Bright - Sophie
Authors Note:
Hello!!! Omg... I've been dead I know I know...
This oneshot takes place after the last chapter (tbh I was kinda upset with some of the ship moments, especially Jerza and Gruvia since Jellal didn't even do shit and Gruvia was just fan service and we didn't see gray give Juvia his answer??? But that's me being salty)
Also idk if I'll be ending this collection. Jason has become too busy to write on here but I'll see if he can write one more story for y'all but I think this is my last :') I'll still work on Lake House though I promise! I love you all so much. I'll tell you guys everything soon..
But enjoy!!!
Lucy was happy. Over-joyed. Simply... Elated. But there was just something missing... But it's always been this way. There will always be that feeling.
She was beyond excited when Natsu had announced the 100 year job to her and the rest of their team, but the whole process was really fast and she had little time to really let it in.
But his smile was just so... Bright. Natsu smiled a lot sure but every so often he would give that same exact one he had given her the day he dragged her off to fairy tail back when they met in Hargeon. It made her heart melt every time he gave it, and it filled her with hope and fondness.
So watching him now as he greedily watched Erza cook some food over the fire, she felt selfish. Natsu was a people person. He loved to make everyone happy and provide smiles for everyone... But she wanted that specific smile all to herself. Even though he was her best friend and had promised that he would be by her side forever, he was still that missing piece to the puzzle that was Lucy's complete and entire happiness.
Natsu took a seat beside Lucy with two plates of freshly cooked fish, smiling as he held one of them out for her. He sat kind of close to her... But it was comfortable at least. Lucy could bare his loud chewing fortunately.
"I meant to apologize." He spoke with a mouthful of food. "I tend to get straight to the point, and that happened back at your apartment."
Lucy looked up at him, taking rather unattractive but from the fish. "Hm?"
"I ruined a moment, y'know? You were crying and hugging me, and I just didn't know how to respond so I just kinda dragged you away yet again." He huffed, slouching his shoulders. "I actually had a lot to say back there but I subconsciously cut it short and went straight to the end like I always do."
Lucy blinked before swallowing her food. "Well that's one of the hallmarks of your personality, Natsu. I'm kinda happy you cut me off before I could do something too sappy... I know you're not big on sappy things."
Natsu raised an eyebrow at her for a moment before snorting. "No... I appreciated everything you said back there... Well, I appreciate everything you say." He smiled happily.
'Oh gosh... The smile...' Lucy wheezed inside her head, blushing a little as she quickly looked towards her fish. "Oh..."
Natsu hummed as he watched her, hesitantly placing his plate on the ground and standing up. "Hey... Lucy... Can we maybe talk? In private... I got kinda... Nervous in front of Happy before so maybe if we were alone..."
Lucy looked up at him with confusion for a moment before placing down her plate and getting up. "Sure." She nodded, watching as he took a moment before leading her a little ways away from camp.
Natsu had his back facing her for a couple seconds after he stopped before turning around and taking her hands in his. "Lucy... First things first I wanted to apologize her leaving you after fairy tail was disbanded. After my dad died like that I had this thought that I couldn't protect you or anyone in the guild and—"
"Natsu wha—"
"—and I just couldn't bare to go through seeing you hurt because I couldn't help in time. Like future Lucy... I just..." He trailed off for a moment. Before shaking his head and continuing. "It haunts me... You don't even know... Seeing you die was just... Hard... I had trouble sleeping because it just kept intruding on my thoughts and then Igneel died but I just... I don't know why but your death was what stuck with me even after that happened."
Lucy had no words, she had no idea how Natsu was feeling and she had no idea where all this was coming from.
"I also apologize for leaving you alone every time after that. That was a huge shitty move..." He said quickly, wanting to get everything out before he strayed from the subject again. "I caused nothing but pain for you."
"No Natsu—"
"That's why I'm going to make it all up. I'm... I'm going to be different." He hiccuped, gripping onto her hands. "I'm going to be here with you forever. I'll be by your side for forever. Lucy, I'll—"
Lucy quickly let go of his hands to bring his face closer to her's, bringing his lips to her own.
It wasn't the best kiss given they really had no experience at all. Their teeth smacked against eachother' somewhat roughly and their lips were pretty stationary, but no matter they still felt fireworks.
She had succeeded in shutting him up too. He stood there for a moment, staring at her lips. "I also meant to say that... That I might have fallen for you after all these years...." He whispered, hands shaky from where they were subconsciously placed on her hips.
Lucy blushed even brighter, her fingers threading into his pink hair. "Natsu... I'm...."
"I'm in love with you."
"I'm in love... With you." She agreed, smiling softly as she looked back up at his entire face. He was giving her that smile again. "I love you, Natsu. I really do."
Natsu chuckled and brushed a lock of her hair away. "I love you too, Lucy. I really really do." He whispered before bringing her in to a more gentle kiss, this time seeming to get the hang of it.
Lucy felt that Natsu shaped hole in her heart finally be filled right then and there.
*Not proofread*
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