Deku's Point of View
When I woke up, I remember last night's events that took place. Oh God, I was acting crazy, but Uno does that to you. I look over to my side and to see a handsome blonde lightly snoring, he had an arm on my bare chest and the other was around my waist.
"Morning," I quietly mumbled as I put my face in his hair.
"Morning Deku," Kacchan said quietly as his eyes began to open.
"How'd you sleep?" I asked him as I played with his hair.
"Okay, let's not have another game night for a while," Kacchan told me and I nodded in agreement.
"Kacchan?" I asked as I continued to play with his hair. It may be spiky, but it feels so soft.
"Yeah, babe?" Kacchan asked me as he pulled me close to him. I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck.
"Do people, specifically other colleagues, know I work for you?" I asked as this thought had struck me once I woke up.
"I assume so, but people know I'm dating Deku, not Izuku Midoriyia," Kacchan told me as he explained most people didn't know I was the same person, which was good.
"But I'm on the news all the time, how do they not know?" I asked as this didn't make much sense to me.
"Well, most people don't know I was Ground Zero," Kacchan explained.
"Alright, I just don't want to get you into trouble," I told him as I got closer to his warm and strong body.
"You could never, plus no one can keep me away from you," Kacchan comforted as he grabbed me and put in on top of him. This was nice.
"Hey Deku?" Kacchan asked after some silence of us holding each other.
"Yeah Kacchan?" I replied as I was ready to answer whatever question he had.
"Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?" Kacchan asked as he played with my hair. He lightly pulled a curl and it would spring back at him like a slinky.
"Most definitely the beach," I replied as I gave him a quick peck on his cheek.
"Why do you ask?" I wondered as I asked him this.
"No reason," Kacchan told me as he then sat us up.
"Want breakfast?" Kacchan asked as soon as he walked off the bed.
"Sure, let's just get ready first," I happily replied as I jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom to take a shower.
Kacchan's Point of View
As soon as the nerd was out of earshot I went downstairs and met up with round face and four eyes.
"Hey guys, I need your-" I began but felt my chest hurt at the last word.
"What's up Bakugou?" Round face asked as she turned her attention to me. The two of them were currently sitting on the couch while watching the morning news.
"I need to ask the both of you a favor," I said hesitantly. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and now I finally had the courage.
"Is something wrong Bakugou?" Four eyes asked as he turned the TV off to let me know I had their attention.
"You see, I've been wanting to do this for a while," I began as their gaze made me a bit uncomfortable.
"Look, I'm asking Inko for her permission to marry her son tonight!" I eventually spat this out to get this awkward ordeal over with.
"WHAT!?!" Round face and four eyes both jumped when I said this. Their expressions were unreadable.
"But if she says yes, I want your help," I continued as I shut my eyes to stop feeling uncomfortable around them.
"Really?" Round face asked as she had tears in her eyes.
"Yes, just don't say anything alright," I said quietly in case Deku came out of the shower.
"Bakugou, I'll help you with whatever you need," Iida told me as he came up to me and gave me a strong pat on the back.
"I'll help you with information or anything of the sort," Uraraka cried happily as she came over and gave me a tight hug. Maybe I was starting to warm up to them. The name calling will be put to a stop, for now.
"Thank you guys, but for now all I need is to get Inko's permission," I said happily as we all came into a nice group hug. Deku has some amazing friends, especially for helping me after I haven't been the nicest guy.
"Morning guys, how did you sleep-" I heard a familiar and happy voice say this behind us. We've been caught, scatter!
"Morning Midoriyia-Kun!" Uraraka said happily as we broke the hug and she came over to Deku.
"What's for breakfast?" Deku asked me as we all walked into the kitchen.
"How about omelets?" I suggested as I grabbed a carton of eggs, spinach, ham, peppers, and tomato.
"That sounds amazing," Uraraka sighed happily as the three of them took a seat at the island and watched me cook up their omelets.
After a nice breakfast and some more talking, Deku and I headed to work. I had to cut our session short if I was going to make the train to Auntie Inko's home at a decent hour. I promise I'll make it up to Deku for leaving early.
"Babe, I have to go," I groaned aloud as I checked my phone.
"No! Stay with me," Deku pleaded as he grabbed my waist and buried his face into my chest. How adorable.
"I'm sorry, but I promise I'll make it up to you," I eased him off of me, a bit of regret panged into my heart. In all honesty, I didn't want to leave. But I do want to marry Deku the right way.
"Okay," Deku pouted as he hesitantly let me go. Now I feel bad.
"Baby look, one day you'll thank me for this," I told him as I ruffled his hair a bit. Then giving him a quick kiss to show him how much I deeply loved him.
"Doubt it," Deku spat as he turned his back to me. That little shit had no idea what was happening.
"Don't be like that," I said as I moved myself in front of him, taking his hands and kissing them.
"Go, go before I change my mind and get upset with you again," Deku told me as he flashed me a beautiful smile. The way his freckles moved and seemed to cluster closer together when he did this drove me crazy.
"You are the best," I told him giving him a quick kiss and sprinting out the door.
Once I got on the metro I began to think out my speech and pleas to Auntie Inko. This was her one and truly beloved son, I had to make this special. Maybe, just maybe, if I told her how much I treasured Izuku, I might stand a chance.
When I arrived at Auntie Inko's house I just stood in front of the door. My hand was raised ready to knock, but it hesitated. Right when I gathered all the courage to knock, I heard giggles coming from inside. Who in the name of? Oh my God, is that?
I feverishly knocked on the door and stepped a few steps back so I wasn't in Auntie Inko's face when she answered. Patted feet could be heard approaching the door, and before I knew it, I saw her. The old fucking hag. She stood in the doorway with a hand on her hip, an annoyed expression displayed on her face.
