Thought I'd start off with this. Enjoy!
•~Third Person~•
'GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SH*TS!' Hajime yelled, running after the four escaped inmates.
'Oh, crap. We better hurry before that gorilla catches us.' Uno said.
'He found us already?! Awe man.' Rock said, a little depressed.
'This just got interesting again!' Nico cheered.
'Yeah, well, let's just try to outrun him.' Jyugo replied.
*Time Skip after getting caught and beaten up*
Hajime threw the inmates into their cell and slammed the door shut.
'STOP MAKING MORE TROUBLE FOR ME! I ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH PAPER WORK AS IT IS!' He yelled. 'Also, you're getting a new inmate. Treat them nice.'
He walked away, leaving the shocked inmates. Uno was the first to break the silence.
'A new inmate?! I wonder if it'll be a girl~' he said as his imagination went wild.
'I wonder if they like anime and manga?' Nico wondered.
'Maybe they'll like food as much as me.' Rock said.
'Just hope they get here soon.' Jyugo said bluntly.
*With the new inmate*
'So you're the new inmate, huh? Didn't expect a girl.' Seitarou said, walking you to your new cell.
'Yeah. Didn't expect to get caught and sent to a prison filled with guys.' You replied.
You walked down a large hallway, looking down every turn you saw. Seitarou finally stopped and turned to face you.
'Alright. This is your new cell.' He said as he took of the handcuffs and opened the door.
You walked in and he closed it behind you. He walked away and you stared at the four guys in front of you.
'Uh... hi.' You greeted.
'A GIRL?!' They all shouted, making you cover your ears.
'Y-yeah. The name's (y/n) (l/n). What're yours?' You introduced.
'The name's Uno. That's Nico, Rock and Jyugo.' The blonde/pink haired guy replied.
'Hi (y/n)-chan!' The green haired, child like boy shouted.
'Hey!' A purple/red mohawk haired guy smiled at you.
'Hey.' A black, red tipped, haired male said.
*Time Skip cause I don't know what to put. Night Time*
The guys were really nice to you. But, you felt kinda weird with them. You saw them blush a bit when you laughed or even spoke for that matter. Even so, you felt comfortable with them.
'Lights out.' Hajime said, walking past the cell and turning the lights off.
The five inmates got into their futons, you in the middle.
'Night guys.' You said as your eyelids slowly fell shut.
'Night (y/n).' They replied.
Before you were fully asleep, you felt arms around you. You smiled as your cellmates hugged you. Sleep finally came, taking you to your dreams...
The next morning greeted you as the sun shone down on your face.
'Turn it off.' You groaned as you curled up.
'Up you get, you lazy bones. You have some training to do.' Hajime said, waking everyone up.
'Oh no.' Uno grunted, rubbing sleep away from his eyes.
'Not Yamato-chan's training. Anything but that.' Nico whined.
'Crap.' Rock said.
Jyugo just lay down in his futon.
'Do we have to.' I complained.
'Yes. Now get out here now or you're all gonna get hurt.' Hajime growled.
You tried to get up, but forgot about the position you all were in. The guys had their arms on top of you, as well as some legs.
'Kaaah! Get off me!' You yelled.
They finally realised, blushed, and moved away. You all were blushing as you got up and headed outside.
*Time Skip as training is boring to write*
You lay down (more like collapsed) on the floor of your cell, muscles aching from the training.
'Owwww. I never wanna do that again.' You groan.
'(Y/n), you ok?' Uno asked, worry evident in his voice.
No reply.
'(Y/n)-chan?' Nico asked.
'(Y/n)!' Rock shouted your name.
Still no reply.
'What the hell happened to (y/n)?!' Jyugo asked.
They all crouched down next to you and turned you over. You were sleeping peacefully. They sighed in relief. Uno picked you up bridal style, taking you over to your futon. He lay you down and brushed away your (h/c) from your face.
'She's ok, right?' Nico asked, still a little worried.
'Yeah. Guess the training really took it out of her.' Rock replied.
They were all pretty tired. But, before they collapsed into Thor own futons, they kissed your forehead, not realising that you were wake the whole time.
"Can't believe that worked! But, I'm really tired. Yamato's training is impossible. Doing like 100 push-ups. No way in hell. But, at least one good thing happened." You though, a wide smile plastered on your face.
You opened your eyes and looked over at your cellmates. You got up and walked over to each one, lightly kissing their cheeks. You smiled as you got back into your futon. Your eyes closed, even though it was still day.
'GET UP YOU LAZY SH*TS!' Hajime yelled.
You all groaned as you sat up. It was a normal rest of the day as you had fun with your cellmates.
"I could get use to this." You thought as you all laughed and played a game of poker.
Sorry if it was bad! Arigatou! But, I hope you liked it. Hope you all have a great day/night!
Kitty-chan out! 💗
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