Jealousy vs Volleyball
Nadine's POV
The next day Ina barely spoke to me as she was currently giving me the silent treatment. Even after I admitted everything to her she still avoided eye contact with me. I even tried bribing her with her favorite candy of all time ..
gummy worms
But the girls still didn't budge. I gave up trying to for her attention and focused on getting my work done. After class was finished Ina all but ran out the classroom refusing to wait for me. I sighed deeply placing my books in my bag.
I walk out of the classroom surprised to see Oskar leaning against my locker. "I thought I told you to stay away from me" I grumbled opening my locker and throwing my books inside.
"You and I both know I'm not one to listen. Anyway Sage told me what happened last night. What were you thinking Nadine"! His eyes grew wide and his nostrils flared.
"I was thinking that I should help a friend. Not that it's any of your business" I sneered slamming my locker shut. I begin to walk towards the cafeteria.
"Maybe if you didn't constantly do outrageous things I wouldn't worry" he muttered. He walked beside me and I could feel his eyes on me.
"There is no need to worry yourself over me. Besides I don't think your girlfriend would be to happy to see you fawning over some girl" I spoke bitterly. I continued walking before he grabbed my arm to stop me.
"I'm always going to worry about you. Doesn't matter how much you hate me" he whispered looking deeply into my eyes. I gulped pulling my arm out of his grasp.
"Oskar... I don't need your help or for you to worry about me. And I would appreciate it if we could please stop this. We aren't friends so it's not like we need to ever talk to each other". I knew I angered him when he glared hard at me.
"If that's what you want then fine. Your wish is my fucking command" he spat before shoving past me. I knew I had struck a nerve but I wouldn't apologize for it. We needed space everytime we talked it ended up in a heated argument.
I groaned before entering the cafeteria. Ina sat at our usual table already with a tray of food. I grabbed a tuna sandwich and a juice before sitting across from her.
She frowned refusing to pay me any mind. "Ina when are you going to stop this. How many times am I supposed to say sorry? I promise from now on no more secrets".
I give her my best puppy dog look nudging her arm. "Okay fine just please stop with the puppy eyes,you look like an alien" Ina says with a smirk. I hit her arm playfully. We did our usual chit chat before the bell rang to signal that lunch was over.
We had gym class outside in the courtyard. We were currently running our laps when I saw a mop of bright red hair come up beside me. "Hey Dina" Teague greets with a large smile.
"Hi Teague what's up" I say as Ina nudges my arm beside me. She lightly wiggles her eyebrows before wearing a big grin. I was surprised by the new nickname he had came up with for me.
"I wanted to ask if you'd be on my team for the volleyball game. That's if you want too" his face turns a shade of pink. He was just so damn adorable how could I say no.
"Yeah of course. I'll have to warn you I do suck at sports" I joke and he simply shrugs his shoulders. After we all ran our laps we got a five minute water break before we were split into teams.
Teague was team captain and right when coach told him to pick his team in I was shocked to be called first. I was always the kid that got chosen last since it was a given that I sucked at everything.
Oskar shot me a glare from across the other side of gym. He was also team captain go figure but he seemed pretty pissed off. We started off with a warm up before diving into a game.
When the ball came flying towards me I tried my best to hit it as hard as I could. I was terrified of being hit so when Sage had hit the ball so hard I ducked embracing the hit when a large body came in front of me.
"Don't worry Dina just stay behind me" Teague said shooting me a wink. I all but blushed as I mumbled a thank you. Ina kept shooting me a thumbs up as if she was proud of me. Meanwhile I was receiving mean glares from not only Oskar but Sage too!
I brushed them off not giving them the time of day. When gym class was finally over Ina and I made our way to the girls locker room. "Soooo you and Teague huh? I saw how he was protecting you during the game" Ina says with a grin.
I roll my eyes. "It's not what you think okay. We are friends nothing more" I say tugging on a fresh pair of sweats. After we finished changing we made our way out the locker room to come face to face with Oskar and Sage sucking face.
I swallowed the huge lump in my throat before dragging Ina down the hall.
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