Signs never fail to show
When your in trouble it's easy to know
So you try to cover up your tracks
Keep moving forward never look back
Lucy pov (a week later)
I remember like it was yesterday. When I started coughing out blood. I was walking to lunch when all of a sudden I started coughing.
You could hear my coughing a mile away some students started coming towards me to see if I was alright. But four of them stood out the most. My best friends. All my friends rushed to my side asking if I was alright. I said I was. When in reality I wasn't. There was blood on my hand from coughing, but I quickly hid it in my pocket and told them I was going to the restroom.
The girls offered to go but I denied them. I didn't want anyone finding out. Not now anyway. Not untill I'm ready.
I quickly washed of my hand and made sure there was no blood in my mouth than walked out. "Hey Lu you aleight." I can't say it yet, as much as I want to tell them I can't "yeah I'm fine just a little cough. Nothing to worry about." Everyone sighed in relief except for one.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see Natsu giving a strange worried look. I could never hide anything from him, but this is something I can't tell yet. I gave him a smile of reasurence. And continued talking to them. after that incident I cought out blood at least once a week and it was getting hard to hide the fact I was sick.
I am walking home from after school program. I was in the library reading a book I just couldn't let down.
Untill Mitchell said that it was getting late. I reluctantly let the book down and looked at my sister straight in the eyes. Not giving up. Untill finally I couldn't take it anymore and let her win. I walked to the front, checked it out, than put it in my bag.
While I was walking I saw the principle walking to his car. I walked up to him since there was a few things I wanted to say to him. "Beutiful day isn't it. Sometimes in life you've got to enjoy what you have. For its not always going to stay there. Forever, you know"
I felt like I had to say a few things before I could continue on home. "That's true, but sometimes it's hard to enjoy life when your still stuck in the dark" " than get un-stuck. Just because something happened a long time ago, doesn't mean you have to stay in that place forever. Move on to the future and enjoy your life."
He was about to speak, but I interrupted him before he could. " Yes I know it's hard, but not all things come easy in life. Do you think your he only one suffering in this world. The only one in pain and with a broken heart. No, your not. Many people have already learned that the best thing to do with your life is to move on, and move your feet. Instead of staying in the same place forever move your feet forward. It's not going to be easy, but that's why you have two feet. So that you could take your steps slowly one step at a time. Do you think your loved ones like seeing you like this. Do you think they are proud of seeing you drowned in your work. Not only are you hurting yourself both physically and mentally, but your also hurting other people around you."
He just stood there not saying a single word. As he processed the words I just spoke. "I guess your right you learn something new everyday, huh" he started staring at the sky than looked towards me again. "Thanks."
" Glad I can help. I don't like seeing people hurt. I like to see people smile and look at thing on the bright side. Always think postive. It's much better when you think that way. "He only nodded and started walking home
"Bye " "goodbye." I than started walking away, but than i started feeling something at my throat. Oh no not now give me a little more time at least untill I get away from him. But it didn't listen. I mean as if the thing had a mind of it's on anyway. Next thing you know I'm coughing again.
He quickly came to my side asking if was okay. I quickly shoved my hand in my pocket in my hand told him I was okay. But now that I think about maybe it was too quickly for right after I shoved in my pocket he told me to take it out my pocket.
"Why, it's getting a little chilly out here. And I don't want my hands to get cold"I said with a smile. My best excuse, really. I've hid this far. There's no way he could have noticed on the first try. "It's not that cold, I'm sure you won't freeze your hand if you just let it out for a while." I could see through the corner of my eyes. That Michelle was just as nervousness as I am. I could see the worried glances she was making from the sidewalks. Deciding if she should cut in or not.
" Your right, but I like it better in my pockets just to play it safe. Anyway I should really be heading home." I said really quickly than turned around and started walking home. Almost there come on. " Stop right there I am the principle of this school and you are a student. Now take your hands out your pocket this instance."
I was afraid he was going to use authority over me. I slowly took out my hands and showed him. He gasped as I looked away. "How long" I was about to ask what he meant but I saw in his face he looked serious.
"I only have untill the end of this year than I wont be on this earth anymore." " I see have you told your friends yet." " No not really I don't want them to worry about me. I told you I don't like sad faces I like smiling ones."
"That sounds a little selfish to me. Did you ever think that they would want you to do that." "What do you mean it sounds selfish. I am trying to keep them happy for their own good." "
Well first your not trying to keep them happy for theirr own good. Your trying to keep them happy for you own good. And second think about how they will feel when you die and they never knew anything about it. Think about how that will affect them But in all you should tell them."
"I know I just need time." " You say that now, but later on you not going to even be able to say a word before you say never mind. You need to tell them." " OK OK you persistent old geezer. I'll do it. Hehe look at how the tables turn just a while ago I was lecturing you now your the one lecturing me."
" Hahaha your right about that, anyway it's getting late. Actually why don't I just drop you off at home. It'll be easier for you." "Oh no, you don't have to trouble yourself we'll be fine." "Nonsense I was holding you out here for this long so it's my job to take you home."
"Well technically it was me that started the conservation." "And me who end it. Now get in the car." "Alright alright, if you insist." The ride home was was silent. "Thanks" I whispered under my breath "your welcome"
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