My hero?
*walking to Nagisa's house* "oh great it's starting to get dark and i have about 10 minute walk ahead of me"!
*5 minutes later*
Wow it's like Pitch black out here i can't ever see where I am going. I then here footsteps behind me. Who the hell would be walking around this hour. The footsteps were Getting louder, and louder like the person was Getting closer. I then start to walk faster, and so did the dark figure. Come on nearly at Nagisa's house just around the corner...."ahhh" the figure grabed me.
Rins POV
I was walking back to my place listning to tunes and then suddenly hear a scream. It sounds like girl! I run up the street there was the girl but Being held by a Sketchy looking guy. I acted fast and pulled the guy away from girl. Once the girl was out of reach to be attacked i then kicked the guy in the chest. Then grabbing the girls Hand and ran as i could.
Before I knew it some random guy grabbed me. I was shaking in terror, thinking what do I do what do I do! But out of nowhere this other guy saves me! "Ah thanks for the save". Looking up at the guy I realise it was Rin the guy I met in the cake shop. Wow he saved me.... "Oh crap I am going to be late"! "Late for what"? Rin asks. "I was going to meet my friend nagisa". Even though I want me and Nagisa to be more than friends *wink* *wink* " ahhh well before you go could I have your number or something, but not in like, asking you out or anything". He said while nervously rubbing the back of his head. "Ahh ok...". I gave Rin my number and waved goodbye. Ok ok I need to get to Nagisa's house Now!
Oh wait the house is right here *mental face palm*. *ding dong* Nagisa opens the door and greats me with a big bear hug like he does to everyone.... "(F,N) I am so excited for tonight! We are going to watch a horror movie! "Boo,ahhh". Nagisa failed to make it sound scary. Wow this is going to be a interesting night
Omfg I am so sorry that took so long to upload I was just so busy, and a bit couldn't be bothered. Also just wanted to give a heads up this is not a rei or Rin x reader it's a Nagisa one so plz don't complain if you go on a date with them or something. Don't worry it's just for the plot so u can get Nagisa. All apart of the Story line.
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