To create a more efficient society, The Worm, or the First Preacher enforced that every two days of work will be separated by a day of rest making everyone have five days of rest per fortnight.
As I've only worked for official two days I should be permitted a day off but as the day at the temple wasn't counted as a work day nor as a day off Officer Penny told me that I could take today off and then continue with my usual schedule. It's all a little confusing but, hey, who says no to a day off? I even get paid for it!
The first thing that crossed my mind was to visit Sebastian, not because I miss him or anything, it's just I have some things to ask him. Things he knows about Small Sister. Things he knows about the mysteries surrounding Mytopia. Things that I bet have a connection to everything else so far - the thing he has shown most interest in - the thing we call 'The Wall.'
Well, that was my initial plan of action but, due to my stubbornness among other things, when Officer Penny asked if the first thing I was going to do was to see Sebastian I obviously made something up on the spot. Now because of that I can't really return back the station without a library book because, after all, I told Officer Penny that I was going to library. What I didn't tell her though was that I'd only choose a book from the library and meet up with Seb afterwards. I'd like to say that I'm proud of myself for thinking of that on the spot but realistically it would have just been easier to tell her that she was correct. The thing is, that's a lot more difficult said than done or is it done than said? It doesn't matter anyway because I pass The Wall residency on the way to the library and if Seb's name is on the scan log then it means I only have to a direct route after I've concluded my business at the library.
I haven't been to the library since I read everything in the non-restricted zone, that's one of the main reasons we were glad Sebastian found the Tardis which still has an insurmountable amount of worlds yet to be explored. The last time I went to the library was about two years I think but since I'm now a MOM I should be able to unlock a sector of the restricted zone. I feel a tingling sensation run through my fingers and although I'm not a total bookworm I still love the surprise each book possesses and just knowing that there's new books to read puts a small skip in my step.
Taking a quick, and very small detour (~200m) it was easy to narrow down Seb's location. Quite frankly I was lucky. If he hadn't logged in for work then it would have posed a bit of a problem as I don't know where Seb would want to go on his day off. Admitting that kind of makes me feel like a bad friend but then again I'm pretty sure nobody else would know either and sooner or later he would most likely wind up at the library wanting to check out what new sector he could unlock if he hasn't already done so that is.
I feel myself pout. I'm excited that I'm going to unlock a new sector of the library but I would have preferred to do it alongside Sebastian because that way we could sneak each other into our respective sectors. I shouldn't be too greedy though, after all, that's what brought the decline on so many great civilizations of the past or the end of many novels of we're talking in book terms here. Nevertheless, it won't even the last time I'll visit the library and I'm sure if I ask, Seb will accompany me one day to unlock his sector. Even better is if I can convince Cynthia to join me as with her Mayor Assistant microchip she should theoretically be able to now unlock every sector of the restricted zone. Convincing her might prove slightly challenging due to her being a Stickler to the rules although it technically isn't exactly a written law. However, if her alter ego's resolve is anything like her twins' then it shouldn't be too difficult bringing her over to the dark side or 'our side' if that's too menacing for you.
Just as I planned it was an in and out job. I scanned my microchip resisting the urge to shower myself in universes filled with worlds of fact and fiction and restrained myself to picking out the first book that caught my eye in the fiction area.
Sherlock Holmes.
From the cover it doesn't look like much but as I flick through the pages and the vellichor diffuses into the surroundings I know that I'm going to pull an all nighter if I can devise a strategy not to get caught. That will have to wait for later though because as the sun slowly drifts to it's midday position I'm reminded that I have a tight schedule to keep so as I tuck the book underneath my arm I too transition into the next event on my agenda.
As I said earlier spatial awareness and all other types of awarenesses aren't really my strong suit resulting in my spirit flickering slightly as I'm literally overwhelmed by the gargantuan size of The Walls shadow. I gulp at how massive it is up close and I wonder how in Mytopia Sebastian climbs what appears to be a hundred flight of stairs each day to get to the top. A hundred flights isn't really the problem right now though, it's finding a point in which to start climbing because right now, as far as the horizon stretches, The Wall is a completely vertical climb.
I sigh as I lean against the wall, slowly slumping into a crouched position as I decide it's probably better to wait for Seb to finish his shift and finish the Sherlock Holmes book in the meantime. I start to pull the covers of the book apart to begin my adventure of visual hallucinations induced by pages branded with ink but just as I flick to the first page something else flickers out of the corner of my eye. For a second I believed that it was due to the power of storytelling but as my eyes nestled on a blank page I knew that couldn't possibly be true or not unless I now can read invisible ink.
Having deduced the latter being preposterous, I snap the book shut and begin a rather slow pursuit in the direction of whatever caught my eye. I run for an immeasurable amount of distance, mainly due to my surroundings looking exactly the same in all directions, but at last I find a small opening in the base of The Wall. Be it my imagination or not, the small gap seems to be ever shrinking even if so at a relatively slow rate but a hole is a hole matter how you look at it and I'm sure not going to miss my opportunity to dive right in.
