6: Lost Truths
*This part is going to happen different than it did in the manga (& soon to be anime, but not sure how they'll do it?). It'll focus on MC's battle skills rather than everyone else's.
Anyway, thought this was a good place to give you a heads up & warn about spoilers*
"Cute story," I called out as I dropped in between the three boys and the cursed spirit.
I had just listened to this thing talk about the degradation of the world and nature... The way we treated the earth was horrific, that much I agreed with, but cursed spirits have no place here.
"Careful, Y/n. It's a Special Grade," Noritoshi called out.
"Hmm? Are you now?" I cocked my head to the side. "So am I." I smiled to myself. It's been awhile since I had a good fight.
"I think it's one that has been after Gojo-sensei," Fushiguro added.
My demeanor quickly changed with his words, "You're after Satoru?" I huffed while taking an attack stance. "Then I'm afraid I'll have to kill you right here."
"You can't protect them," Hanami called out. "I will rid the world of all humans."
"Yea, well, you'll have to get through me first," I smirked. "You three, try to learn something from your senpai."
As I spoke, Hanami launched an attack in our direction. I quickly dodged the wooden spikes that flew towards us but one sliced through Noritoshi's arm.
He let out a loud groan on impact, and I whipped my head in their direction, "Oi! Toge! Make yourself useful, would ya?"
He nodded, but before he could speak, Noritoshi sent a blood bullet to the cursed spirit, actually hurting it for the first time.
"Not bad," I shrugged in amusement.
"Dodge," Toge called out to his fellow students.
Much better. Now they won't get caught in the crossfire.
Hanami sent another set of wooden spheres towards us, this time encoding them to follow us wherever we moved.
As they rushed forward, I manifested three, small black holes in front of the wizzing spheres and closed the portals as the attacks disappeared into the darkness.
"What was that?" Fushiguro muttered in amazement.
"It's not proper to play with your food," Maki announced as she dropped near us.
"Well, I don't want to make it too easy," I called back, excited to see her. She had seen me battle before, and I always wanted to show off in front of her. I just thought she was so amazing. She inspired me.
I noticed Maki was weilding a special grade cursed tool.
"Ok, Maki. Let's see when you can do," I smiled at her.
"You're going to get us killed!" Noritoshi yelled at us, but neither of us listened. Quickly, Maki struck Hanami with a single blow of her Playful Cloud, breaking through his guard and slicing the branch on his face.
Hanami was blown back by her hit but recovered much faster than I expected. Alright, time to stop messing around.
I stared at the special grade, deciding how best to go about my next attack. It wouldn't go out with a single blow, so I needed to get rid of its attack capabilities.
I caused my darkness to wrap around Hanami's arms, avoiding his attacks in the process. When I finally had a good grasp, I clenched my fists, causing the darkness to tighten and snap his arms like the twigs they were.
He let out a painful scream. Good, that should give me enough time to end this.
"Y/n!" a familiar voice called out and I turned to see Yuji and Todo approaching.
"Yuji, stay back," I demanded. Just then, I saw Momo flying over to us, and I got extremely worried. It was becoming too populated for my final move.
I had planned to suck Hanami into a black hole, disintegrating him in the process, but there were too many people around. The blow back could cause some serious damage to those unaware of what was coming.
"I said stay back!!" I yelled, realizing Hanami's arms were growing back. It was much slower than before due to my technique, but he would be back to normal soon.
"Momo! Come carry them to safety!!" I yelled to her.
She quickly dropped down and grabbed Noritoshi, who was still bleeding from his injury and Toge who was passed out from overusing his voice before I got here. He had used the last of his power to make the others dodge.
"Panda!" I noticed him from the distance. "Take Fushiguro and Maki!"
"On it!" he called as he grabbed the two of them.
Hanami had recovered, but the most vulnerable ones were at least now at a safe distance.
"You two! Stay out of this!"
Todo laughed, "Oh, I plan to. Unless Yuji can actually prove himself useful."
I rolled my eyes. Now was not the time for his games.
"Is there a cursed spirit with stitches on your team too!?" Yuji called out to Hanami.
He simply smirked, "There might be."
"That's all I needed to know," Yuji huffed softly.
I realized just a split second too late that Yuji was planning an attack, "No! Wait!"
"Concentrate!" Todo yelled out, and I shot him a glare.
I had launched myself forward, ready to back up Yuji against whatever pointless attack he had planned. Yet, I was shocked to see what came next.
The cursed energy flashed black as Yuji hit Hanami. Did he really just use Black Flash? Already?
I jumped back as Yuji finished blowing off Hanami's arm.
"There you go!!" Todo called out as he congratulated Yuji. "You did it!"
Yuji looked at his hands in disbelief, shocked at his own strength. Hanami began to heal himself for the third time but was clearly starting to struggle.
"I guess I need to try harder," the cursed spirit smirked.
