20: Falling
**hi issa flashback**
"Fucking fight me, Nanami!!" I yelled as I got up off the ground and charged at him.
He was taking it easy on me like always, and it was really starting to piss me off.
"You're beginning to annoy me," he stated coldly as he dodged my attacks.
I spun to land a kick on his face, and he blocked it as if it was nothing. He grabbed my leg and flipped me over his shoulder, slamming me into the ground without a second thought.
The blow took my breath away and as I popped back up onto my feet, I took a moment to wipe the blood from my mouth, examining it with a smirk.
"I said I'm finished for the day," he drilled his eyes into me.
I ignored him and charged again, but as I swung a punch, he stepped to the side, causing me to lose my footing. He grabbed the back of my shirt and threw me to the ground.
"Train with the other students before you waste my time again," he snarled as he watched me sit on the ground in defeat before walking away.
I had been here for well over three months, but I felt like I wasn't improving at all. I let out a loud groan of frustration as I threw my arms against the earth below me.
My hair was a sweaty mess as it stuck to my forehead and face. I felt the cuts and bruises littered across my body. My clothes were dirty and tattered.
I didn't need a mirror to know how absolutely beat up I looked. After a moment, I stood back to my feet and lightly dusted myself off.
I was so tired of feeling like the weakest link. My cursed technique came so naturally ever since I started my training, but I was such a shitty fighter.
I rolled my eyes as I heard an obnoxious laugh in the distance.
"Oh Y/n," the annoying little man-child cooed as he approached me.
Without acknowledgement, I turned around and began to walk away which only made him laugh louder.
"You can't run from me forever," he teased as he now trailed closely behind me.
"What do you want Gojo," I huffed out in annoyance.
"I thought I told you to call me Satoru," I wasn't looking at him but I could picture the smug smirk on his face.
As I continued to walk away he grabbed my arm, making me turn to face him, "It's not very respectful to walk away from your superior."
I stared at his blindfolded face. I hated how I couldn't see his eyes, and yet I knew he could somehow still see all my movements, emotions, and reactions.
"Why don't you ever ask me to train with you?" he grinned as he crossed his arms.
"Don't you have students of your own to tend to?"
"Mm, I rather tend to you."
"Goodbye, Gojo," I muttered.
"Y/n!" he laughed as he called my name. "Y/n wait!"
I kept walking as I heard the sound of him running after me again. I sighed, "Look, I'm a little worn out for this."
"When are you going to finally let me take you out?" he walked next to me as he rested his hands behind his head, his face turned towards me as if he was looking for some reaction of approval.
"Remind me of your age again, sensei."
I couldn't deny that he was incredibly handsome. I had thought so ever since we met outside the small cafe, but being thrown into the world of Jujutsu so suddenly, I had bigger things to worry about.
The last thing I needed was to get in a sticky situation with someone who was helping train me. Plus, we had actually become pretty good friends, and I really didn't want to lose that either.
Honestly, until I met Nanami and Gojo, I didn't have anyone left in my life to care about me... And I liked not being alone anymore.
"I'm not your sensei. And I'm not that much older than you."
I knew he hated when I brought up our ages, and I thought it was so funny how it never failed to annoy him.
He also insisted he wasn't my sensei since a sensei-student relationship would be highly inappropriate. Even for Satoru Gojo, the infamous hater of all rules and regulations.
I stopped to smirk at him, finally enjoying the conversation, "But didn't you just offer to train me?"
"Why are you so difficult?" he asked plainly.
"Oh, Satoru. How quickly you fold when someone gives you a taste of your own medicine," I teased.
He blushed slightly as I used his first name, and the sight of it made my heart flutter.
His cocky persona was the most frustrating thing I had ever encountered, but when he let his guard down even just a little, I was always hooked.
"You know, Y/n. I've never had to ask a woman out more than once, and you've now turned me down twice," he said with a small smile.
His voice was low and serious, but still a little flirty, and I loved the way it sounded when he said my name like that. It gave me chills.
I stepped closer to him, looking up and leaning in, matching his soft tone, "I believe that's three times now, Satoru."
His blush quickly returned and I could hear his breath picking up slightly as he stared down at me.
I was standing so close now, it would be so easy for us to kiss, and I was actually wishing I wasn't wearing this mask because then maybe we would.
I laughed softly and took a step back as I finally realized I liked him just as much as he liked me.
"I have a good feeling about next time, though. Maybe 4 is our lucky number," I called back, waving to him as I walked away.
"So, you finally said yes?" Nanami smirked as he stood in the doorway of my room.
I smoothed out my black dress in the mirror as I tilted my head just slightly. I was beyond nervous to be going out with Gojo, and he had told me to dress up which I was not used to.
