_ Chapter Three _
It was at lunch the next day when Seungbin didn't show up. Decided that he had waited enough and won't starve the whole day just because someone is taking longer in the bathroom, Shota grabbed his tray and stood in the queue. He was biting his lip, thinking, not really focusing on what was happening around him while filling his tray with food and turning around to walk to a free table when suddenly bumped onto someone. Luckily, that someone had reflexes good enough to grab his tray with one hand and his elbow with another, pulling him back up.
,,Falling for me already?" Juhwan asked, eyebrow raising slyly. The smirk on his face was way too familiar to Shota who didn't have time for this game. It was getting slightly annoying already.
Shota took his food tray from his hand. ,,Looks like that not yet." He simply said, standing up straight, shrugged, turned around and walked away, leaving the older's eyes following him.
He sat behind one empty table and pulled out his phone to call Seungbin and ask where on earth is he. Did he get flushed down with the water or something? But nobody didn't pick up. Shota sighed and started eating, thoughts wandering elsewhere again.
He took a sip of his drink and felt a tap on his shoulder, making him turn around. No other than Choi Juhwan himself was standing there with a sweet smile. ,,Can I sit here?"
Shota frowned. Weird. ,,I mean...sure. I don't have anything against it."
,,You doubted."
,,You wanna sit or not?" He wasn't mean at all, just confused as he watched Juhwan place himself next to him and open the cap of his water bottle. ,,Why...Why did you come here?" He then asked.
,,Most tables are full of people I don't know and you were sitting here all alone which is sad...aaand I consider you something friend like." He smiled. ,,Secret admirer."
That made the blonde laugh a bit even though Juhwan was back with his flirty nicknames again. But it was just who he was and Shota didn't care that much anyway. ,,Okay, go ahead and make yourself comfortable, but lemme warn you that my cool yet crazy friend is about to join us any minute."
,,The funny guy you always hang out with? The one for who you have been asking all of those questions from me?"
,,Yes, him. Don't freak out please, he is a bit stormy but actually a great person." Now why was he suddenly worried about Seungbin embarrassing him in front of Juhwan?
,,Don't worry about me." Juhwan smiled. That simple but cute smile again. ,,Worry about him though, because if he doesn't arrive in the next five minutes he'll be left hungry for the rest of the day."
,,I'm not, and for a very safe reason: Seungbin can handle everything. He's surprisingly adaptive." Shota found himself smiling inside at this thought.
,,If you say so~" Juhwan said and like that they went back to eating and slowly started chatting about different things. Well, to be honest, the topic was mostly school. Shota told Juhwan about his very busy studying period at the moment and the latter talked about how much free time he has right now. They were complete opposites, but the conversation was surprisingly interesting.
Shota did feel everyone's eyes on them but ignored them. He didn't think of sitting together with the so-called hottest guy at school as a privilege or something because after all, Choi Juhwan was like any other schoolmate to him. Except the fact that he knew things about him...thanks to Seungbin. But that's another story of its own.
Soon, they finished lunch and left the canteen. Shota looked around, hoping to see Seungbin but the latter was nowhere to be found. He sighed wearily.
Juhwan's phone rang, startling Shota. The black haired male took it out and as he laid his eyes on the caller's ID, his brows formed a deep frown.
,,What's wrong?" Shota asked.
,,I don't know..." Juhwan mumbled and raised the phone to his ear. ,,Yes, Changmin?"
Shota examined his features and expressions while he was on the phone. Something seemed to worry the other.
,,What??" The other's eyes shot up, an unknown glint in them. ,,Where are you?" He bit his lip nervously. ,,Mhm, okay, I'm on my way." And he ended the call.
,,Is it something serious?"
Juhwan's chestnut brown eyes turned at Shota, and he suddenly remembered that the younger was here as well, he had been too invested in the call. ,,Ah no, it's just some usual...family drama." Except for the fact that his family weren't humans. ,,Nothing too serious. But I should go." He said and stepped away slowly. ,,I'll see you around, right? Maybe? When you come to ask me questions again?" Suddenly his usual flirty self was back.
,,Nope, never gonna happen again." Shota said. He couldn't help but notice the switch between two personalities out of which the darker one was completely unknown to him. Maybe there was indeed something more to Choi Juhwan than he had thought.
,,Okok, whatever you say." He chuckled. ,,See ya, cutie." Juhwan said with a wink and walked away.
Everyone else would've squealed or even fainted at Juhwan's charming wink and nicknames, but not Shota. Nah, he had just started thinking that the other was cute and precious like that, trying to seduce him or something. But he knew it wouldn't work out, not on him.
He needed something else to fall for someone.
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