Strange New Students
Nadine's POV
After a long two weeks classes were finally back in session. We resumed back to our normal schedules except the school had heavy security around just in case. I sat at my desk day dreaming when the bell finally rang.
I gathered my things and headed out into the hallway. I walk to my locker to put away some of my books. Suddenly an excited Ina comes bouncing down the hallway towards.
"Soooo did you hear"? She askes with a wide grin. I give her a confused look.
"Hear what"? I close my locker leaning against it.
"There's a new student! Apparently she's from Russia or something and she's here on a scholarship like you"! Ina seems excited as she smiles big at me.
"And your excited because"? I ask still not understanding. She wasn't this excited when I first came to the school. Or maybe she was and I just failed to remember.
"Well if they are allowing new students then that means we might have the winter ball! Nadine you seriously need to catch up" Ina says dramatically. She drags me down the hall.
"And where are we going? This is my free period" I groan as she pulls on my arm almost tearing it from my body.
"We my friend are going to greet the new student. We need to see the competition we are up for. I don't want her stealing the royals".
I roll my eyes in disbelief. We walk to the front of the school where a large crowd is already forming. This school sure acted as if this was something totally new. It was hard to make out anything when a car pulls up to the front of the school.
Students around started to whisper to one another. A blonde headed girl comes out the car first already wearing the academy uniform. Her skin was pale and she had light blue eyes.
"Damn it! Looks like we do have competition" Ina says angrily. I shake my head when another person gets out the car. A boy with bright red hair stands right next to the girl.
"I thought you said there was only one new student"? I ask confused they had similar features and they looked to be brother and sister.
"I thought so too! This is perfect and plus he's super hot" Ina swoons I practically see the drool coming from her mouth. A school administrator greets them and they make there way through the crowd of students.
"Alright step aside! No one should be blocking the entrance" a guard says and we all back up against the wall. The students walk in the school and I'm thrown off when my eyes connect with the red haired boy.
He smirks at me before giving me a wink. Something was definitely off about them but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. After an eventful morning after lunch was gym.
I was changing into my gym clothes when the new girl suddenly came in. "Oh uh sorry I didn't know anyone was in here" she says in her thick accent.
"No worries". I quickly pull my shirt over my head and then pull my hair back into a ponytail. The girl stared changing and it soon became akward.
"I'm Sage by the way" she says changing into the academies school gym uniform. Her blue eyes narrowed at me as she watched me intensely.
"Oh cool. I'm Nadine it's nice to meet you. I heard your here on a scholarship like me". I tried making conversation as she continued to stare at me without blinking.
"Yes. Me and my twin brother were offered a scholarship. I look forward to learning new things here". She says with a tight smile. I suddenly feel weird and quickly tie my shoes.
"Uhh we should get going. Coach doesn't like when students are late". I say walking out first. I felt weirded out as I quickly made my way into the gym.
"What took you so long? Coach is making us run laps" Ina groans when I stand beside her. A second later Sage comes in with a blank look.
"Hey I dont know about you but I find the new girl....strange" my eyes find Sage as the coach talks to her. Something about her rubbed me the wrong way.
"Nadine you find everyone weird. Now come on your my partner for the relay races" Ina says dragging me towards the already formed lines. As we are setting up the boys enter on the other side of the gym.
The girls immediately giggle and wave at the royals as they walk in. Folding my arms I make my way onto one of the lines. Oskar sneakily makes his way over making sure not to cross the green line.
"Let's be partners" he demands with a grin. I arch an eyebrow as if he had two heads.
"Sorry but Ina already asked me. Go partner with someone else" I say making a shooing motion with my hands. He sticks out his hands trying to pull me over to his side while I push his hands away.
I hear the snickering from the girls but I don't pay them any mind. I lightly shove Oskar away before running next to Ina.
"You totally like him" Ina says giving me a look. I roll my eyes before the coach grabs our attention. For the rest of gym class we ran around the gym like a bunch of crazy animals.
Not even aware that I was being watched.
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