Chapter 1: awakening
You wake up to the smell of antiseptic and a bright light above you. Looking into the light burns your eyes, and your body automatically closes for you. After getting over your initial reaction, you slowly open your eyes once more and avert your gaze from the light in favor of looking around the room. You appear to be in a hospital room, or maybe a nurses office. As if to answer your question, a short lady with grey hair put into a bun walks into the room. She regards you for a second before she almost sprints up to the side of the bed and begins to fuss over you, specifically your abdomen and your left shoulder. Now that you get a better look at her, you recognize her as the youthful heroine: Recovery Girl, "now then, dear, how are you feeling?" You ponder for a moment before answering her as best you can, "I feel fine for the most part, my shoulder and abdomen are numb though." The nurse gives you a slightly questioning look, as if to ask 'is that the truth?'. You give her a reassuring smile as a response.
She tells you to lay back down so that you can rest, though your attempts at falling asleep are thwarted when the door to Recovery girls office opens. You watch as an average sized man with a tangle of black hair that goes halfway down his back. He wears baggy black clothes and has some sort of scarf around his neck - Recovery Girl gives him a look and says "hello Shouta." He nods to Recovery Girl before turning to you with something akin to curiosity in his eyes. You feel that he should be familiar, but the reason for that escapes you - actually, now that you think about it, you remember almost nothing about before you woke up here. The only things that are firmly rooted in your mind are your name and that you absolutely despise your quirk, it felt like you were trying to subconsciously reject it as a whole, 'bad' you stiffen as 'Shouta' approaches the side of your bed, 'defense. Don't let hurt.' you decide to get back to your quirk on that at a later time in favor of studying the man before you. He seemed very, very tired and just about as done with everything that any one person could be. Though you notice something hiding beneath the surface of the facade, you have no idea what it is, and your quirk tugs at the back of your brain 'protect self. No let hurt.' Your quirk seems to identify 'Shouta' as a potential threat, putting you on edge as he continues to get closer. He stood at the edge of the bed and takes the free seat.
He began talking in a calm, almost bored sounding tone; "Hello, I am Aizawa Shouta. I hope I don't come off as too blunt, but may I ask what you were doing in an alleyway near the front of UA?" Both you and your quirk take in the new information greedily, though you also give Aizawa-San a questioning gaze, "I don't remember being in an alleyway." He gave you a look before Recovery Girl spoke up, "She might have amnesia." Aizawa-San turns back to you with a questioning look of his own, "do you remember anything from before being in this room?" You nod and give him an answer, "I remember m-my n-name. It's Y/N" he nodded in acknowledgment before his expression softened slightly, "okay then. Y/N, do you remember anything else? Like where you were before being here?" You shake your head before pausing for a second - Aizawa, being the observer he is, looked at you quizzically. You debate over whether to tell him or not before eventually deciding you had nothing to lose, "I-I remember so-something. Th-there was a m-man. He'd hurt m-me, I r-remember being sc-scared o-of people in g-general." Aizawa-San looks like he can't decide whether to be angry or worried - noticing his anger, your body reacts on its own and you start apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I made you angry. Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sor-" he cuts you off by holding a hand in front of you, "I'm not angry at you, and you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm angry at the people who hurt you." You feel both deeps set confusion and pure unadulterated joy that someone had gotten angry for you. You smile as wide as you possibly could, and give him a heartfelt thanks, "Thank you for not hating me..." you're so distracted that you almost miss the quiet voice of your quirk speaking again, 'Accepted. Claimed. Protect.' You shiver at the voice when it says 'claimed'. You don't want Aizawa-San to be an item, he's a person. He gets his own choice. At your thoughts the quirk speaks again, 'Opinion accepted' you shiver again and Aizawa-San wraps an arm around you and pulls you into a comfort hug, "you cold? You've been shivering for a while now." You shake your head and just press yourself into the warmth of another person's embrace. You fall asleep in his arms.
When you wake up again, you are not in the infirmary, but inside of an apartment. You immediately begin to panic and think that maybe the kindness you received was all a dream, but all your thoughts came to a screeching halt when Aizawa-San walks into the room. Before you can even think about your actions you've tackled Aizawa-San with a crying hug, "I-I-I th-thought you l-left me" his face take on a look of understanding horror and he returns the hug, "I'm sorry, Y/N, didn't mean to make you worry. I needed to get food for dinner." At the mention of food your stomach growls and you feel your face heat up from embarrassment. Aizawa-San just regards you for a second before a small smile makes its way onto his face. You've never seen him smile before, but something about it just feels right. Once you finally separate Aizawa-San, he goes into another room. While he does whatever it is he's actually doing, you decide to explore his apartment. While it is actually fairly small, it was still nothing to sneeze at and you get the feeling that your past self had much less to work with. You eventually find a spare room and look around the inside - it was fairly empty, with only a bed and some clothes set aside, "this is your room, Y/N." You jump at the sound of someone behind you, but you quickly relax once you recognize the voice, "I l-love it, Aizawa-San. I don't think I've ever had a room this big before." You catch a twinge of annoyance in his brow, "this is a small room, Y/N. The fact that you've never had a room even this big is worrying." You just nod your head, not actually understanding what was wrong with this room. Sure, it was smaller than the nurses office, but it was actually bigger than any room you remember ever living in, though that wasn't saying much considering you had amnesia.
