent over! If you want to see two people kissing you have to make sure you- Wait, I probably shouldn't tell you..."
Ibuki started laughing,
"Ibuki already has a plan!"
Ibuki got out of the shower finally and she dried her hair. I turned off the water to the shower and stepped out of the shower with Mikan. I grabbed two towels and handed one to Mikan, she accepted it and we both started to dry ourselves. After our hair was somewhat dry, we put our towels in a basket that was labeled "Dirty Towels." Then Mikan and I left the shower room together, before we exited I told her,
"I'm sorry..."
Mikan was confused,
"Huh...? Wh-Why are you apologizing to me...?"
I continued,
"For falling earlier... I feel bad, I can't help but feel that I did something bad..."
Mikan replied,
"I-It's fine... Y-You tripped anyways, s-so I can't blame you f-for anything...!"
I smiled,
"Thanks Mikan, you're the best!"
Mikan blushed a little from my comment, she also smiled a bit. After I saw that I opened the door of the shower room so we could exit the room. Once the door was open I saw everyone else was awake and was surrounding the door, I asked,
"Whoa, what are you all doing...?"
Sonia answered,
"We heard noises coming from the shower room... All of us decided to wait for someone or something to come out..."
Ibuki came from behind Mikan and I, she wrapped her arms around Mikan's neck and mine,
"These two love birds were taking a nice warm shower together! Ibuki saw it all with her own two eyes!"
Hiyoko sneered,
"Of course those two ugly bitches would take a shower together! They were probably playing with each other in the shower! They're both a bunch of horny sacks of shit!"
I ignored Hiyoko's insults, while Mikan took it hard,
"Well, actually we kept our current attire on the entire time and we only washed our faces off. Since you and Ibuki decided to draw on our faces while we were all asleep. I had to help Mikan, but other than that, it wasn't really that weird. Everything was completely inno-"
Ibuki blurted out,
"Na-uh! You were playing motorboat with Mikan! Ibuki saw all~ of it!"
I defended Mikan and I,
"No, I already told you I fell, it was slick in the shower and I fell. That's all that happened, I even apologized to Mikan, so I'm still gonna say that it was all 100% innocent. Me and Mikan weren't trying to do anything together! I swear on my life!"
Hiyoko laughed,
"Then I guess we get to kill you now!"
Usami responded in a firm tone,
"No, I can't let you do that! Violence is against the school trips rules!"
Hiyoko puffed her cheeks out,
"Hmpf, after we get out of here, I'm gonna bop both Astrid and Mikan in the head!"
I laughed,
"Pfff! I'm not even scared of you!"
Hiyoko continued her attitude, then I asked Usami,
"Hey Usami, is it okay if we can go back to our cottages...?"
Usami replied,
"I unlocked the gate to this morning, so it's okay for you all to leave!"
I smiled,
I grabbed Mikan's hand and ran out of the beach house and off the second island with her, she staggered along. I kept a consistent speed, but when we were nearing the end of the bridge from the second island there was a group of people...
{Oh come on, I ain't got time for another crowd of people...!}
I kept running, then when I reached the crowd of people, that was full of all the boys, I ran past them, ignoring all the questions I got. I kept going and made it to Mikan's cottage, when we got there I opened the door for Mikan, then told her,
"I'm gonna have to go to my cottage... So, I'll see you soon..."
Mikan had a sad look on her face,
"O-Okay... Please come back soon..."
I smiled,
"I will, don't worry..."
I started running to my cottage, then I opened the door to my cottage and entered my cottage. I walked over to the bathroom and changed into my clothes that I always wore. Once I was done with that, I put the wet suit into a basket that was for dirty clothes...
{I'll wash it later...}
After I looked around my cottage one more time in amazement, I ran back to Mikan's cottage and knocked on the door,
"C-Come in..."
I turned to doorknob and opened the door, Mikan was standing before me. I walked into her cottage and closed the door behind me,
"So, I guess we can hang out now. But, what do you wanna do...?"
Mikan thought for a bit, then answered,
"W-Well... I-I don't really have anything in mind..."
