Keep trying -Jason
Natsu took a deep breath as he stared up at Lucy's window. It was open like usual... The light on and everything.
"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna jump up there and tell her. Right now." He encouraged himself.
After a moment to collect himself, he jumped up onto the window sill, ready to greet himself to Lucy and tell her his soulful desire, only to see her accompanied by Erza and Juvia.
Erza was the first to notice him unfortunately. "Natsu?" She growled, starting to march over to him. "What are you doing peeking into a woman's bedroom?"
"N-No I'm not—ah!" He yelped, quickly escaping her fury by jumping back out the window and dashing all the way back to his house.
"Natsu?" He heard Happy mumble in a rather tired tone. "How'd it go?"
Natsu collapsed onto his hammock, covering his red face. "Erza was there... Do not good. I barely had a chance to tell her how I felt."
Happy snorted and flew over to his partner's side. "Wow Natsu. You're very unlucky. Now that you actually realize your feelings, you can never have alone time with Lucy."
Natsu groaned and rolled over so he could curse into his pillow. "Sometimes it's your fault..." He grumbled, glaring at the cat from the corner of his eye.
"Hey." Happy pouted. "I only cut in when I see you're gonna make a fool of yourself."
"Yeah right." Natsu said, throwing his pillow at him. "Explain the time I was about to kiss her for Asuka."
"That was Lucy's fault!" Happy complained, squirming out from under the pillow. "I wouldn't have kissed you for any reason."
Natsu tapped his chin before huffing and looking away. "Touché pussy cat..."
Happy sighed and flew back over to his bed. "Go to sleep, Natsu... You can try again tomorrow."
"Yeah yeah..." Natsu yawned, turning off the light before getting comfortable in his hammock. "See ya in the morning."
The next morning, Natsu was woken up to a bucket of ice cold water. He sputtered and jumped out of bed, ready to fight whoever did that to him. "Where are you bastard?!"
"Good. You're awake." A familiar voice said, belonging to the one and only gray fullbuster. To his side was his stalker, Juvia.... Who tagged along because of Gray asking her to help him and happy get Batsu ready for the ultimate confession.
"Alright soldier!" Happy said, flying up close to Natsu's face. "Today's the day! I brought some back up to make sure everything goes smoothly."
"Those two?" Natsu grumbled, glaring at the ice Mage. "That guy still hasn't fessed up about—mmf!"
Gray glared back at Natsu as he slapped his hand over his mouth. "I will hurt you."
Natsu bit Gray's hand but fortunately, for Gray's case, didn't finish his sentence. Only looked at Juvia's confused expression.
"What are we even going to do?" Natsu grumbled, looking at the small team. "I thought I was only going to walk up to her and tell her what I gotta tell her."
"Yes but where Lucy is going... Well... Let's just say on a normal day it'll be hard to get to her." Happy nodded, acting as if he were a complete egg head. "These two were willing to help you get to her after not being amused by your failure anymore."
"Thanks..." Natsu sighed, watching as Gray and Juvia gave approving nods.
Natsu gulped as he spotted Lucy in the crowd of people. Today was a huge marketing day for Magnolia... Meaning there was double the amount of people here today and for the rest of the week. So if he was going to confess to her, he had to do it while they were still coming in.
"Alright... Gray and Juvia have been sent into the crowd to look for threats. I'm going to keep them informed through the lacrima in their ears while I scout overhead." Happy said as he flew next to his partner. "All you need to do is catch up to her and bring her somewhere quieter... Then tell her your feelings."
Natsu nodded stiffly and watched her as she looked at different kinds of jewelry with Levy and Erza at her sides. "What about them?"
"I have it covered." Happy snickered. "Good luck!"
Natsu whimpered as he watched Happy fly up into the sky, muttering something to Gray and Juvia through his lacrima.
"Alright..." Natsu said, trying to psych himself up. "You can do it this time. You have help."
After a moment of doing nothing but giving himself a silent prayer, he started to walk through the crowd. One of his hands gripped onto his scarf as the other one was to let people know he was coming through.
"Natsu-San! You're he—agh!" Someone who sounded like Sting said, though was cut off when he saw Gray jump from the crowd and tackle the dragonslayer to the ground. Rogue stood to the side, catching on quickly that he shouldn't call Natsu out. But he did have to hold frosche back.
Quickly, Natsu walk past them and continued to try and get to Lucy.
And it was all good until Lyon showed up. He seemed pretty lost so once he spotted Natsu, you could see the wave of relief spread into his face. "Natsu! Hey!" He said, walking up to him.
Natsu looked around, expecting someone to jump out at him. But once he spotted Juvia with a disturbed look on her face he knew what was up.
Oh no... He thought to himself.
"You gotta help me Natsu I had enough of this crowd. Can you help me back to Fairy Tail?" He asked hopefully.
"Uuhhhh..." Natsu forced a smile and looked back over towards Juvia who was giving him a warning glare. Mouthing a sorry, he pointed in her direction. "Maybe Juvia can help you."
"Ah!" Lyon brightened up and ran towards her. "Juvia!!!"
Natsu sighed and managed to make it a couple couple of feet away from Lucy. The only obstacle now was Erza and Levy... But didn't Happy say he had a plan?
As if on cue, Happy flew down in front of the group of girls with an excited look on his face. "Erza! levy! Panther lily and Gajeel need help picking strawberries!"
The two girls perked up from their two desired things and ran away from Lucy, leaving her alone and confused.
Natsu took a deep breath before sliding in beside her. "Wow... how about that?"
"Natsu?" Lucy blinked, looking over at his somewhat nervous expression. "What just happened?"
"Uh... I wouldn't know." He said, letting go of his tight grip on his scarf. "But um... I need to talk to you about something. Can you follow me?"
"Oh... Sure." Lucy nodded, giving him a skeptical look as he led her to a more quiet area on a side street. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" He said quickly as he turned to face her with a short laugh. "Actually I'm pretty relieved right now."
"Oh?" She smiled. "Why?"
"The past week um... I've been trying to get some alone time with you..." He explained hesitantly, looking at her curious eyes for a moment before continuing. "And I've always been being cut off somehow... For example last night..."
"You mean with Erza?"
"Yeah." He sighed , lifting his hand to scratch the back back of his head. "But the thing I've been trying to say is... Is..." He looked around, feeling like something was going to stop him yet again and yet... There was nothing there to do that. "Is that... I have fallen deeply in love with you... Lucy."
Natsu blushed as he watched the girl in front of him start to process his words. And right when he was about to give up and walk away, she gave him a bright smile.
"Well that's a relief, Natsu."
"Huh?" He blinked.
"Because I have fallen deeply in love with you myself."
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