Some time later
Layla's pov
Mum went on a job wendy San was staying here with us
We were all finally 11!
Well you may think that Wendy isn't a kid anymore
But she is!
We got stuck in a weird time loop while mako attempted celestial magic when we were three
So we aged and no one else did
My mom constantly feels like she failed us
Sadly we couldn't convince her otherwise
"Hey Wendy Chan?"I asked
"Yes Layla Chan"she said smiling
"Can I see the town you and mom used to go to!"I said my eyes filled with joy
"Ummmm I'm not sure"she said
"Please"I said begging her
"Fine I'll take you!"wendy said
"Yay!"I said hugging her
We got some stuff and headed on a train
It was beautiful
Sherria came with us
She and Wendy have been trying to teach me water dragon magics
Soooo she let me read it
"Isn't magnolia pretty!"wendy said
"yeah! It's so colorful!"I said
The train stopped
We slowly got out I stood in awe
"If you think this is cool you will love the guild!"wendy said
"Wait lamia scale has a guild hall here?"I said
"No not lamia scale a guild called fairytail"wendy said
"Wait there are other guilds other than dark guilds and lamia scale?!??"I said
"Yeah!"wendy said
"Wait is it the guild dad's in I heard about!"I said with a smile
"Yeah your dad is in this guild!"wendy said
"Let's go then"sherria said
We walked thru the town and saw a large building
"Woah!"I said in awe
Wendy opened the doors
"Wendy is that you!"someone said
She was a beautiful women dressed in a pink fabric with long white hair and glistening eyes
"Mira san!"wendy said hugging her
"Wait that's auntie Mira!"I said
"Wait lucy is that you why are you so small?"a talking cat said
I saw a red head cover her mouth in tears
"She had them"she said
I looked puzzled
Then I realized who it was
"Your erza scarlet mommy told me all about you!"I said happily
She bent down and opened her arms
"Come here kid,come to auntie erza!"she said in tears
I ran and hugged her
She spun me around
I felt happy
She messed up my blonde hair
"Wait wendy if erza is here then my dad must be here two who is he!"I said
"Heh your mom would kill me if I told you she doesn't even want you near him or the guild in fact after something Aries told her"wendy said rubbing her neck
"Well I bet I'll find out!"I said with a smile
"Heh just like your dad"Wendy said
"Here let me introduce you to the guild what did she name you by the way?"erza questioned
"I'm Layla Titania heartfillia"I said
"She gave you my name"erza smiled with a tint of pink on her cheeks
"She told me stories about you did you really put those two people g gray and nah NAHHH"I said
"Natsu"Mira said
"Gray and natsu in there place during there fights!"I said
"Yes I just realized did lucy teach you how to speak?"erza asked
"Well sorta I got stuck in a time loop that made me older when I was three!"I said
"So you lost your childhood"erza said in a sad tone
"Yeah but now I can play with Wendy and use magic!"I said
"May I see"she said
"Well mommy told me only to use it in trouble"i said
"Yeah right like she can even use magic"a pink haired man said
"Who is the man with the pink hair auntie erza!"I said happily
"I'm pretty sure that's pink hey you look like nashi!"I said with a smile
"That is natsu"erza said
"Hi Nah NAHHhH nahhhhhhhhhh!"i said
"Natsu!"I said
"Hey kid"he said
"Why are you sad?"I asked
"None of your business"he said
"Oh I can help!"I said taking out my keys
"I open gate of the dog n n nickolassss"I said as the blue snowman I named droplet came out of thin air
He looked shocked
"We need to make him happy droplet!"I said
Droplet danced around a little than got on his knees
When it was going to get good he checked his watch and dissapeared
"Sorry mister pink man he didn't stay long I can't hold gates open as long as my mom can"I saidwith a frown
He messed up my hair
"Hey kid why don't you sit down and I can get you a cake or something"he said
My eyes lit up
Then I heard running
Mako slammed open the doors
"Mako?"I said worried
"Layla! Nashi was taken away by a dark guild they think mom might be dead two!"he said tears streaming down his face
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