Andrea sat at the lunch table. Mitchel and his friends sat there too, chatting excitingly. Andrea sighed, feeling extremely awkward in this situation.
As she sat there, she suddenly felt someone breathing on her neck. Their breath was cold and soft. She whipped around to see the pale guy from this morning behind her. He had longer black hair, pale skin, and was wearing a white dress shirt, a black vest, black trousers, and black dress shoes. she thought.
The boy smiled. She noted that four of his teeth were more pointy than what she'd seen in the past. She looked at his eyes and noticed they were red.
Fear constricted her body. She'd never seen anyone with red eyes before. At least, not outside of fiction.
Mitchel grunted. "Get lost, Troy."
Troy ignored him. "Your neck smells sweet." he said, as he sniffed her neck.
"Careful, girl. He is a real weirdo."
Andrea looked up to see the scruffy football player. He was tan and had dark brown hair that was longer and tied in a ponytail, and had brown eyes. He was clearly muscular and defined, at least, from what Andrea could see.
"Michal, must we go through this every time?"
Michal laughed. "Of course! It isn't polite to sniff other people's necks without asking."
"Is that something people normally do around here?" She asked, nervously.
"Why y-" Troy said, but was cut off by Mitchel giving him a death glare.
Andrea turned to look at Mitchel, who was shaking his head will making the hand gesture that symbolized having your throat sliced.
Andrea sighed, looking back down at her food. Suddenly, the seat next to her was hit with weight. Andrea could see a soft pink skirt, and a black tank top. She saw light brown hair, and soft, blue eyes. A girl was staring at her. She giggled. "Hello! My name is Fai!"
"Fai?" Andrea asked, confused.
"Yes, Fai. Spelled F-A-I, and it means Fairy in some language that I can't remember."
Andrea nodded, noticing how high and sweet the girl's voice was. Then, someone put an arm around Andrea.
Andrea whipped her head around to see another girl. She had dark blue eyes, darker skin, and dark hair. She had on a sand colored blouse with darker shorts. She took her arm away from Andrea once she turned to look at her. "Hey there, my name is Zoe."
Zoe's voice sounded like the seductive character's voice in a film. It was thick and deep, yet not too deep and not too thick. It was hard for Andrea to explain, mainly because she was getting her ear chatted off by Fai and Zoe was asking her these questions about the ocean.
Mitchel cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him, even ones from other tables. "Hey, let's all leave Andrea alone. It's her first day. You can talk to her later."
Andrea raised an eyebrow. Had these people never seen anyone from Texas before?
Troy sighed. "Well, Miss Andrea, we will take later, alright?"
Andrea nodded, nervously. Michal gave a hearty laugh after seeing her face. Her slapped her on the back. "Hey now, Andy! No reason to be nervous! He is just a fluffy little rat! No needs to worry."
Andrea blinked. Andy? Fluffy rat?
She looked back up at Michal, and noticed his eyes glazed over. Her brow furrowed as she stared at him. He then blinked, gave her another slap on the back with a laugh, and then sauntered off.
Mitchel looked at her sympathetically. "So sorry about everyone. Are you feeling alright?"
Andrea sighed. She was a bit cold, and extremely nervous around everyone. Mitchel walked over to her and sat down were Fai had been sitting. He put his arm around her and pulled her closer.
Normally Andrea would be terrified and push him off, but he was radiating with heat in such a way that she couldn't even fathom pushing him away. She felt her chills leave and when she felt perfect, she pulled his arm off of her and smiled at him. "Thank you, Mitchel."
He smiled. "No problem."
Lunch dragged on for a bit longer, and soon Andrea was in Science. When she walked into the classroom, she saw a younger Chinese woman at the teachers desk.
The lady looked at her and smiled. "I am Ms. Long." She said, walking over to her. "You are Andrea Marks, correct?"
Andrea was confused on how everyone knew her name, but she ignored it. "Yes, I am."
Ms. Long smiled at her and then walked back over to her desk. Andrea turned around and sat at a desk in the back so no one could stare at her without her noticing.
Suddenly, someone sat down next to her. She turned to look at a boy. He had black hair, auburn eyes, and tan skin. He was wearing a white shirt with black pants. She looked down and saw gray vans adorning his feet. When she looked back up he was smiling at her.
"Hey, my name is Jacob. What's yours?"
"Andrea." She said, trying not to stammer.
Jacob smiled at her. "You look a little flushed." he said.
Andrea put one hand sideways on her face covering most of her cheeks, the top of her mouth, and half of her nose.
Jacob laughed. "Has anyone ever told you you look like a tomato when you get flustered?"
Andrea pulled her hand away, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
As class started, Andrea couldn't help but realize she was falling for this guy. Her heart kept beating more rapidly, and she was nervous whenever she said something.
When science was over, Mitchel met her by the door. When Jacob saw him, he sneered. "Is something wrong you two?"
Mitchel ignored her and walked up to Jacob, muttering something that only he could hear. Jacob smirked. "Whatever you say, angel."
Jacob winked at Andrea and then walked off. Andrea turned to look up at Mitchel. His stormy gray eyes were clouded with worry.
Andrea looked at him. "Mitchel, are yo-"
"Listen, stay away from Jacob, alright? He isn't the best guy around, alright?"
Andrea nodded, though her rebellious instinct told her that she wouldn't listen to him.
What do you think of the second chapter?
I decided to add in a love interest for Andrea, but is he truly what he seems?
I'd love to tell you everything, but even I don't know everything yet.
Comment, like, critisize, enjoy! <3
A few things:
•Michal is not spelled incorrectly, that is how he spells it.
•Fai wasn't planned to be named that, I had no good names for a fairy, so I searched 'good fairy names', so please don't critisize that, unless you have a good name that I like as well.
•Also, there are more mythological creatures than ones that have been said are in there. If you want me to add in any, just name one, and it may go in.
•Also, as I said before, feel free to comment down names/new characters that I could use in the story. Naturally, all credit will go to the creator.
•Picture is of Andrea.
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