I honestly don't know where I am going with this story but I may revisit it in the future and make a new chapter so you can still read the original here it will just be something like "3 - revised" or if I decide to give it a name it will have revised after it. Thank you.
- SameForNever
The young woman stood and stretched. It's the last day of school for the year, I am so happy the year is almost over. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed her school uniform. She doesn't go to a private school, well technically it is a private school but they accept anyone and everyone so nobody really considers it a private school, more like a slightly more expensive public school. She grabbed her keys off of the mantle and walked out the door. A young Pinkett was walking by, his name is Natsu Dragneel, he was the class clown, a Jock, and a bully. The blonde walked out to her car and Natsu saw her.
"Hey, Lucy!"
"What do you want Dragneel?" Lucy responded.
"I am so gonna mess with you for this." He said thinking that he was going to use where she lived against her since he had never seen her there before. A few days ago it was even up for rent.
"Fine. It's not like I care." She has that stupid smile on her face. When does she not smile? Natsu thought as he watched her drive away.
- At School -
The class period had just ended and Lucy was in her locker after lunch and she put her coat away. A set of arms trapped her in front of her locker."What do you want Natsu?" Lucy asked
"You know, you act all high and mighty. You have a perfect life. Is that why you always smile even though I have been bullying you for months? I just want to see you put your guard down, to show your emotions so that everyone can see that you can't always be little miss perfect." The bell rang already and they were late to their next class as Lucy tried to escape from Natsu.
"You don't even know what my life is like. How do you even know that I have 'the perfect life'?"
"You won't get away that easily," he said and grabbed her wrist. A light started to show at the contact they made. "I-it can't be."
"What's going on! What are you talking about Natsu? What is this light?"
"How old are you?"
"What do you mean. It's rude-"
"How old are you?" he yelled. Not loud enough to get the attention of the ongoing classes though.
"I just turned eighteen. Why?"
"That would explain why this has never happened before. We need to go. Now!"
"What why? Natsu! Where are you taking me!?" Natsu kept a hold of her wrist and ran out of the school building. She must not remember what all of this means for us. I guess I'll have to explain it later or have Igneel explain, yeah I think I'll have Igneel explain while I show the school I'm taken. Principle Makorav was standing there and blocked Natsu's path."Move Gramps!"
"Natsu, why are you running?" he saw that he was holding Lucy's wrist and just above where his hand was, there was a star surrounded in flames with a red dragon curled at the base. "I see now. Go! Run!" Makorav yelled as he let Natsu run with Lucy. She needs to get to Igneel and talk to him before anything happens to her. They need to unlock her memories, it seems that Natsu had already unlocked his by the looks of things though. Makorav thought as Natsu grabbed something from his pocket and stopped in the parking lot. He threw it down and a portal opened in front of them. "This portal leads us into the dragon realm. I need you to stay there for the time being. If you ever need help, or you're in trouble, use this." he said handing her a key. "He will keep you safe."
"What are you talking about? What's going on? Is this some prank? He? What do you mean by He?"
"No, it's not a prank. Once you get in there, ask for Igneel. He's the King of the Dragons. He will explain our situation." Natsu pushed Lucy through the portal and closed it behind her. After she went through he went back to the school and acted as if nothing happened. If anyone knew that something happened between Luce and I before I could explain to this class, we will never get back to our world, we have already been here far too long. Lissana was as annoying as ever. She didn't know what was going on and didn't know that Natsu had his 'mate'. Everyone has a mate in this world. Once you turn eighteen and you touch your mate, a light shines on both of your wrists and a symbol appears. Natsu raised his hand to ask a question and everyone saw his mark. A star surrounded in flames with a red dragon curled up at its base, the exact replica of Lucy's. Lisanna looked disappointed. Everyone had looked at him because he raised his hand in the first place, (He never does this) but then when they saw his mark everyone gasped.The teacher stood from her seat and kneeled. Anyone with a dragon as part of their mate symbol was considered royalty. Natsu's symbol showed the whole dragon, the highest rank you can get. Natsu and his mate were the next King and Queen of the Fiore Kingdom and of the dragon realm.Everyone stood from their seats and kneeled. The portal to the Dragon realm opened and Natsu looked inside as everyone gasped seeing it with their own eyes was amazing but seeing the Dragon King, Igneel, himself made everyone gasp.
"Your mate is confused. It seems that I cannot explain properly." Igneel said to his son.
"Yeah? I guess I have to explain anyway. Do you want to say hello to my class Dad?"
"Dad!?" Everyone in the class yelled and asked.
"Yeah... Igneel's my father. So what?"
"So what? He's the KING of the DRAGONS and your his SON?" someone yelled.
"Well not technically, he adopted me."
"Natsu? Are you coming through the portal or not? Or am I coming through?" Lucy said from behind Igneel.
"You can come on out, were in the middle of class so I don't know if they are going to let me leave."
"Is that Lucy?" Lisanna asked as Lucy stepped around Igneel and through the portal. She had different clothes on from before, making her look even more beautiful as the dress hugged her curves nicely. It was a deep red and she wore a golden crown as if she was a princess.
"So, Igneel explained some things but some things I didn't understand," Lucy said to Natsu as he hugged her.
"I'll tell you later, ok?"
"Ok." Natsu grabbed Lucy and walked out of the classroom and headed to his next class. They had the same class this period and it was the last one of the day. As they walked in, hand-in-hand, people gawked at them. Everyone knew that Natsu liked to bully Lucy for reasons unknown to them but to see that she is his mate made perfect sense to some of them. Some of the girls that were always hanging around him were glaring daggers at Lucy and others were gawking at her dress and crown, one, in particular, started saying something like 'I knew my OTP would save the day'. Natsu had stepped through the portal himself and walked right back out when they left the classroom earlier and now he was wearing a black shirt with flame designs surrounding the bottom of his shirt and a pair of baggy white pants. The teacher stood from his seat and kneeled to the floor.
"I had no Idea that you were to be the next King and Queen. I also never thought to see the day you were going to be nice to Ms. Heartfilia, King Natsu."
"I'm not a king yet, I am only the prince." The whole class was staring at the sight. Then, one by one, they stood and kneeled to the floor leaving only Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet in their seats but they bowed their heads.
"Gray, Erza, please stand," Natsu said and they complied.
"I want you two to protect Lucy when I can't. Ok?"
"Yes, prince," they said.
"I have already spoken with Makarov and Mavis about this so no need to worry about your classes."
"Oi, Flame brain!"
"What did you call me?" Natsu asked and an aura that looked like flames sprouted from Natsu and everyone except Lucy coward in fear. He was the master of all except his mate.
"N-nothing, prince."
"Natsu. Calm down," Lucy said and grabbed his arm. He instantly calmed. The room was quiet and Lucy and Natsu walked back to their seats and sat down.
"Are we gonna start class or what?" Natsu asked and everyone got in their seats and continued with class.
Sorry if you are confused. What the gist of the story is is that all of Fiore was put under a spell that transferred everyone to a 'dream world' where everything was different and nobody had any memories of their original life unless they were very powerful like Makorav, Mira, Erza, and all of the S-class mages from Fairy Tail. They knew the truth but couldn't say a word to those under the spell's influence or even in one's presence. They knew that once Natsu and Lucy receive their 'mate marks' they should unlock their memories but something goes wrong and only Natsu knows but what the spellcasters didn't think about... well I don't think I should spoil it in case you guys want it to be a stand-alone book. Remember, I accept criticism.
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