New Years - Sophie
Authors Note:
Even though it's like... Past New Years, many people requested it haha.
Now I know a lot of people wrote New Years one shots and it's usually the same thing over and over at times. So I decided to add in Natsu's flustered/paranoid side, and Lucy's innocence for humor purposes. Enjoy!
Requested by:
Lucy smirked as she looked at herself in the mirror, admiring her outfit. It wasn't all that different from her usual style. It was simply a grey mini skirt with a long sleeved, plain black top. But she wore a special necklace around her neck that made the whole thing special.
"That necklace is quite beautiful, Lucy. Where did you get it?" Erza asked from her spot on the blonde's bed, smiling happily as Juvia sat behind her, brushing her scarlet hair. "Did someone special give it to you?"
"Ooo Lucy's got a boyfriend~" Cana cooed as she clasped a bottle of wine in her right hand.
"Not a boyfriend... But yes, someone special to me." Lucy corrected sharply. "Although I doubt he even noticed how much this piece of jewelry means to a girl. Natsu doesn't really pay attention to these kinds of things and their significance anyway."
"Juvia saw Natsu-San struggling at the jewelry though. He must have really been thinking hard about what you would like." Juvia chimed in as she began to French braid Erza's hair.
"Yeah well...." Lucy sighed and took one more glance at herself before looking back at the girls. "That doesn't matter right now. I mean it's Natsu... It's not like he really puts much effort into girls anyway."
Erza opened her eyes and gave an amused smile, though she said nothing else.
"Let's get going soon." Levy spoke up as she stood up from Lucy's desk. "I don't want to miss the New Years party at the guild. And I want to get there before Gajeel eats all the noise makers."
Lucy grinned and quickly grabbed a paper hidden in one of the drawers in her desk. "Right! Let's go!"
Natsu pulled his scarf up as he sat down on top of a table, watching as guild members started flooding in to start the New Years party. The first people to arrive were Bisca, Alzack, and their daughter, whom was swinging happily back and forth as she held onto her parents' hands.
"You're here early." Someone said as they made themselves comfortable next to Natsu. It was Mira. "I'm surprised you didn't make a loud entrance."
Natsu shrugged and hid most of his face in his scarf. "I have my reasons."
Mira smiled and looked forward at the main doors. "New Years is one of my favorite holidays... Want to know why?"
"Because you love seeing people kiss?" He guessed in a dull tone.
Mira fanned her face and gave him a look.
"I'm right, aren't I?" He smiled and looked over at her humorously.
"Maybe yes..." She pouted, though it quickly turned into a smile. "But I mainly like it because it's a time of new beginnings, new dreams. And it's a time to complete your old dreams, to accomplish the things you wanted to do the whole year but never got the nerves to do so."
Natsu blinked with a small blush and quickly looked down at his feet, putting his hand on his chest as if he were holding a necklace. "That's... A good thing to believe in..."
There was a moment of silence before he caught the door opening to allow 5 girls to walk in... Including Lucy.
Natsu suddenly turned red as she locked eyes with him, making him yelp and turn away. "Errr... Wh-where's the bathroom?"
Mira looked over at him in confusion. "Natsu it's the guild hall. You know where it is, you don't need to ask me."
"Oh right. Right. Oops." He laughs nervously and hops off the table, starting to back away. "We'll see ya!" He yelled and ran away, only to walk face first into a wall, making Gray, who had arrived a little bit before Lucy, laugh aloud.
Natsu squeaked as he noticed Lucy looking over at him with her eyebrows furrowed, and he immediately rushed into the men's bathroom, hitting his hands against his cheeks. "You're acting strange Natsu. It's just Lucy and—"
He froze and looked out quickly to look at the blonde before escaping back into the bathroom. "— and oh Mavis she's actually wearing the necklace."
Lucy watched as Natsu embarrassed himself by slamming himself into the wall. She wanted to go over to see if he was alright but once he looked over at her, he seemed to want to escape her.
"What a dumbass." Cana snorted as she gulped down a big swig of beer.
"Oh don't say that." Mira joined the girls with a knowing twinkle in her eyes. "He's just thinking about what he's going to do differently this year." She winked.
"AH THERES THREE MINUTES LEFT!!!" Yelled a rather drunk Erza as she was hitting whom ever was closer to her. "AND NO ONE IS HERE TO GIVE ME A KISS."
Gray sighed and sank in his seat. "It's unsettling that Juvia hasn't come to bother me." He hissed to Loke who had appeared earlier in attempt to woo Lucy into a New Years kiss. "She's planning something, I know it..."
Natsu watched as the ice mage slid under the table, bringing his knees up to his chest. "You're a wimp."
"Says the guy who face planted a wall when he saw it crush~" Gray snickered.
"You sound like Happy." Natsu rolled his eyes and looked away as he blushed. "And no... Lucy and I are just friends. It's not like that."
"Never said it was Lucy." The raven haired boy countered, causing his rival to squeak and start to drag him out from under the table for a fight but halted when he caught Erza's scary glare from the opposite side of the room.
"One minute everybody!" Lucy chirped, making all the guild members crowd around the bar. Natsu somehow managed to be pulled away from Gray and Loke, and ended up being at the very center next to an ecstatic blonde whom was gazing up at the lacrima that viewed the count down.
"Oh so now you make an appearance to me." Lucy giggled, glancing at him before looking back up at the clock. "I was starting to think you were ignoring me."
Natsu gulped and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he shook his head, forgetting to actually say something. Fortunately she understood, watching the clock start to count down from 30.
"The necklace is beautiful." She blushed and held it up for him to see. "Never really got a chance to say thank you so... Thanks."
Natsu nodded and but his lip, about to saying something, but was interrupted by everyone starting to count down from 10.
Lucy joined in, not noticing that Natsu wasn't even participating.
Natsu watched as Lucy pulled a piece of paper from her pocket.
She unfolded and pressed it up to her heart, closing her eyes as if making a wish.
Lucy folded it back up, putting it in her fist as she raised it up to her mouth, breathing very softly.
Natsu narrowed his eyes and turned to face her, confidence flowing through his veins.
"1! Happy new year!" Everyone cheered, taking swigs of beer.
Lucy smiled and looked up at Natsu. "Happy new year Nats—"
She immediately stopped talking once she saw Natsu leaning down and planting a gentle kiss upon her lips, making a delightful feeling burn in her chest.
The paper in her hands fell to the ground, which made it possible to read what was written upon it:
My New Years resolution:
To go on adventures of all sorts that I wouldn't think possible...
Lucy smiled happily, knowing that her wish had already came true, though it wasn't yet complete. And she only giggled as she watched Natsu break away with a rather flustered expression, steam rising from his heated cheeks.
"Thank you, Natsu." She whispered so only he could hear her while being surrounded by the noise of the guild. Natsu, too, blocked out everyone.
Gray who had been tackled from his spot under his table. Gajeel who was going around eating everyone's noise makers. Loke whom was flirting with Laki and Kinana. Everyone all seemed unimportant as he looked down at Lucy.
Natsu then smiled and raised is hands up, to hold the necklace. He gave it a small peck before returning back to her lips.
"Thank you for a new adventure."
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