Please read, says Jason
Lol I didn't proof read this but take me seriously 🙃
Hello there :))))) It's me, the boy who disappears. Jay soon.
Uhhhhhh so there's a reason why I hardly write anymore and hopefully y'all understand why cuz it's actually really deep and I'm actually taking the time to write something out for you beautiful people.
So before I get into everything lemme just say real quick I'll be writing a one shot soon. I just need time to think of a plot... Help me think of a plot just fuckin comment stuff right here.
So first off, I disappeared from the Internet for awhile a couple months ago... Which I think I was still writing around that time??? I think??? But it was because my depression hit me like a bullet train again and I couldn't cope to the point it was dangerous so I just stayed away from the Internet and spent time with my boyfriend, Greyson, because he makes me the happiest person in the world and I fuckin love him with every ounce of my being.
But when I got stable again, I got back on the Internet but my health wasn't very good still. I had this problem with some pills I had to take and I almost seriously harmed myself, maybe even y'know... Died. Thing was it was during school while I was with Grey, and all of a sudden I couldn't breath so I scared him. I don't really want to get into how it went down but it seriously shook him up, as well as everyone in that classroom. Obviously I'm better now but that moment left an impression on me. I almost died because of some antidepressant pills.
So my mind was everywhere from then on, and I couldn't focus on one shots or posting on my FT Instagram account. I was comforting Greyson, experimenting with different antidepressants, trying to maintain my grades, etc. I just didn't have time to write I was so stressed out and I couldn't think.
Then I met someone named Calysta online and she caught me in the midst of all this... I don't think she knows about that or not... But she met me when I was really sad and contemplating things I shouldn't be thinking about if you catch my drift. Trigger warning, I've tried to take my life more than once and I was thinking about it. But Calysta came in, made me feel special, made Grey feel special, and soon of course made Sophie feel special. She's literally my beacon of hope, my goddess. And she made me calm down and relax. She made everything better. I just can't express how much she has helped me. thebloodiedwriter
So after a few months of finally calming down, I finally decided with my doctor I want to get off all these pills and just go clean for awhile. Which meant the antidepressants and ADHD meds both. So that's why I'm soooooo talkative and fidgety but that's just... Temporary lol. My mind wanders so this is taking me awhile to stay on topic haha.
And that's up to the present. I've been dealing with these mental health problems since I was little because I grew up in a bad atmosphere and that's a whole different story that's way more sensitive so sorry I'm not going to talk about that.
But besides all that drama, I'm good now. I'm happy. Greyson and I are amazing. Sophie is a sweetheart. Calysta is a goddess. And all of you guys are my precious angels that I love so much.
However I might be able to only write one more oneshot. Sophie and I agreed that we will be labeling this as completed, but if by any chance we think of an idea, we'll post it!
We're going into our senior year now, ripe age of 17. We started this book in like... Freshman year??? Middle school??? I don't remember.
BUT THANK YOU ALL!!! Stay tuned for my oneshot, it may or may not be the last~
I love you all :)
-Jason ⭐️
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