I replied,
"That's fine, if we can't think of anything I think we should go eat. That might help us think a little better, and if that doesn't help, then we should go for a walk. *Smiles* There's no harm in that!"
Mikan smiled a little,
"Yeah, y-you're right..."
I opened the door to Mikan's cottage and held it open for Mikan,
"Ladies first..."
Mikan giggled a little,
"Y-You're a lady too..."
I told her while laughing,
"We've already had this discussion before, I don't think I need to go over it again..."
Mikan exited her cottage, and I followed. I closed the door for her, then we went to the hotel restaurant. We ate breakfast, but while we were eating something came to my mind,
"Hey, I think I forgot to get two Hope Fragment with Teruteru, I just realized that..."
Mikan looked at me a little confused,
"R-Really...? Y-You should probably get those Hope Fragments with Teruteru before the school trip ends..."
I agreed,
"Yeah, that would be a good idea... So, once I'm done eating I'll go talk to Teruteru and get the last Hope Fragments..."
Mikan who was a little sad said,
"O-Okay... B-But, please come back to my cottage..."
I replied confidently,
"Don't fret, *Kisses Mikan on the cheek* I will."
After I finished the last of my food I left the hotel restaurant and I went over to Teruteru's cottage. I knocked on his door, and waited for him to reply. He opened the door himself and was surprised to see me, he asked,
"What's up?"
I came in and I told him,
"Close the door. Sorry for intruding like this."
He was a little suspicious, but he closed the door and I told him,
"Okay, so we all are gonna be able to get off this island in three days right? So I've been thinking about planing something special for Mikan."
Teruteru knew where I was going with this and said,
"So you want me, the Ultimate Chef to cook a special meal for you?"
I answered,
"Yeah, not only that. But you seem to be the type that can help plan an event, so could you help me with that too?"
Teruteru said while chuckling a bit,
"I see, I see. Very well I will. But there's a small catch..."
I was a little worried knowing Teruteru I asked,
"Wh-What is it?"
Teruteru's nose started to bleed and he said,
"I wanna see you and Mikan make out!"
I was a little shocked to hear this, but at least it was with Mikan and not him or something... I said,
"F-Fine, but I can't do that right now. But I pinky swear promise that I'll do that, if that convinces you, I'm a person of my word, and if I break my promise you can cut off my pinky!"
Teruteru linked his pinky with mine and said,
"Well, I don't want to cut your pinky off. But you'll be in a heap of trouble if you don't do your part!"
I said in an understanding tone,
"I know, but anyways. So I was thinking..."
I told Teruteru my plan (which is a surprise for even you reader!), and he said,
"That sounds like a splendid idea and a very great way to end our last day on this island!"
I said happily and bowed,
"Thank you Teruteru, I appreciate your help."
Teruteru said confidently,
"Anything for a fine maiden!"
I wasn't buying his act and said,
"I have to do some prepping myself, so you do your part and I'll do mine."
We waved goodbye to each other and I looked outside of his window before exiting to make sure Mikan for some weird reason wasn't on my tail. But I saw Mikan walking to the beach for something and I waited for her to be out of my line of vision, then I proceeded with cation to the place that I need to do my prep work. I asked Usami to help me out in my efforts and she was excited about it all and was willing to help. But after a couple hours of prep work I went back to Mikan's cottage and saw her there and she was happy to see me and said,
"D-Did you get all of the H-Hope Fragments yet?"
I acted with a sad face and said,
"No, but I'm pretty sure I almost got it. Maybe tomorrow I'll get the last one..."
Mikan had a saddened look to her face, which quickly changed to optimism and she said,
"W-Well, at least we have t-two days left!"
I replied while in deep thought,
Mikan read me like a book and asked,
"I-Is something wrong?"
I looked up and snapped out of my thoughts and said,
"N-No, it was just something that happened when I was at Teruteru's that's all."
She was persistent and asked,
"Wh-What happened?"
I was on the spot making this stuff up and said,
"W-Well, he made some dirty remarks about us. You know how he is... But it's fine, I don't get affected by them."
