Behind those glasses
~Part One~
Behind the sunglasses, lies a familiar face.
The first day back at school was uneventful. The weather? Same as always. The same people greeted each other and sat in the same seats waiting for the same teacher to say the same thing again. But a different person was sat next to me. Not the person who I wanted it to be, not the person who promised to sit beside me. Chung-Hee. My best friend who left two years ago to become a K-pop idol, leaving me studying alone. Not that I am unhappy he is achieving his dream and all that, but it would have been nice if he told me instead of the class collectively being told that he had left to study elsewhere. Then I had to deal with all the questions about him, questions I couldn't answer.
Despite this, I'm not a complete loner, I have two totally bad ass friends, Yoora and Sun-Hee. Yoora, rich and smart, is the heir to a well known jewellery business and rightfully so, she has the top grades of the school and is stubborn and persuasive. Sun-Hee, not the smartest or the dumbest, average grades but cheerful and friends with nearly everyone, she also knows everything about everyone and has all the latest gossip, which lightens up our mornings.
"So, guess what happened this weekend?" She giggled, swinging her legs as she looked around to see if anyone was listening. She didn't think they were, but if you looked closely you could see everyone lean in and speak in low tones so they could here the news.
"What?" Yoora asked, putting her make up away. She may be smart, but has an inability to wake up early, barely on time and relies on me to wake her up from outside her window most mornings, but I was late after my mum gave me a lecture about behaving in school. Sun-Hee leaned in and grinned deviously.
"There was another fight on Saturday!" She whispered, barely containing her excitement. Yoora rolled her eyes and sighed, not prepared to listen to another fight story. Her father's business had been targeted by them although she didn't know why and took it as an offence, rightly so as 3 staff members left and lots more were contemplating resigning.
"That's the third this week, they're really getting riled up!" Bae-hyun, a tall handsome boy, the class 'ulzzang' known as 'baby' as his name sounds like the English word, joined the discussion, sitting on the opposite table, newspaper in hand.
"Says here it went on until midnight. six hours of fighting."
"Bet their neighbours were happy," Young-Jae, the clown replied sneakily, before he high-fived a few of his own 'comedy gang'.
"I don't know why the police don't arrest them!"
"Apparently they've taken over the police units!" Sun-Hee added, bouncing with excitement.
"I doubt it, more likely they can't catch them, They're quite good at concealing themselves. I've never seen them, not once and I live right next to where it happened. Not to mention I was up all night studying. Didn't here a thing." Sun-Hee frowned, hoping for more information.
"They're probably out for each other's throats for no mans land."
"Or Kim's gone and pissed of Chae-Unnie again." Kim; the leader of JCB is well known for picking fights with the leader of the Black Widows, in an attempt to rise higher in the pyramid. He has yet to succeed though, instead, many times he's managed to fall backwards in the eyes of the students here at Yang-Soon High. Not that he seems to care.
You see, the gangs are all known for their power. The three main gangs here are named The Black Widows and their sub unit Black Bullets from Incheon, JCB or Just Cool Because and their various collective supporters. Their name wasn't as cool, granted but they had the most followers. The last and most influential and famous was Shaolin Seoul, a group founded by the 'faceless' in Seoul to broaden their power. Or so the word on the street says. The gangs are all sorted into a hierarchy, Shaolin at the top, with Black Widow and JCB next on the pyramid, below them are the Black Bullets, BC2 and Seoul City Caos. From then, the other gangs were deemed 'less important'. The sub units were in control of them and the highers were in control respectively.
Each gang also had a specific area , North was the Black Widows, South was Shaolin territory, west owned by JCB and east was known as 'no mans land' as it had yet to be claimed, although is most likely the cause of the recent uproar.
"Now now class, sit down and prepare for today's test," Teacher Han earned a collective sigh from the class as he handed out the papers. The class fell silent as he sat down in his chair and closed his eyes, waiting for the test to end. A few murmurs were hears but mostly we communicated through notes on scrap pieces of paper. I felt one hit my foot and I assumed it to be from Sun-Hee with more information.
I'm thinking of joining JBC. They're so much cooler that SS and easier to join. I'm going to apply tonight.
I looked up in shock, but Sun-Hee was working on her test and didn't look like she passed it. My gaze went to the boy across who looked horrified, I flipped the paper over, pretending I hadn't seen it and I gestured to him who pointed to the person next to me I nodded and passed it to him, jabbing him with my pencil. Then I passed his back. Sun-Hee looked up from her work at me questioningly and passed me a note.
~What are you doing?!
