I can feel the rain trickle down my head
As my mind filled with thought of dread
As I could feel my own rain pouring out
This is my life, my sorrow, my route
Lucy pov :
Today was a regular day. Except for the minor headache from time to time. It wasn't so special. I went to school with my friends had lunch and talked about things. I blushed sometimes around Natsu. Want me to tell you a secret. I'm in love with Natsu Dragneel. Yes Natsu I bet that dense idiot doesn't even know what love is, but that doesn't stop me from loving him.
Oh yeah before I tell my story let me introduce my self. My name is Lucy, Lucy Heartfillia. I have a little sister named Mitchell, a good father who is always worried about me, and an awesome gorgeous mother. But she passed away a long time ago. But she will always be in my heart. My best friends are Natsu Dragneel, Levy Mcgarden, Erza Scarlet, and Gray Fullbuster.
As I was saying before i was sidetracked. It was a regular day, well at least untill I got home. I suddenly got a major head ache and clutched my head falling to the floor. Then all of a sudden I saw black starting to surround into the darkness of nothingness.
I woke on a bed with blinding lights shone above me. The room was white, literally all white. They could at least put a little color in it. But I shouldn't be thinking about that where am I. Last thing I remember was clutching my head and falling to the ground nothing else. I then herd some rustling outside the door with a shadow beneath it. The door knob started to turn until I could hear the soft click of a sound coming from it. My heartbeat quicken. What if it was a kidnapper and they came to finish the job. But then again why would they put me in a room full of white. I would of thought kidnappers put you in a dark creepy room. The door opens to reveal.
My father (bet you thought it was Natsu) he walked up to me slowly, slowing down my heart as he sat on the bed. "Lucy. Thank goodness your okay. Are you feeling alright. Does the pillow hurt. What about your back." He bombarded me with questions not even giving me the chance to answer.
Untill finally I just put my hand on his mouth to shut him up. When I removed it he took a deep breath then said sorry. "Dad what am I doing here, no where is here, how did I even get here" My dad looked at me uncertain to tell me.
That's when I knew something was wrong " well sweety, were in the hospital, because you suddenly collapse. Mitchell had found you when she was going to greet you home,then called me down to the hospital. The doctors are trying to figure out what is wrong with you, but for now I don't know what is going on" I could tell by his face he was worried.
Than all of a sudden Mitchell came running in with open arms jumping on me. Scaring the life out of me. Then she Squeezed whatever life I had left. Until you could only see a piece of my soul holding on for dear life
She quickly let go. As I could feel the rush of air enter my lungs untill it was finally filled. "Gosh Mitchell, are you trying to finish the job. I'm already in the hospital."I joked she than started to cry making me worried
" I didn't mean it seriously, I was only joking don't cry." She slowly slowed down her cries and started to speak.
" Big sis I was so worried you just started falling out of nowhere. And than I felt your forehead and it was burning hot. I didn't know what to do."
She kept rambling on about what happened untill finally I just did the same thing I did to dad put my hand over mouth to stop her from talking.
I'm guessing talking alot runs in the family or something. Than I started to speak " Mitchell, dad, im fine. You see nothing so far that is wrong with me. I look perfectly fine. Would you two please calm down. "Mitchell than calmed down and than started crying all over again.
She sure has a lot of water works. While my dad just sat there with that worried face still plastered on his face.
You know this kind of reminds me of my mother. I bet your all wondering why she isn't here. Well my mother passed away with a disease. She was so young. It didn't make sense. The difference from that day was that Mitchell wasn't the only one in tears.
Than all of a sudden the door knob turned again. More people. Goodness it already hard with just two. The door open and in came a doctor. I hope he is a sensible one too. I don't fair well with too much drama.
He walked in with a straight serious face worrying my father and sister, and even me to no end. He called out my father to speak privately. After about 30 min they came back in with my fathers face red and puffy.
He's been crying something must be wrong. The doctor then left leaving my father to explain the situation. "Lucy I don't know how to say this.... Or even sure what to say. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." I got more worried. What was going on. What was he sorry about. "This shoupdnt have happened. Not to you. Why is it always the ones i love. WHY." I still didn't know what was going on and worry was only an understament at the time.
But i had to put that behind me and tend to my father. He needed me right now. Even if I don't know the reason. Heck I'm not even sure I want to know why.
I tried telling him its ok. That everything is going to be alright and then he just started bursting into more tears. It took me about an hour to finally calm him down and only large sniffles were heard in the room.
Mitchelle was just on the other side ready to pass out. The stress must be really getting to her and seeing our dad like this just might push her to faint any minute. What is seriously going on.
"Lucy... I.... You....your sick. I wanted to give him a look. A look that just said nawww really. I thought I was just in a hospital to go to the playground. But I didn't. It wasn't the time.
As if sensing how I felt he continued. "Not sick as in fever sick.... But.... Lucy... Your mother... U have the same disease as her." My breath hitched, caught in my throat. What.... what did he mean. But my mom had.... and she's...... so does that mean that im.... And I'm not even sure what type of face expression i had, but he looked away with a guilty look residing on his face. I didn't know what to say. I was dying, no that can't be right I can't be dying.
"What do you mean I have the same disease. I already checked with Levy and they said I was fine. There must be something wrong with the machines their using." I looked at my dad's face to still see the same sorrow in his eyes.
The same pain is still there. "I'm sorry." He says in small whisper, but loud enough for me to hear. That's when I realised he wasn't joking. This is real. I'm really dying.
"Ha ha ha nice joke daddy. I actually thought it was real. Now what is really wrong with sis" dad didn't answer he only gave a sad smile to Mitchell. "Dad I know your joking. She can't be dying tell me your joking. Daddy. Daddy."
Mitchell was crying in dad's arms as I just sat there and watched. I was frozen still and couldn't move. Than both of my family turned towards and opened their arms. I slowly got up and walked into Thier hugs.
I could feel something slid down my cheek untill it slid down from my chin to the ground. Than many others started falling the same suit as the first. Untill you could hear the drip drop of the sound water as it hits the ground.
The puddle it made from being joined by many others. The way it would would spread out into a ripple each time a drop was added to the puddle. like the ripples were there to tell me that things change. That's when I realized I was crying. I was full out crying my eyes out. It's not fair, why me, why mom. Why.
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