The back dress had small straps and a mostly open back. It was a silky fabric that fell nicely around the curves of my body. It was longer, but there was a slit up one side.
I paired it with simple black heels and hoop earrings. I liked the look overall, but it felt so foreign to me.
"Is this crazy?" I looked over at Nanami, suddenly doubting everything about this.
I sighed, "Nanami. I'm being serious."
"Just because it's crazy doesn't mean it's a bad idea."
I laughed, "Who are you, and what did you do with the real Nanami?"
He smiled at me, a rare occurrence, "You and Gojo deserve to be happy, and you clearly make each other happy."
"You're a good friend," I smiled before giving him
a quick hug. "Wish me luck!"
He waved as I walked off to go meet my date outside.
My heart dropped as I saw Satoru in a full suit
completed with his typical black framed glasses, leaning casually against his car in front of the school.
He was scrolling on his phone as he waited. I was just a little late... like always.
"Hey Satoru," I smiled as I got closer. When he looked up at me, his mouth dropped open just slightly. He shoved his phone into his pocket as he walked to meet me.
"Y/n..." he trailed off as he continued to stare. "You, uh, you look beautiful."
"Thanks Satoru, you look pretty nice yourself," I smiled as he hugged me.
He opened the car door and I tried not to freak out as I sat in the passenger seat. I kept my eyes glued to him as he walked around to the drivers side, bouncing my leg nervously.
After a few awkward moments of silence, we quickly fell into a normal conversation. I tried to remind myself this was no different than all the other times I hung out with him. We were just dressed up a little bit.
"Wow," I mumbled as he pulled up to the front of a really nice, really expensive restaurant. I didn't know what to expect, but I wasn't expecting this.
Satoru and I were complete opposites in this way. He was well-known, highly respected, and extremely wealthy.
Me, on the other hand, I was a poor orphan with absolutely zero connections within this jujutsu world or outside of it.
Not that any of that really mattered. I usually didn't even think about it. But sometimes, like now, it was hard to ignore.
"Is this ok?" he asked. "They have great food. I promise."
"Yea, of course. It's perfect," I smiled at him as the valet guy opened my door.
We stood outside patiently as we waited to see the hostess. It was so fancy they made sure you had a reservation before you even got to enter the building.
Satoru had put his arm around me, and in an attempt to not freak out, I began to look around casually.
I smiled as I noticed a street fair in the distance. There were tons of booths and tents set up and a crowd of people.
The chatter and laughter of people walking through the street filled the air. I loved the sight of it all.
"Come on," Satoru said as he pulled me to start walking, a huge smile on his face.
"Huh? What are you doing?" I looked back at the equally confused hostess, noticing a few hundred bills she was now holding. "Where are we going? Our reservation—"
He cut me off, "Mm, they'll keep the car safe for us until we get back."
"Get back from where?" I asked, still very confused about what he was up to.
"I know you better than you think, Y/n," he glanced at me from the corner of his eyes with a bright smile now on his face. "I didn't know there would be a street fair tonight. But I know where you'd rather be."
"Gojo—" I started, but he cut me off again.
"Satoru," he corrected.
I laughed, "Satoru. I was exited for dinner! You chose the place. You had us dress up. It's cute. It's special."
He stopped and turned to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He stared into my eyes as he held me, "Mm, as long as I'm with you it's special."
"And the fact that you'd rather eat street food and laugh with strangers and dance to street performers is one of the many things I love about you."
I blushed and quickly looked away as he confessed something so intimate to me. I didn't know he paid attention to me like that.
And I had no idea what to think about the fact that he just said he loved something about me...
He carefully titled my face to look back at him, "Yea, you heard me."
He leaned in closer to my face, "I said I love you, Y/n. After just three months of talking to you everyday and watching how hard you work and getting to know you, I have fallen absolutely in love with you."
For the first time since meeting him, I decided not to hold back. I grabbed his suit jacket and pulled him into me, making our lips crash together.
And Satoru welcomed it openly. Before I knew it, we were making out in the middle of the street. My arms wrapped around his neck and he held my waist tightly with one arm and the other hand on the back of my head.
He smiled as we pulled apart, "That was even better than I imagined it."
I laughed, "And exactly how many times have you imagined it?"
"Mm, you don't want to know," he teased.
I shook my head as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, "I love you too, Satoru."
He quickly pulled me back for another kiss, this time letting his hands explore my backside.
"Ok," I laughed as I removed his hands off my ass. "We're still in public."
"So what, let em watch," he huffed as he leaned in to kiss me but this time I pulled away.
I smiled as I grabbed his hand and led him into the crowd of people, "Come on. Let's find some food. I'm starving!"
He reluctantly followed, throwing his arm around me as we walked up to a nikuman booth, the first stop of many for the night. (issa steamed bun lol)
yes i'm bi don't @ me
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