Mikan blushed a little and said,
"O-Oh, I see..."
After that I told her,
"Well, it's getting late and Usami wanted me to sleep in my cottage for at least one night... So I guess tonight's the night..."
Mikan had a sad look on her face,
"O-Okay... Goodnight Astrid...! I love you, sweet dreams...!"
I smiled and gave Mikan a hug,
"Goodnight, I love you too, sweet dreams! I'll probably come back tomorrow asap, so please don't worry..."
Mikan nodded her head, then I released my hug with her and exited her cottage. I headed to my cottage and entered it, once I was in I took off my shoes and plopped myself on my bed,
"Ahh... This is so comfortable... I can't wait to surprise Mikan... She'll probably be speechless once she sees what I've planned..."
I let those words sink in my mind and put me to sleep. I woke up that next morning feeling great, but then I saw it,
"*Wide-eyed* AHHHH!!!"
I couldn't help be let out a terrified shrill, because I saw the thing that I'm afraid of the most...
Now, before you go saying that I'm a huge chicken, okay I am! But this spider was larger than any I had ever seen before, this thing was about 2 feet big! So don't tell me you wouldn't be scared of a spider that huge! I was frozen solid, I kept telling my body to move, but it wouldn't let me. I tried to speak, but I physically couldn't do it, my body was motionless...
{I'm so screwed...!}
The spider was right above me and on the ceiling, it started to make a web down to where I was. I started to freak out, my body finally let me move, just only so I could get out of the spider's way, but the spider chased me once it got on the ground. I heard the door swing open,
"A-Are you- AHHHHH!!!"
I looked over and saw Mikan, she looked just as terrified as me,
"I-I'll go get some help...!"
Mikan dashed so the nearest cottage to get some help, while the spider kept coming closer and closer to me. It was about an inch away from me, so I jumped higher than I had ever jumped before in my life and went across the room to the other corner, to buy me a little more time. Before I knew it, a very fast figure appeared and killed the spider, I made out the figure, and it was Peko. Peko swiftly killed the spider without hesitation, I was so happy that it was dead that I rushed over to Peko and gave her a hug,
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!"
Peko was blushing but kept her composure,
"It's fine, you don't have to thank me... I was just helping out a classmate..."
I continued,
"Yeah, but you killed that spider! I can't thank you enough!"
Peko looked over at Mikan, who was in the doorway,
"I think you should thank Mikan more, she's the one who sent me here..."
I responded,
"Yeah, that's true. But you both had a crucial role, so..."
I dragged Peko over to where Mikan was and I grabbed Mikan, creating a group hug,
"I'm gonna hug you both! I love you both! I love Mikan more than a friend, and I love Peko as a friend!"
Peko was a little uncomfortable with the hug,
"I-I see..."
Mikan started blushing, I stopped hugging both Peko and Mikan,
"Okay, I feel this is getting kind of awkward, especially for Peko..."
Peko replied,
"You're fine... I need to leave now, I shall leave you two be... Goodbye."
Peko walked out of my cottage without saying another word, I asked Mikan,
"So, how did you sleep? Personally I slept great last night... Although it was a little lonely last night... Without you by my side..."
Mikan was blushing a lot now,
"Th-That was the same for me... I-I had a hard time sleeping last night..."
I gave Mikan a hug,
"It's okay, We can sleep together again tonight. Oh, and tonight will also be our last night here... I just realized that, it just feels so weird to say that, considering how long we've stayed here... It almost makes me feel empty in the inside, you know?"
Mikan nodded,
I released my hug with Mikan,
"Let's go get something to eat again, then I'll go get the last hope fragment with Teruteru, just in the nick of time!"
Mikan agreed, after that Mikan and I ate at the hotel restaurant, then I went back to Teruteru's to do more preparation. Once I was done with that, it was already nighttime. So I went back to Mikan cottage and slept with her for the last time,
"Goodnight Mikan..."
Mikan replied,
"Goodnight Astrid..."
{Tomorrow's the day... Tomorrow's Always a Good Day... I need to stop with my puns...}
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