Cell 8 x Reader
Ok, so I figured that since I did cell 13, I'd do all the cells. Enjoy!
•~Third Person~•
It's winter right now. Snow is falling outside as the breeze blew. Where were you and your cellmates? Well...
'I'm afraid to say that the heater is broken. I'd recommend you all to stay inside and try to keep warm.' Samon said, walking past our cell.
Guess he wasn't looking as he completely ignored the fact that the guys were all hugging you like it was the end of the world.
'Really guys.' You sigh.
'Sorry (y/n).' Liang apologised.
'Don't blame us that we're freezing. Blame the weather.' Qi said.
'Shut up, trash.' Upa said.
Yep. You were gifted at birth with the power of ice and fire. During winter, you're always warm. During summer, you're always cold. As simple as that. But, when the heater or air conditioner breaks, the guys always huddle around you. Happened the last summer too.
'Come on, guys. Do you really have to do this?' You ask.
'Yes.' They all replied, hugging you.
And the winter before that. But, you were kinda use to it now.
As day turned into night, you all lay down in your futons, the guys still hugging you for warmth.
"Why me." You cry chibi style in your head.
Samon came past the cell and turned to lights off. He looked back, but shrugged as he walked off.
*During the Night*
You woke up from a nightmare that keeps recurring. Sweat dripped from your forehead as you calmed your beating heart.
'(Y/n). You alright?'
You looked behind you to see the others waking up. Well, Liang and Upa. Qi was still sleeping.
'Y-yeah. I'm fine.' You smiled weakly at them.
It didn't seem to convince them though. They pulled you into a hug. You didn't try to get out of their grip. In fact, you felt safer there. They laid you down and lay down next to you. They were both holding one hand as to calm you down. You smiled at them before slowly closing your eyes. They kissed your cheeks before going to sleep themselves...
*Next Morning*
'Wake up. It's time for breakfast already.' Samon said, walking by.
You groaned as you tried to get up. Key word: tried. You couldn't as two arms kept you down.
'Not yet...' Liang murmured.
'Just a few more minutes.' Upa muttered.
'Guys... come on.' You said, struggling to get free.
They fully woke up and sat up, rubbing sleep from their eyes.
'U-uh, guys? Please remove your hands.' You said, blushing.
They looked down and saw that their hands were on your *cough*boobs*cough*. Their faces turned bright red as they took their hands away.
'bù hǎo yì si.' (Sorry) they both said.
'I-its ok, as long as that doesn't happen again.' You said as you sat up.
A breeze blew through the barred windows, instantly making them cold. You sighed as you pulled them into a hug. They relaxed to your touch and hugged back, a slight blush still visible on their faces.
'Awe. How come you don't do that with me?' Qi asked, fully awake.
'Shut up, trash.' You all said in unison.
As he sat in the corner, you three just laughed.
"Maybe, this won't be so bad after all." You thought.
'Come on, breakfast is ready.' Samon said, unlocking the door, allowing us to go.
You all talked and laughed as you walked, enjoying the day to the fullest.
I know this is similar to the first story, but, like I mentioned before, this is my first one-shot. Hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night!
Kitty-chan out! 💖
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