~Chapter 2~
Don't judge a book by it's cover.
"This is our territory."
Great. More trouble.
I had just made the worst mistake of my whole life in the space of 30 seconds and there was no way to escape.
I had just wandered into SS territory, and now I was going to pay.
"Oh yeah?" One of the JCB members from the crowd called out, jeering at the SS members. Behind me was a chain fence with a bin propped against it, the JCB members surrounding it like flies, blocking my only exit. I could see the beckoning silver light of the main street, taunting me as the sun set, revealing a black sky like the surrounding walls that encased me in this dispute. In front of me, I saw a small opening in the grimy, grey walls which were covered in graffiti and dirt. There was a faint light escaping which lit up the features of the SS gang members, who looked out in disgust and confusion as I stumbled and stood from my crouching position. My cheeks were flushed and my heart was pounding and just as I thought things couldn't get worse, they did.
"Why are you here?" A deep and dulcet voice growled, the sounds bouncing off the walls, echoing and making it feel as if he had just boxed my ears. I winced as I looked at the figure as they left the embrace of the shadows. They were tall, with leather trousers and a fur trimmed jacket which highlighted their muscular figure. They also wore thick soled leather boots and a dog tag around their neck. As I looked at their face, I saw they had a mop of spiky dyed hair, the blond locks contrasting with the dark clothing he was clad in. He glared at the men behind me and grabbed my arm pulling me to his side. His muscular arms acted like a cage, pinning me to his side, paralyzing me with fear as to what was going to happen.
A spokes person stepped forward, his tank top stained with sweat. He laughed and pointed towards me.
"We just want the girl." He chuckled, menacingly, his men laughing along with him. He turned to them and encouraged them before turning back to us and gesturing to me and pulling a puppy dog face. I felt the SS member's arm tighten in anger and his face became more aggressive.
"She isn't your property so leave and don't set foot on our turf." Muscles replied, his glare intensifying each second that the JCB didn't leave. The spokesperson's menacing smile disappeared and was replaced with agitated smile.
"Look, this is between her and us, we don't want a fight." He said, throwing his hands in the air. A few of the SS members who had been watching from their 'den' appeared, armed with baseball bats, one even had a nun-chuck! Their very presence made a few of the JCB members retreat backwards, and the air was thick with tension.
"She's with us. So any problems you have with her, you have with us. Got it?!" One of them growled, slowly prowling towards them like a tiger. The JCB mumbled among themselves before a few of them disbanded. They continued to mumble until a phone rang.
"We can't....but they'll...but....yes....yes sir...." The caller hung up and a sudden roar was heard as the gang poured over the fence like spilt water when it cascades down the side of the table after you knock the glass and I felt my stomach churn in fear. I felt the cage around me disappear as the 'leader' of SS lunged into action, fighting with two JCB members. I felt a strong grip around my wrist and I turned to see a well built teen with broad shoulders and choppy hair, almost as tall as a giant, shoot me a concerning look before pulling me into the dragon's lair.
"Stay here. We won't be long."
"Won't be long-what's that supposed to mean?!" He grinned slightly before heading out at lightning speed, leaving me alone in the eerie room. It was cold and dark and my footsteps echoed around the room as they hit the concrete floor. All of a sudden a rumble was heard and I saw that a metal door had been shut so that the load roar of the gang fight was muffled.
With the sounds gone, I felt a wave of relief and comfort, despite not knowing exactly was going to happen. I sighed, finally realizing that I had been holding my breath and curiosity hit me. I prowled around the lair, although I wasn't sure what I was looking for. As I was walking I tripped on something, a lead I think, and hit my head on the light switch, the glow bursting from the bulb and allowing me to see in front of me.
"Hey..." A voice yawned, and I jumped. "I was sleeping..." I looked around frantically to fing the owner and saw a young looking boy rise from an old, black, leather sofa. He had a youthful face with, yet again, dyed hair and a sleepy expression. He was wearing a black, baggy jumper, black jeans and combat boots and a knitted throw draped over him. I rubbed my head, and pressed my back to the wall, not daring to approach him. He looked towards me with heavy-lidded eyed and yawned.
"Who are you, anyway?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. Frantically, I racked my brains for an pseudonym that I could use.
"C-Chung Ae Sook." I smiled sweetly, giggling. The sleepy boy tilted his head in confusion but didn't say anything. He sat there, as if he were thinking until the door was opened again and the people from before re-appeared.
"You don't have to worry about them for a while," Giant said, as he and Muscles returned with a few other followers. Muscles went to a vending machine and got out two drinks, one coca-cola and one lemonade. He turned after hitting the window a few times when the drinks got stuck and handed the latter to me.
"Thanks." I said, opening the can and relishing in the taste of my favourite drink. He chuckled slightly and I raised an eyebrow, which was dismissed almost immediately.
"What about mine?" Giant replied, pouting and acting cute. The other boy, who I deemed 'Sleepy', smiled lazily.
"How could you forget, Kwan-Jung So," Sleepy said, rubbing his eyes. Muscles rolled his and turned to face me again.
