Round 4: Wishpaw {CLOSED: Heatherstorm}
(Already Used: None)
(Description: Light gray she-cat with darker, swirly stripes all along her pelt and bright green eyes.
She has a smooth and soft personality and always has a dreamy look in her eyes. She can be quiet, but she's very sweet and caring when she opens up)
1. Wishswirl [@notyourservant]
2. Wishsight [16hawkgirl16]
3. Wishbloom [@Wolfheart9]
4. Wishcreek [Heatherstorm]
5. Wishlight [@PoppyTea]
6. Wishwillow [iMxddy]
7. Wishspirit [Raven_Da_Music_Kitty]
8. Wishsong [@Violetheart01]
9. Wishmoon [@TheWarriorCatGirl]
10. Wishspark [@GirlonFire137]
11. Wishpath [Frostycloud]
12. Wishwood [@TheGreatGadsby]
13. Wishbriar [@maritvandijck]
14. Wishriver [@Skalya]
15. Wishfeather [@tzhu23]
1st: Wishcreek [Heatherstorm]
2nd: Wishsong [@Violetheart01]
3rd: Wishwillow [iMxddy]
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