Zane x Aaron
3rd person P.o.v
Zane went over to aphmau's house but when he knocked on the door Aaron answered it.
Zane: Aaron! What are you doing here?
Aaron: aphmau invited me over , why are you here?
Zane: aphmau invited me , I wonder why she invited us both?
Then , out of nowhere , aphmau came behind Zane and scared him.
Zane: Ahhh!! *Jumps forward and Aaron catches him*
Zane: *blushing*uhh
Aaron: are you okay Zane?
Zane: y-y-yeah
Aaron: *looks at aphmau* why did you scare Zane like that!?!
Aphmau: *stops laughing* because who cares what happens to him!!! , He is just a emo freak who has nobody to care about him, I'm surprised I didn't stop pretending to be his friend long ago, like anyone would want to be near him!!?!
Zane: *starts sobbing* your right, no one cares about me!!
*Gets out of Aaron's arms and runs home crying*
Aaron: aphmau , don't talk to me or anyone else that is my friend or you won't see another day!!
Zane's P.o.v
Zane: *runs home crying*
Zane: she was never my friend, she just wanted to hurt me in the end, but she was right, no one cares about me
Zane: *crys harder*
Zanes door: *knock knock*
Zane: *opens door*
Aaron: Zane , don't believe in what aphmau said, we all care about you, I care about you
Zane: *hugs Aaron while still crying*
Aaron: *hugs Zane back* it's okay, it's okay, I'm here for you
Zane:thank you Aaron , I thought aphmau was right but thanks for caring about me *hugs tighter and stops crying*
Aaron: *walks with Zane into his house* I promise you that I will never let anyone tell or hurt you
*Sits on Zane's couch cuddling with Zane*
Zane: a-a-aaron , can i-i tell y-you something?
Aaron: of course
Zane: *blushing* I...I-i li-love y-you
Aaron: *looks at Zane* I love you too *kisses Zane*
Zane: *shocked* *kissed back*
Aaron: *pulls away* I'm so--
Zane: *kisses Aaron* it's okay
Aaron : Zane, I want to ask you something
Zane: what is it?
Aaron: do you want to *gulps* um you know
Zane: *blushes* only if it is okay with you
Aaron: *kisses Zane*
Zane: I'll take that as a yes
Aaron: *start to kiss Zane again*
3rd person P.o.v
Aaron starts to kiss Zane eventually biting Zane's bottom lip asking for entrance but Zane just kept his mouth shut so Aaron grabbed Zane's butt causing Zane to gasp, Aaron entered Zane's mouth when he gasped and explored everywhere in his mouth. Aaron started to kiss Zane's neck causing Zane to start to moan.
Zane:auhhh!!*Zane moaned louder when Aaron found his sweat spot*
Aaron: you like don't cha *grins*
Aaron started to abuse Zane sweat spot causing Zane to moan even louder.
Aaron: *takes off Zane's hoodie and his own jacket*
Aaron: *takes off Zane's shirt and his own*
Arron: *takes off Zane's pants and his own*
Aaron: *takes off Zane's boxers and his own*
Zane: *blushing*
Aaron then gets on his knees and put Zane's member in his mouth and took all 10 inches in.
Zane: mmmhmm a~aron
Aaron: *stops and looks at Zane* call me “daddy”
Zane: will you please continue daddy
Aaron: *starts again but goes faster*
Zane: daddy p~lease go faAAsterrr
Aaron then started to suck at inhuman speed.
Zane: AAahHh daDdy I'm going to-
Before Zane could finish his sentence he cummed in Aaron's mouth.
Aaron: *swallows Zane's cum*
Zane you taste good
Aaron then got off his knees and turned Zane around and getting onto the couch.
Zane: Aaron?
Aaron: don't worry , you'll love this but you'll feel pain at first
Aaron then started to enter Zane's entrance
Zane: *tears start to form* ahh Aaron it hurts
Aaron: don't worry , I'll wait for you to get use to it
After a few minutes Zane looked at Aaron nodded to signal to continue.
Aaron started to move slowly in and out causing Zane to start to moan from pleasure.
Zane: dadDy please goOoO ~ faster , I waaAnt it
Aaron then looked at Zane and had a evil grin on his face.
Aaron then started to move way faster than before to the point where you can hear skin slapping.
Aaron then started to move way faster than what he was going at inhuman speed causing Zane to become a moaning mess.
Zane: ohhh thaaAaTttT feeEealllLs so good!!
Aaron: you like that don't you
Zane nodded Fastly
Zane:I do like it daddy
Zane:Aah daddyYy I I I'm going to cummmMm!!
Aaron:me too
Aaron then started to move harder and started to suck Zane's member again.
They said to each other before they both cummed at the same time.
Aaron: *pulled out of Zane*
Zane: *entrance leaking of cum*
Aaron: *grabs a blanket from the arm of the couch and covered them both up*
Zane: Aaron are we dating?
Aaron:yes, I love you
Zane: I love you too
Aaron putted his arm around Zane's waist while Zane's face was against Aaron's chest.
They then cuddled and fell asleep still cuddling.
Remember to request for more lemon's, I hope you enjoyed reading this....
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