"So, what's your name?" He asked. What did I tell, Sleepy again?!
"Chung...Ae Sook?" I replied, cursing as the uncertainty was conveyed in my voice. Sleepy shook his head.
"No it isn't. It's Hae-Jung. Hae-Jung is her real name," My cheeks burned and my body went stiff, how on earth did he work that out? He pointed a slim finger towards me and I followed it's direction...to my wrist...oh.
"Hae-Jung, why would you lie to us?" Kwan-Jung said in a hurt tone. Muscles looked at me skeptically.
"I don't know you, and your part of a gang. Why would I give you my real name?" I answered truthfully. Kwan-Jung nodded and Sleepy went back to...sleep with a triumphant look on his face.
"Well anyway, I'm Dong-Sung. I'm the leader. Kwan-Jung is my right hand man, Young-Suk," He gestured to the hand which was waving from the sofa "Is my left."
"Thank you for helping me, I'll be off now." I bowed and hastily ran to the door, but was blocked by Kwan-Jung. He crossed his arms and looked down.
"You shall not pass," He said in English. As much as I wanted to laugh, I held in my response and glared.
"You can't leave yet. We haven't apologized yet! We were going to take you somewhere!"
"One; apologize for what? Two; That sounds creepy, so no."
"Well, your cousin..."
"Not him again..." I sighed, turning to face Dong-Sung who was wringing his hands guiltily.
"Well, he wasn't a member of JCB. He was a spy for us and we obviously made a wrong choice," He took a moment to glare at my cousin, who was stood at the side, pushed into the limelight by his fellow SS members. He looked at me apologetically, hunching in shame and embarrassment.
"Kyu-Bok-" I growled, but Dong-Sung spoke over me.
"We sent him to investigate the JCB headquarters as they've been acting suspicious lately and we didn't think though how to get him out, which was our fault. It seems, the JCB were hurt and took to the public eye which we didn't expect and somehow you got dragged in too. Now they're after you also. We're deeply sorry!" The whole SS gang chanted the last part and bowed in time which took me by surprise. How could a gang be so polite?
"Because of this," Kwan-Jung took over speaking, his voice booming like it was coming from surround sound speakers "We have a proposal," He said, looking at me warily.
"We will protect you!" Young-Suk added in, enthusiastically, punching the air with his fist before the sounds of snoring continued.
"What?! I don't need protecting! Thanks for the offer, but I'm sure I'll be fine, I have nothing that JCB could possibly want, so I doubt they will pester me anymore, so thanks but bye," I said, waving and turning to leave as Kwan-Jung had moved from the doorway.
"At least take their numbers!" Kyu-Bok called out, pleading with his eyes. I looked at him skeptically and then around the room at the members who has pre-occupied themselves with other means of entertainment.
"No. I don't want anything to do with gangs or fighting, so I'll just go now. Don't get into anymore trouble because you can't always rely on everyone else, you know. Bye!" I heard someone scoff and mutter under their breath as I left but I didn't concern myself with that, I just wanted to get home without running into anymore gang members or weirdos.
"Hae-Jung!" I heard Kyu-Bok call out.
"Bye, see you at school tomorrow!" I waved and climbed over the fence, leaving the dark alley to return to the main street which was slightly more comforting than the graffiti stained walls which I had previously been located in.
"I'm back!" I called out when I got home, looking around the hall and seeing a note on the table. Mum called, she had to work late. There's food in the oven. ~ Ms B. I smiled upon reading the note left by the elderly lady next door. She often made sure me and my mum were okay and checked up on us like we were he daughters. Her own daughters both worked abroad and were married so didn't visit as often as they would like, but still called weekly to check up on her and with the help of me and mum, had managed to make Skype calls a regular occurance.
I headed to the bathroom and had a shower, placing my phone on the side incase mum or Ms B called and hopped in, the steam soothing my aching legs. When I was finished I got dressed in my most comfortable pyjamas and hopped on the sofa, tucking into the ramen which I had cooked and watching the re-runs of "Boys Over Flowers." When the scene got dramatic, my phone suddenly rang and I nearly fell off my seat.
"Sun-Hee, why did you have to scare me like that!" I laughed, assuming that she was watching the popular K-drama also. Instead, I had a message from...Young-Suk? Sleepy?!
Evening, Hae-Jung~ Your probably wondering why you have our numbers, right? I paused. What does he mean, 'our'? Well I am the master pick pocket of SS, so I added them on here whilst you weren't looking...Sorry, Unnie~ Anyway, call if you need us~~ I went onto my adress book and sure enough, his number along with Kwan-Jung, Dong-Sung and a few other people who I didn't know were listed. I frowned and glared at the screen, placing it on the side and continuing watching the TV.
"Goddamn it Goo-Jung Pyo," I muttered as my phone rang again.
"Goddamn it Sun-Hee." I said as I read the message. BOF never gets old, does it~? Are you watching it now?
Great timing, Sun-Hee, great timing, I giggled as I typed back my reply, fangirling about how Cha-Eung was so badass.
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