Calm? - Sophie
Natsu sighed and looked over Lucy's shoulder, trying to get her attention. But she doesn't even give him a glance. "Lucyyyy~" he whined, but she only turned the page of her book.
She wasn't mad at him, not one bit. She just wanted to read the book Levy gave her and that's it... And that's how she chooses to spend her day.
Natsu, however, felt differently about the situation. He especially craved excitement and adventure instead of loitering in the guild.
"Lucy." he pouted and pulled her blonde hair into pig tails. "Talk with meee~"
Lucy cleared her throat and turned, yet, another page. "This book is suspenseful, you should read it some time." She responded with a poker face, letting him play with her hair.
"The hell with reading. Lets do somethin' in real life that's suspenseful."
Lucy doesn't answer as she started a new chapter.
"Don't you need money for rent?"
"Went on a job with Lisanna."
Natsu grumbled and rested his chin on top of her head. Letting go over the pig tails, and letting her hair fall over her shoulders. He buried his face into the roots of her hair, relaxing at her sweet strawberry smell.
Lucy sighed and bookmarked her page, not being able to read with him sniffing her scalp.
"Are you finally done?" He asked hopefully.
"No. But it's hard to read with you breathing down my neck."
Natsu smirked and softly blew down her spine.
Lucy let out a yelp and scooted away from him with a cherry red face. "Wh-what are you doing?!"
"Breathing down your neck." He grinned, crossing his legs on the bench.
"It's a figure of speech, Natsu!"
Natsu doesn't loose the grin as he chuckled proudly, staring off into space.
Lucy reached for her book but Natsu snapped out of his dreamland and grabbed the novel, and throwing it someplace unknown to either of them. "Natsu!" Lucy shrieked and got up to search for it, but Natsu interfered again by grabbing her wrist.
"Stop reading. I want to spend time with you." He said seriously, earning a look of surprise from Lucy.
"I... I just want to stay calm today." She said truthfully, and Natsu let go of his tight grip.
"Then we can do something calming," he beamed, standing up. "We can go walk in the park?"
Heat rose in Lucy's cheeks as she looked at his genuine expression. "A-Alright."
Natsu smiled and grabbed her hand as the ran outside together, through the streets of magnolia.
Once they got there, Lucy gasped and sat down on a bench. "Did we have to run?"
"If we got here quicker, I'll be able to spend more time with you." He smiled and tapped her shoulder, pointing to a poster. "And there's also a festival."
"I wanted to be in a calm place, Natsu!" She yelled and uselessly punched his chest, "You planned this from the beginning didn't you?!"
Natsu had that proud expression that he wore earlier again. "Im smarter than you thought."
Lucy growled and looked back at the poster. "Fireworks at midnight?"
"Yup." He smiled, "I wanted to see them with you."
"Where's happy?"
"On a job with Levy, Gajeel, and Panther Lily. Apparently they needed two cats or something."
"And no one is accompanying us?"
Natsu scoffed and looked down at her, "I want to be alone with you, cant you see that?"
"Why do you want to be alone with me?"
"Because I love you." he grinned, putting his hands on his hips.
"Y-you don't even know what that means idiot." She stuttered, not believing what he just said.
"Hey, I put a lot of thought into those words." He argued.
"You never think."
"I only think when it's really important to me."
For the rest of the day, Lucy chose to ignore Natsu's "I love you" and enjoy the festival to the best of her ability. And though she didn't want to admit it, she was thoroughly happy with being here, with Natsu.
The only odd thing that happened was the fact that Natsu kept acting lovey dovey towards her. He made constant attempts to hug her, hold her hand, or even kiss her cheek. Fortunately, she was able to escape the kisses by shoving a giant teddy bear between their faces like she did with Happy.
Lucy yawned and hugged the stuffed animal. "Im tired."
"Try to stay awake for the fire works." Natsu smiled, ruffling her hair.
He led her through the festival towards the field wear the final activity was going to commence. Couples and families were already settling down. He even saw Evergreen and Elfman hiding behind a big oak tree.
"Lucy." Natsu called and laid out a blanket for them, patting the seat next to him as he sat down.
Lucy hesitantly joined him, still hugging the teddy bear. "Thank you..." she muttered and avoided eye contact.
"For what?"
"Taking me here... I had fun." She smiles, making Natsu blush and look down at her, "No Problem," he replied.
"I do love you by the way," he added, taking her hand in his.
Lucy blushed and looked at how she interlocked their fingers without even meaning to.
Natsu opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when the first fire work flared into the sky and exploded into a pink design.
Lucy stared up at them in awe, as Natsu kept staring at her. He could see them through her eyes.
Natsu let go of her hand and moved his fingers up to caress her cheek. Lucy involuntarily leaned into his hand... but realized what she was doing soon after and looked at him with wide eyes.
Slowly, Natsu moved his other hand up to her other cheek.
"Natsu..." Lucy whimpered, trying to keep her arms locked around the teddy bear.
"I won't kiss you if you don't want me to." he said as a gold firework set off in the sky.
Lucy's hand crept up to his scarf and she tugged sheepishly.
Natsu blushed immensely and brought her head forward. At first he just kissed her cheek, then her nose, then her chin... but he hesitated at her lips. "Lu-" he started but Lucy pulled him closer and kissed him straight on the lips. At that very moment, a punch of different fireworks exploded in the sky in all sorts of colors and shapes. Everyone ooo'd and ahh'd but the couple didn't open their eyes to see what everyone else was seeing.
They both pulled away from the heated kiss, with Natsu smiling softly as he laid his forehead against hers.
"I love you, Lucy." He repeated for the umpteenth time this evening.
Lucy returned his smile and rubbed her thumb against his cheek. "I... I love you too."
After a while, Natsu gave a devilish smirk. "Since you want to relax, how 'bout we go relax back at your place."
Lucy turned beet red and smacked his head. "Idiot!!" But she smiled anyway.
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