"Katsuki," The hag mumbled quietly as Auntie Inko could be seen behind her.
"Hey, I need to talk to Auntie Inko," I explained as I waved at her. Auntie Inko flashed me a warm smile.
"Katsuki, come inside," Auntie Inko told me as she quickly pulled me inside.
"So what brings you here Katsuki?" My mother asked as Auntie Inko went into the kitchen to fetch me some tea after seating me in the living room.
"Hag- mom, I came here to ask Auntie Inko something," I responded as I took off my coat and began to let myself relax.
The hag, or my mom, seemed to be in utter shock once I called her that. Was it that big of a deal? I admit it, I'm not very nice, but Izuku has changed me. But until now have I put these changes into effect. I'm trying to be a better man, for my Izuku.
"Katsuki, did you just call me the M word?" My mom stuttered as she had tears in her eyes. I didn't know she was so emotional.
"Mom, I'm trying to be a better man," I explained as I saw Auntie Inko begin to approach us.
"Here's your tea Katsuki," Auntie Inko told me as she handed me a cup of the warm drink. It smelled delicious.
"Thank you Auntie Inko," I thanked Auntie Inko as I took a small sip of the tea. She already added honey so it didn't taste bitter. But I would have drank it either way.
"So Katsuki, what brings you here?" Auntie Inko asked as my mom wiped a tear off her cheek.
"Well, you may want to sit down for this," I said trying my best to not to stutter. God, am I sweating? Suddenly I feel really hot.
"Oh alright," Auntie Inko said as she politely sat down next to my mom on the couch opposite of me.
"Auntie Inko, as you know I am deeply in love with your son," I began as I felt myself become uneasy.
"And well, he means the world to me, he's helped me become better as a person," I continued as I didn't let myself look up at them. What if they didn't have the expression I wanted?
"What I'm trying to say is, well, if you would allow me to," I began to trip over my own words, becoming a nervous wreck.
"Katsuki, are you alright?" My mom asked in a concerned voice as I began to become visibly nervous.
"Hold on," I said and without thinking, I grabbed the still steaming hot tea and downed it. It hurt going down, but I needed to drink something.
"Did he just drink the tea in one gulp?" Auntie Inko quietly asked my mom as she too became concerned.
"Inko Midoriyia, your son is my world. He is the reason I wake up every morning and come home at night. Izuku has helped me be better emotionally, physically, and mentally," I began to start my plea again. This time feeling more confident and sure of what I was doing.
"Izuku is the most beautiful, smart, strong, and compassionate person I know. So knowing this, I beg you. May I have your son's hand in marriage?" I asked as I got up from the couch and got down on my knees. Feeling their gaze and not being able to comfortably look up killed me. I then felt myself lower myself and bow before them. Warm tears began to fall down gently from my face.
"Oh my," My mom began as I felt them look at eachother and then me. I grew accustomed to their reactions.
"Katsuki, my dear boy, I don't know what to say," Auntie Inko muttered as I felt her get up and crouch down on her knees next to me.
"You have quite the heart to come all the way here to ask me this," Auntie Inko continued as she touched my cheek, telling me to get up.
"Knowing how happy you make my son, and knowing how much you two love eachother, I could never turn you away," Auntie Inko told me as soon as I got up and sat on my knees. She had a wide smile and tears in her eyes as she told me this.
"R-really?" I asked as I looked at the two women before me. Was this actually happening? Oh thank you God! Thank you!
"How could I say no, you're practically family, and soon you hopefully will be," Inko told me before she pulled me into a warm and comforting hug. Soon my mom joined in and we all broke down into tears of joy.
"T-thank you so much," I cried out as I let my emotions pour out of me. I had the green light. All I have to do is not be an idiot and ask Izuku the fated question. Izuku Bakugou, I love the sound of that.
"No, thank you for coming down here and having the respect to ask me this," Auntie Inko told me as the three of us finally broke apart.
"It only seemed right," I admitted as we got up off the floor and settled ourselves back into the furniture.
"Now, get back to my son, and please call us," Auntie Inko told me right before I headed out the door.
"Thank you Auntie," I told her after hugging her for the umpteenth time that afternoon.
Just as soon as I walked out onto the porch I heard my name being called behind me. It was my mom.
"Yeah mom?" I asked as I turned around to face my mother. She stood in front of me with tears in her eyes. How could so much change in so little time?
"I'm so proud of you son," She told me before pulling me into a sudden hug. At first I flinched, but then embraced her and enjoyed the moment.
"Thank you mom," I told her as she began to back away from me.
"Please call me more often," She requested once I made my way onto the sidewalk.
"I promise I will," I told her while I waved goodbye. Now all I have to do is worry about how the fuck am I going to propose, and shit, it has to be better than any proposal ever made. Damn it, this proposal will go down as the best in history, only the best for my baby.
My minded clouded of thoughts of the love of my life until I was back at Repaways. Every detail of his seemed to make me fall even harder for him. The way how his hair bounced when he walked, how his freckles complimented his soft but defined face of his. His abs seemed to somehow enlargen when he took a shower, the way he smelled, oh don't get me started on certain parts of his body. But the thing that made me absolutely crazy about him. Get ready for it. How he let me so easily back into his life, after everything we had been through. He welcomed me back with open arms and loved me for who I am. Not holding a grudge even though I deserved it, and never bringing up the past.
How could a person be so perfect? So amazing at everything and bypass every challenge thrown at him? But I didn't need the answers to all these questions. What I need is Izuku Midoriyia to be mine, for now and until the end of time.
Thank you so much for reading today's chapter! Did you enjoy it? I hope you did! Please vote and thank you for taking time out of your day to read this! Love you and have a great day or night. Bye for now and until next time!
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