You followed Aizawa-San out of the room and he led you to a table in the middle of the apartment, "this is a dining table. People eat on it." You nod in affirmation - you don't know why, but you seem to have instinctive knowledge of everything in the house; the microwave, the stove, the TV, everything. After you explain to Aizawa-San that you understand how to use everything in the apartment, he gives you a quizzical look which you ignore in favor of sitting down and eating. You practically inhale the food before you, all the while thinking about ways to improve it, 'this could use some more seasoning, maybe cook it for a little bit less' you stop when you realize that you said that out loud, but Aizawa-San just gives you yet another questioning look before he decides to just give up on questioning you for a while. You're thankful that he doesn't question it, you don't have an answer for him, you yourself don't know where the information comes from.
After you finish eating you pick up all of the dishes and begin to wash them by hand before Aizawa-San calls to you from the dining table, "Y/N, you do realize I have a dishwasher right?" You full on flinch before turning to Aizawa-San with fear in your eyes, 'is he angry?' Before that thought can even continue, your quirk speaks up, 'not angry, amused, worried. He cares. Trust.' You decide to trust that for now and shake your head. Aizawa-San shakes his head in amusement and shows you where it is, he even explains how to use it(much to your immense joy. Washing dishes will be so much easier now!). Once you finish with the dishes you hang around in the main room for a while watching some random documentary on animals.
After about 20 minutes you notice something odd, specifically a feeling you get whenever an animal is on the screen. You feel some sort of buzz just underneath your skin whenever an animal shows up on the documentary. Eventually it gets to foxes and you feel the buzz go into overdrive, like electricity is running up your spine. Out of pure curiosity, you focus on that feeling and try to pull on it, force it out, and you feel a little bit of stinging around your entire body as you... shrink? There's steam all around you and you appear to have gotten closer to the floor and are on all fours. You look around and notice Aizawa-San had come back from the bathroom only to look at you like a complete stranger, "Y/N? Is that you?" You nod your head, and he approaches you with a quizzical look on his face, "why are you a fox?" You freeze for a second before cocking your head in confusion, "but I'm not a fox?"... is what you tried to say, but all that came out was a series of high pitched yips. Still confused, you try to move towards Aizawa-San but end up falling flat on your face. The older man just picks you up by the front legs and brings you into the bathroom and places you in front of the mirror. You really don't know what you were expecting, but it wasn't this - looking back at you in the mirror is a completely white fox kit with blood red eyes. You look over yourself a couple more times before trying to walk again, which goes much better than the first time. Something about this form seems completely natural to you, and you literally transformed into a fox, so you figure this must be connected with your quirk. You continue as a fox for about another hour before you realize that the tingly feeling is back and pull on it without thinking - you find yourself once again enveloped in steam, but feel normal again and give a small "yaaay." at the fact that you are once again human. You feel a draft and realize very quickly that your clothes didn't transform with you, meaning you're now naked. Needless to say, you practically sprint to get a towel to wrap around yourself so that you can retrieve your clothes.
You find your clothes and finally decide to go to sleep. Almost as soon as you hit the pillow you're out like a light, and you begin to dream about... something. The scene before you is entirely unfamiliar, yet you feel like you've seen it before, maybe a recurring dream? You notice that your chained to the wall and can't move much, but there is a figure sitting against the other wall with pale blue hair and striking red eyes, "Y/N, you've disobeyed Sensei again, and that makes me angry" he leans forward and out all but one finger onto your shoulder, "you should never disobey either of us" his final finger lands on your shoulder and the only thing you can feel is pain. White hot, unadulterated pain. You feel it continue for a couple of minutes at most, but to you it felt like hours, like days, like weeks. The pain just didn't stop. At that exact moment you feel yourself being shaken awake - you bolt upright and begin to break down. Your entire body is shuddering from the phantom pains and you feel tears stream down your face. Aizawa-San is sitting next to your bed with an extremely worried look on his face, "Y/N. Y/N! Listen to me, you're safe. They can't hurt you. You're safe." He pulls you into his chest and your grip onto his Christ like it's the only thing keeping you alive. After several minutes of intense sobbing you begin to calm down and loosen your grip on Aizawa-San's shirt, "are you okay now?" You shake your head as more tears fall down your face, he speaks again "do you want to talk about it?" You nod slowly and begin to tell him about the dream, "I-I h-had a m-memory." He perks you and homes in on you more closely, "I-I was ch-chained to-to a w-wall, a-and this m-man with bl-blue hair began saying s-something abou-about di-disobeying an o-order." Aizawa had gotten paler, "h-he s-said that-that I sh-should n-never dis-disobey him a-and someone that h-he called Sensei. He had some sort of disintegration quirk." Aizawa was completely white when you stopped, and just to show him, you pulled the head hole of your shirt over your right shoulder, revealing a hand shaped scar. "Y/N... I'm so sorry..." you gave him a confused look, "b-but it-it's not y-your f-fault" he shook his head "I'm sorry it took us so long to find you." Your eyes widened and you tighten your grip on him, "thank y-you, th-thank y-you for being there." You spend about an hour just crying into Aizawa's shoulder while he comforts you, promising that they can't hurt you anymore. You and your quirk agree, 'trust'.
Hopefully you all enjoyed this little experiment of a story that I made up. It is my first story with an OC, so I'm curious to see how everyone reacts to Y/N's abilities in the future. Please look forward to more.
Word: 2479.
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