If Looks Could Kill
Nadine's POV
P.s. : A picture of Bianca Simmons
"Alright class, I want you to think of someone or something that makes you happy. It can be a person or thing it's up to you. I want you to imagine this thing you love but change something up about it. Or maybe focus on that one aspect of the thing you love. This will be your project and we will present them next week. You may start working on them now".
I blew my bangs out of my face as I stared at the large piece of paper. Usually coming up with what I want to draw was easy but for some odd reason today I was having a difficult time.
I decided to close my eyes making a mental list of the things I love. Then suddenly the idea came to me and I immediately got to work with sketching.
Art was definitely my happy place. I could get lost in it for hours. I felt safe and happy as if nothing could distract me from what was truly important. That's why I always aimed for the best in whatever piece I came up with.
I was so in tuned with my art piece I didn't even here when class was dismissed. I glance up at the time, I quicken my pace as I roll up the large piece of paper making sure not to crease it.
I make my way outside the classroom. I decide to drop off my stuff in my room before meeting Ina in the cafeteria. I make my way through the crowded halls when I hear the most wonderous sound.
It sounded like the violin, my curiosity getting the better of me. I slow down my pace as I see where the sound is coming from. The music room door was closed and I peek through the glass window on the door.
It's one of the royals!
I was mesmerised as he played the violin. I felt myself close my eyes enjoying the feeling it gave me.
"What are we looking at" ?
I immediately grab at my chest jumping back. "What the hell are you doing" I sneer clutching my chest. It was the dark haired piece of crap that seemed to be following me everywhere.
"Hey I'm not the one standing outside of a door like some weirdo" he says with a smirk. Rolling my eyes I straighten myself out before continue the walk back to my room.
He continues to follow me all the way to the elevator. "Don't you have anything better to do" I ask annoyed.
He quirks up an eyebrow "like what" ?
"I don't know maybe buy yourself a new car, isn't that what you rich people do" I say instantly regretting it when I see his amused expression drop.
"Right us rich people" he snaps before walking off.
That definitely was not the reaction
I was hoping for.
"Ya know the annual harvest is coming up we should go" Ina says chopping away on her chocolate cookie. After my little run in with one of the royals I dropped off my stuff in my dorm.
"Yeah sure" I say suddenly feeling not in the mood for conversation.
"Hey don't look but I think Oskar Belton is looking at you" Ina whispers. I glance over at the royal table as sharp green eyes meet mine. I advert my eyes quickly.
"I said don't look! Anyway what's got you in a funky mood" Ina asks. I debate in my head whether I should tell her.
"Let's just say I had a run in with a certain royal and things didn't go well" I say with a groan. I go back to pushing the food around on my plate. Suddenly a timid looking Rosie comes up to our table.
"Hey Rosie what's up" I say as I watch her practically clench her lunch tray.
"I-I w-was w-wondering... c-could I perhaps j-join you f-for l-lunch". I look at a confused Ina who simply shrugs.
"Yeah uh sure you can join us" I say. She mutters a thank you before slowly sitting down beside me.
"Um Rosie this is my friend and roommate Ina". They each introduce themselves before it falls quiet at the table.
"Soooo, Rosie what are you studying" Ina asks narrowing her eyes. I give her a look warning her to watch what herself.
"Oh w-well I'm studying c-computer s-science" she answers.
"That's awesome Rosie, maybe you can teach me a few things" I say with a gentle smile. It seems to work as she nods her head in agreement. We spend the rest of our lunch in silence.
The whole lunch time I could feel eyes boring into my back. When I looked up I was shocked to see Bianca Simmons striking blue eyes glaring at me.
Could this day get any worse?
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