Playing messenger I guess. I read something I shouldn't have now this is my punishment.
~What?! Tell meeee!
I will later, in case someone else sees.
~Okay. So did you hear about the new fan site: Buk-Gu-chuu ranking? :DD
No? What is it? Sounds weird.... :O
~It's a site dedicated to the gangs. It has profiles for each one, including the members and has a news feed and even a poll where you can see who's ranked the hottest, the ugliest and ext. It's so cool!
What are they, idols? Maybe this is what they're fighting over! XD Sun-Hee giggled and wrote another note, wiping the tears from her eyes.
~I guess so. Speaking of, how's Chung-Hee? My bro? Note: Sun-Hee and Chung-Hee aren't twins, or related at all but at the revelation of finding another person with her name, Sun-Hee deemed him her 'bro,' when she was going through a phase of watching episodes and episodes of American sitcoms.
Don't know. He hasn't spoken to me in ages. Too busy. She frowned and went to write a reply, but was disrupted as the loud rumble of engines echoed through the silent school. Teacher Han jumped, awoken from his slumber and stood up, his glasses askew.
"What- what's going on?!" He stuttered, as the class erupted into shouting as we all fought for a place at the window. Sun-Hee grabbed Yoora and I by the wrists and dragged us to the front, earning a grunt from the two of us as we were squashed into the window frame. From outside, a large gathering of teens on motorcycles had broke through the gates and were looking around, the snarls of their bikes deafening our ears. The classroom next door had presented a large banner, most likely influenced by the Buk-Gu-chuu ranking site that was written on my arm by Sun-Hee. On it was written, 'We love you, JCB~ <3" in curly, girlish writing with a dozen hearts on it. From the ground, one of the members waved, winking and flirting with the girls, his curly brown hair flying in the wind.
"Woah, what are the JCB doing here?! They're never seen in public!" The flower boy, had stopped waving as the leader, a tall, vicious looking boy with a fur coat, brandished a knife and pointed it to his throat and said some words which disappeared in the wind. He then turned to the girls holding the banner and pointed the weapon at them. They screamed and dropped it, the thin material fluttering in the wind which had picked up, as they disappeared momentarily from the window out of fear and excitement that he even looked at him. Then, a small boy was pushed outside, stumbling to the awaiting gang who proceeded to argue with him before launching to attack. The small boy looked up momentarily and it struck me who it was. I gripped the window frame as a wave of fear and anger washed over me, almost knocking me down.
"What's wrong, are you okay? Hae-Jung! Where are you going!?" Sun-Hee and Yoora called out, spinning as I ran full pelt out of the room and down the multiple flights of stairs where I finally reached the front gate. A few of the older students were already positioned there, laughing at the boy and handing out money on bets. I glared at them and pushed past, their angry and confused replies only fueling my anger. My heart was beating fast and I felt as if I could cry, but I held my head high and marched towards where the boy was being overpowered by the tall leader, his fist inches from his fearful face. Right as he swung, I grabbed the collar and pulled the boy from his kneeling position and the silver dressed fist cut through the air right where the boy had been moments ago and the intruder stumbled forward, but regained his posture, his face red with anger and embarrassment as a chorus of laughter erupted out. He growled and made to hit me but I bowed, narrowly missing it and pushed the boy next to me to bow too. He looked at me angrily and confused with the events unfolding in front of him. Behind, a few members were trying to cover their amusement.
"I am sincerely sorry for my cousin's actions! Please forgive us!" I shouted, loud enough for the whole school to hear. He chucked and I sighed, daring to raise my head and see if they had accepted my apology.
"Apologies don't cut it, girl."
A rough hand grabbed my hair and I saw a jean clad knee racing towards my face at lightning speed.
All was lost. How embarrassing.
"Hey! You there! Stop!" A teacher called out, the entire staff population running out to usher the gang out of the area. They looked reluctant to leave but turned when they noticed the staff all had their phones out, calling the police.
"We won't forget this! Traitors don't get away easily!" He said and left, hopping onto his bike and driving off.
"Bye bye~!" The flower boy said, blowing a kiss and bowing before following suit, leaving the females to deal with their now exploding ovaries.
"Stop fraternizing with the enemy!" I heard one member say over the roar of the vehicles.
"But they love me~! I mean, us~!" The flower boy teased, before they were gone. The students disappeared from the windows, dragged back by the teachers and I saw a Sun-Hee and Yoora run towards me.
"Are you okay? Oh my god!" Sun-Hee howled, hugging me before turning on my cousin, screaming profanities.