"Enough! I'm ending this!" I yelled out angrily, knowing well aware Hanami had more tricks up his sleeve.
"Aw, come on, Y/n. Let us get some training in," Todo called.
"Yea! We got this!" Yuji agreed.
"Stay the fuck back," I demanded. Hanami had begun to create a domain expansion, as the curtain above us began to dissipate.
Perfect, now the blow won't be stuck in a confined area.
I thought I had seen Satoru floating above us a moment ago, but he was gone now. I brought my hands together, ready to end this. There was no way I could let a Special Grade Curse escape, not after all the toying around I had just allowed.
Unbounded Darkness Technique: Black Void.
A giant, pitch black blast erupted in front of us. My darkness consuming the forest, and a large mushroom shaped, black cloud burst into the air.
The ground around us began to shake uncontrollably as the winds blew like crazy. I held my ground, trying to confirm that Hanami had been sucked into the darkness and disintegrated on impact.
Dammit... I think some of him got away, which means he'll even eventually be able to recover.
I stood tall as the impact of my technique subsided, and turned to Yuji and Todo who both look completely dumbfounded at what they had just witnessed.
"Still a show off, I see," Satoru teased as he approached us, walking lazily through the destructive aftermath of my technique.
"Still alive, I see," I shot him a look. "Let's head back."
"What was that?" Yuji asked me.
"Even I've never seen that before," Todo commented.
"It's complicated," I mumbled while walking past them, uninterested in explaining myself. They all followed me closely.
"Think of her technique as the counterpart to mine," Satoru called out. "If I'm the yin, Y/n is the yang."
"That's not very accurate," I muttered.
"Sure it is! We can do some similar things! You use darkness, I use the light. I attract and repel, you absorb and, well, explode."
"Disintegrate," I corrected.
He laughed loudly, "Yes, well, my attacks do that too."
I rolled my eyes. It really wasn't that simple, for either of our techniques, but I didn't feel like arguing.
"Y/n! Are you a Gojo too!?" Yuji called out.
I laughed loudly, "No. Thank goodness."
This made Satoru scoff slightly, annoyed by my distaste for the Gojo clan— his clan.
As we approached the campus of Jujutsu High, Satoru spoke up, "You two should go check on everyone. Y/n and I will need to go report what happened."
Yuji looked at me curiously, "Y/n. Why are you even still considered a student?"
Me and Satoru both smirked softly.
I sighed, "I wish I knew... But Yuji, good job out there. That Black Flash was quite impressive."
He beamed brightly back at me, "Thanks, Y/n! We'll make sure everyone knows you're safe!"
"And Todo, I'm guessing you taught him that. Good job to you as well," I bowed my head slightly.
Todo scoffed while Yuji wiped tears from his eyes playfully. I waved as they left to the hospital wing.
Satoru turned to me with a smile. "I can't believe you let him get a blow in. That's quite reckless of you," he teased.
"It's not my fault!" I whined. "He did it before I even had time to react!!"
"He's grown quickly. I'm impressed. And to catch you off guard? Who would've thought."
I huffed, "Yea, but he's lucky he didn't get killed today. Who knows what would've happened had his attack failed."
"You're lucky you didn't get killed today."
I rolled my eyes, "You forget I'm a special grade too."
"But I also know that you drag out your battles... Do you have a death wish?"
"Only sometimes," I mumbled as I started to walk away.
He quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into him, our bodies crashing together as he wrapped an arm around my waist, "That's not funny. What would I do if something ever happened to you?"
"I'm sure you'd be fine, Satoru."
He slowly brought his free hand up to push up his blindfold slightly, showing me his beautiful blue eyes, "That's the thing Y/n... I'll never be fine without you."
My heart began to race as I could barely catch my breath. The smoothness of his voice combined with the beauty of his eyes and the strength of his arm wrapped around me, it was too much.
Chills ran down my spine as I looked at him, feeling the unmistakable love that filled us both.
I snaked my arms around his neck as he pulled my mask down gently, immediately connecting my lips to his as soon as I could.
I didn't waste anytime as I unleashed my tongue from its cage, moaning softly at his familiar taste. He quickly picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him, kissing him deeper now.
Our kiss was sloppy and passionate as we tried desperately to communicate our feelings through our mouths. I bit his lip, making him groan out as we pulled apart to catch our breath.
"Y/n. Please don't leave this time," he let out in a soft voice. "Please don't leave me."
I stared deeply into his eyes, letting all the love I had for him resurface. It was never gone, I just tried to bury it.
I ran my fingers through his soft hair contemplating all the reasons I had left in the first place, but also not caring as I felt his warmth around me for the first time in so long.
I put my forehead to his and closed my eyes, "You know I'm all yours, right?"
"Still?" he asked in a desperate voice.
"Yes," I smiled softly. "Now and always."
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