We eventually reach the end of the lunch queue and I lean on my knees as I try to catch my breath. The lunch may keep me healthy but it doesn't mean I'm overly fit. I look behind me to see Sebastian still a few steps behind me and just a meter or so behind him is Sylvia alongside her twin sister and our class rep, Cynthia.
"How did *pant* you catch up with us?"
"And how *pant* are you *pant* not tired?" Sebastian adds.
Cynthia raises an eyebrow. "All we did was walk like the rest of the class."
"No way!" Sebastian objects, "We were practically sprinting."
Cynthia shrugs, gesturing behind her. "Well, what's this then?"
And as if out of thin air, Cynthia and Sylvia stand aside and I see the rest of the class were standing right in front of them in the queue.
"It must be so hard keeping up with us when we normally walk." Cynthia gives us an evil smile as she looks us up and down. "But I'm sure that whatever is on the menu today will help with your growth spurt."
I feel my jaw physically drop.
"Careful Aegis, you wouldn't want your chin to fall on the floor - that would be the second time you fell in one day." Cynthia ruffles mine and Sebastian's hair. "Don't worry, I'm only kidding, everyone eventually grows to the same height so I'm sure in a month or two you'll be the same height as the rest of us."
"Yes, that's very true," Sylvia adds. "The Worm makes sure all Mytopians grow at a steady rate which, for some reason, has a mathematical error of up to nine months."
I pout as I pick up one of the hundreds of prepackaged hot meals. "But why does it have to be up to nine months?"
Sylvia shrugs as we make our way to the nearest round lunch table. "I don't know that but-" Sylvia goes into peer tutor mode and I internally groan. "I do know that the lunch tables are round because it provokes social interaction which is not only a key to a better interdependent society but also to longevity."
"Alright, alright." Sebastian butts in. "We all know the story of King Arthur and the inspiration of the round table and although we might not have known about the health benefits or whatever it's not important right now."
"I agree," Cynthia says, "the most important thing now is the food and not only that but food that doesn't smell like a plateful of yuck or stale meal bars."
We all murmur in agreement.
"Then it's settled," Cynthia says taking a seat to which we all follow suit, "On 3. 3-2-1!"
Like a flutter of butterfly wings, we all tear open the foiled packages casting slithers of silver reflections across the varnished wooden table and reveal the treasure inside. A wave of reactions sweep across the table but I paid hardly any attention as my eyes gleamed with wonder.
"Spaghetti!" I yell with joy.
"Ugh! I hate spaghetti, it looks like worms." Sylvia says in distaste.
Cynthia gives her sister a bemused look. "Shouldn't you love it because it resembles The Worm and we all know how much you adore him."
"You know it's not like that," Sylvia hisses, "I like the worm because who doesn't? He is our saviour after all. Besides what I adore is the context surrounding The Worm and how culture is developed around a common belief. Besides, if I was the fanatic you consider me to be then I wouldn't want to eat something so holy."
"Cheese and rice," Cynthia says obviously taken aback, "sorry. I don't particularly like spaghetti either with all its messy and greasy sauces but it's a lot better than what we normally get and you know it."
My eyes dart between the twins in shock. Their behaviour isn't what surprises me as no presumed siblings are allowed to live in the same Upbringing so as to promote diversity, however, I am unable to believe that they both dislike spaghetti.
"How can you not like spaghetti!" I blurt out.
"Well do you?" The twins say in unison.
"He really does." Sebastian nods vivaciously. "A few months ago when they had it, Aegis literally cried."
I cover my face in embarrassment but there isn't any point in denying it as some of the classmates sitting behind us were the first-person eyewitness to the event.
"If you like it that much you can have the rest of mine because I can't possibly eat this much."
My ears prick up as I see Sylvia pushing a half-finished meal towards me. I hesitate as I look around. My hand wanders towards the golden strings but I pull it back in guilt. "I'm not allowed to. We all have to follow the diet requirements."
"Oh come on," Sylvia complains, "Nobody is going to know. It's only a green infraction anyway and you're not a police officer yet. Just do it. The Worm will forgive you, don't worry."
I look around one last time. "Fine. But I'll only take one meatball."
My hands tremble as I reach out for the meatball. Pursing my lips, I feel a bead of sweat trickle down my forehead. It wouldn't be so bad if three pairs of eyes weren't staring at me but as my eating utensil pierces the globe of genetically modified meat, adrenaline kicks in and I feel my mouth starting to water as the savoury delicacy reaches it.
"Quick Aegis, The Mayor is here!" Sebastian hurries me, shaking my shoulder.
I quickly shove the meatball in my mouth and swallow it in one go causing my throat to not only burn from the still warm interior but also from the sheer size of it. My eyes prick with tears and I grimace as I squeeze my eyes shut in pain trying to avoid choking.
"Wow!" Sylvia gasps, "He really does like them, huh? He's crying even now!"
I sniffle as I wipe my eyes dry. "Hey, that's not funny guys. I thought I was in major trouble."
"Nah, you were fine. We would have covered for you if The Mayor was here anyway," Sebastian says before taking a sip of water and giving everybody a sneaky eyebrow raise, "But I bet the meatball tasted great. How about another meatball as *hiccup* it seems as though Cynthia won't be able to finish hers *hiccup* either?"
I cover my mouth as I tried to hold back a snicker as Sebastian's hiccups sound like a mountain bluebird.
"Sorry Seb, I didn't quite catch that. Can you repeat it?" I ask amused.
"I said would you like another meatball as *hiccup* Cynthia isn't able to finish *hiccup* hers."
I smile slyly now as the whole table turns to look at Sebastian.
"Can you repeat that just once more..."
"Would you like anothe- *hiccup!*"
"Hmm." I muse, scratching my chin for effect which gets a couple of grins from around the table. "I don't know. If you think you can go for it."
Suddenly everybody laughs and Sebastian finally looks around the table realizing what's going on. He pretends to maintain a stoic stance but with every twitch of his upper lip, it's not long before he joins in.
"I'll admit," Sebastian starts slowly, controlling his hiccups, "That was pretty funny."
I give Seb a cheeky smile. "I know. They don't call me the class clown for nothing!"
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