As I pass through the hidden gateway my first impression is to keep running but as I hear the sound of familiar voices I slow down not wanting to creep up on anybody which could possibly lead to a bloody nose. I walk in the direction of the voices and eventually see its the Mayor and Preacher engaging in a slightly more than casual conversation. Not wanting to intrude, I decide to quickly flit across in the hopes of finding a stairwell but due to my ravenous curiosity I can't help but feel as though I should eavesdrop even if for only a minute or so. Officer Penny would surely reprimand me if she saw me right now but even against my better instinct I can't force myself to move away from the conversation.
Drawing myself closer to a corner as close as possible to the conversation, I see The Preacher touch his hand to his temple and the Mayor quickly draws up his hands towards his face. I don't know what exactly is happening but whatever the preacher did temporarily paralyzes the mayor as his arms fall limp by his side and the burst of energy he just demonstrated seems to be sucked out of him leaving him looking lifeless almost in the same way my classmates looked after the aptitude test.
Having made this connection I back away slowly making sure not to let total fear control my movements. Backing up I firmly plant each foot behind the other as to avoid slipping on the gravel underneath - I have watched enough movies to know that even a slight slip can alter your fate.
My eyes stay fixated upon the Preacher who is now domineering over the mayor. He puts a hand in his pocket and I have to cup a hand over my mouth as precaution as I see the literal stuff of my nightmares.
"We are close, very close." The Preacher says heavily, clicking the sleek black shooter of death in preparation. "We know that there are 'others' of you but listen closely; you can not stop us, your actions are futile and the only reason we allow you to persist on living your menial existence is because unfortunately your disgusting kind are a valuable resource."
The mayor hangs flaccid as if he were a mannequin for a jelly advert and shows no recognition of having understood the words the preacher says. Apparently indifferent to the mayors lack of response, the preacher brings the shooter of death and the Mayor's cheek twitches obvious enough for even me to see. The preacher smirks and lowers the shooter of death before grasping of fistful of the mayor's hair and forcing his head back.
"Don't play dumb. We all know the erase only has a second of side effect and for those already accustomed to it the time frame is even less." The Preacher hisses loudly. "Now we can't have you messing with our plans any longer, not when we are close to the receiving so I'm going to put you out of commission for a while. I don't know how you figured that added fluoride to the water reduces the desire to revolt but what I'm going to do to you should act as a good enough warning not to try any funny business in the future. Here's a hint; there are things worse than death."
I hear a small incoherent squeak utter from the mayor and the preacher raises the shooter of death and places it firmly against the mayors stomach. The bang that ensues shreds through my inhibitions and my legs are already quivering against the floor as I sprint in the opposite direction hoping that the resonance from the shot is loud enough to mask my escape.
My body feels weightless as I tear through the air and so does my mind until it forcibly is shaken against a large immovable object. My sight blurs as I try to focus on the barrier in my way but as I see a pair of eyes stare back at me my body becomes frigid. I try to scream but no sound comes out and my body's natural instincts do a full body take over and I wonder if this is how it feels to be possessed by a demon - the demon that is the incessantly feral nature of the human being.
My eyes shake uncontrollably and it feels as if my head is going to literally explode with the pounding pain in my temple making me wish my skull could be trampled on by a herd of rhinos instead. The pain exponentially increases beyond anything I've known and as ironic as it may seem I thank The Worm for blessing me with the ability to faint.
The comfortably familiar feeling of fainting slowly puts my mind at ease as the pain becomes almost bearable. The tingly sense of numb feeling gently oozes away like a snails slime trail, each smear of numbness like a sweat droplet evaporating the heat away from my flesh. Falling into unconsciousness is actually so underrated, it makes falling asleep feel like a circus act which people feel more tired by the time they wake up compared to when they actually drift off.
In my opinion everyone should be knocked unconscious after curfew, not physically of course. I wouldn't even wish the numbing pain I feel now on The Preacher but being knocked unconscious by the gas they use at the hospital seems like a really good method. I would chuckle to myself right now if my body could respond but that's the point, my brain isn't functioning properly right now and if anybody heard what I was thinking then they'd recommend I buy a new set of marbles. It's completely euphoric though. The tranquil bedding between consciousness and unconsciousness, the free zone where you're lucid yet your not. Sadly, I know I can't stay here for long, I feel my consciousness slowly swirling away from me, but by bit as if my mind was stuck in a sand timer.
There is just one strange persistent sensation and through the blurriness of what is left of my faltering vision I see it's due to a tickly itch on my nose from a strand of golden string. I struggle to wrinkle my nose but as I do so I expend the last remaining of my conscious energy and my nose fills with the faltering essence of petrichor.
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