"What were you thinking?! Nothing I suppose!" Yoora cried out, grabbing my arm as the world span and I fainted. Before the world ceased, I saw a blurry scene of my cousin bowing towards me before Sun-Hee slapped him around the face and helped Yoora carry me to medical. Then...
When I awoke, the white reflection of the room almost made me sick, and my head felt fluffy but I managed to sit up. Sun-Hee, Yoora and a guilty Ji-Hyung Sung at the end of my bed.
"You okay? Can you see? Don't walk towards the light!" Sun-Hee sobbed, hugging me. I patted her back and chuckled.
"I'm fine. Honestly. Just shocked."
"I'd be surprised if you weren't. You nearly got hit by the leader of JCB! Who apparently, are now in control of this school!"
"Really? How so?"
"They had insiders in every class aside from ours. They were just waiting for an excuse to attack. Which your cousin so graciously provided," Yoora glared maliciously at him, sending shivers down our spines. "He got scared and wanted out of JCB, so they assumed he was a traitor and headed on to punish him. Of course, they didn't expect noble Hae-Jung to rescue him!"
"Hae-Jung, our goddess!" Sun-Hee giggled. We sat for a few more minutes, discussing the events and scolding my cousin until the bell rang and he escaped like a mouse. We headed home and branched off our separate ways as I headed to work at a cafe down the road.
"Hey, watch where your- Hae-Jung!?" I winced as someone walked into me. When I looked to see who it was, I saw a tall man with light brown choppy locks and a blue jacket, his eyes covered with glasses.
"Chung-Hee?!" He pressed a finger to my lips and ushered me into the cafe, nodding to the manager who glared at him but said nothing.
"Shh, not so loud or people will notice."
"Yeah, like they wouldn't anyway," I gestured to his hair and expensive jacket which made him blush. "Why are you here anyway? Your supposed to be training, right?"
"We made our debut yesterday, didn't you notice? Anyway, Sun-Hee contacted me, I heard what happened today, are you ok?" He said, inspecting my face for any injuries. I squirmed and wrestled from his touch, glaring.
"I'm fine. They can't touch me. Why did you come for this anyway? It was my birthday last week and you didn't visit, but when I'm nearly killed, you come running? And how come you won't talk to me but you'll talk to Sun-Hee? That's not fair."
"Actually," He presented a small box from his pocket and grinned "Happy birthday," I smiled slightly.
"Your a week late, still, thanks." I said, admiring the silver bracelet which had my name engraved on it. I tied it round my wrist and waved it in his face, jokingly.
"Now that your famous, I'm expecting expensive gifts, nothing like the freebie hair clip that you gave my last year." Chung-Hee laughed and scratched the back of his head, nervously.
"Yeah, my mum said the same thing."
"She would!" I laughed and my eyes watered as we relived some hilarious moments that took place before he left to train. I looked up, wiping my eyes and behind Chung-Hee, I noticed a familiar face.
"Oh god!" I gasped, ducking behind a menu. Chung-Hee looked behind him and saw a few teens, the same age as them walking into the cafe, wearing extravagant clothing and looking around menacingly.
"What? Who are they?"
"JCB!" I whispered, as they approached the manager.
"Where's this girl!?" They shouted, as the customers ran out. The manager glared and pointed to where we were sat previously. I had grabbed Chung-Hee's arm and we escaped out the back. Unfortunately, they had noticed and were now chasing after us.
"This way!" Chung-Hee said, dragging me away from the usual roads I take. We ran and ran until someone drove up in a black van and pulled Chung-Hee in with them. I turned and shouted his name, before realizing it was his manager and band. He looked at me apologetically before shouting at me to run and turn left. I did as he said and noticed a bin next to a fence which I climbed on and jumped to the other side. The gang slowed to a halt and looked at me menacingly, not daring to pass the fence. I looked at them, confused and then it dawned on me. They won't pass the fence because it's-
"Our territory."
Yes, their territory.
A:N// Thank you for reading the first chapter!! I've been inspired by kpop and Kdramas to write my own story! It's action packed and dramatic, just as kdramas are!! XD I have already listed some of the actors which I think match how I envision the characters to look like. For a few characters I think around two or three I've listed Kpop singers rather than actors. But they're not in the story yet, so it doesn't matter! Maybe they'll read this and want to try acting?! You never know!! XD Anyway, thank you for reading and I'd love if you would take the time to comment and vote! IIt really does help with inspiration to write and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that when I see the notification, I'll look like an idiot smiling at the screen.
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